if you typed that with one finger I'm impressed. If you want to find out what I'm talking about - my books are free on academia site "drew hempel" - as a follower of Adam Neely you should understand that a "chord" already assumes a tuning system, unless it's a two note "chord" that typically is called an interval (although in geometry a cord is two points - so that's where it gets interesting). In the case of a guitar - it would typically be the equal-tempered logarithmic tuning system.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Sunday, June 12, 2022
My Adam Neely thread comments continue to receive responses: What's the source of the One?
So a Power Chord is not what I'm talking about although the basic 1-4-5 chord structure is definitely inspired by the 12 note scale built from the Perfect Fifth and Fourth intervals. As far as the Abyss - yes the issue here is what is the "ONE" as James Brown used to harangue his bass player about. Most people learn music theory as some external measurement system without realizing that there is no "one" as a materialistic wavelength. Listening is an infinite process that is noncommutative.
So what Philolaus did was he had to "flip" his Lyre around (sorry not a Ramones Power Chord scenario). So in other words before Western Frequency was contrived as a logarithmic equal-tempered geometric magnitude system the "ONE had to be contained as a geometric squaring of the octave. So in terms of the Power Chords - the Perfect Fifth is 2/3 as the undertone or C to F in geometry while the "one" as C is 3/2 as C to G overtone. So we know that 2/3 was then "doubled" as the octave to create 4/3 as the Perfect Fourth but what is not noticed is that as soon as you have 3 in the denominator then Presto - you just changed what your ONE is!!
The Harmonic Series assumes that the denominator has to be the One or an equivalent octave pitch in the denominator. This basic "Bait and Switch" is not even noticed by most people studying music theory - it took a Fields Medal (harder to get than Nobel Prize) recipient Math Professor to point this out! Essentially the exponentials are "noncommutative" since when you subtract then you are dividing.
I go into the math details more in my "Strange Vibrations" book - the final chapter - again it's free on that academia site edu under "drew hempel." Also my book "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" gives more details - in terms of the nonwestern music as the infinite spiral of fifths. (or the inverted infinite spiral of fourths). The key point being again that the "one" as the pitch can not be contained as a materialistic "negative infinity" or zero starting point of the wavelength.
Rather time-frequency is a nonmaterialistic information energy with the future and past overlapping in the 5th dimension at each "zero" point of space. This was rediscovered by Nobel Physicist Louis de Broglie as what he considered his greatest discovery, the Law of Phase Harmony (not taught in schools btw). Hey - it was known by our nonwestern cultures practicing shamanic spiritual healing based on listening to the source of sound. haha.
I suppose the Ramones had their moments - I use to have my ears ringing from playing in a noise band in the 1980s in Minneapolis and then I had to go memorize classical music like Bach's Italian Concerto in F for my solo piano concert to finish high school - hilarious. thanks for the question.
I hope you will listen to me here. So I have been secretly obsessed with this music theory concept since around 1988 or so. Over 30 years. So then even after my master's thesis - I realized my analysis was not radical enough. I had to study science more to figure out what was wrong. This physicist wanted to published my master's thesis as a book. He had his own publishing company - on music theory and science. So then he said he could not understand my master's thesis. As I tried to explain then he said, well actually his wife wanted to publish it not him. haha.
So I looked at his book on music and fractals and he explained that the Taiji symbol could not be a fractal since the Taiji symbol is not based on symmetric math. So then suddenly I realized the problem I had in my master's thesis since I had argued the taiji symbol could be modeled by logistic equations as symmetric math.
Anyway so then I discovered John Bealieau's book on Biosonics and - he tells this story of how after experiencing John Cage's work on silence - then he was in one of those sound-proof rooms and John could hear the sounds of his body internally - the blood, etc. So anyway his book says how the Perfect Fifth is yang and the Perfect Fourth is yin. Suddenly I realized what I had been getting at.
OK so I decided to test out my theory by doing the intensive meditation as music but the listening now then transforms the body and mind as well.
So I studied with Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com - his son is actually also a classical pianist and very adept but his son trained as a medical doctor. Anyway so in 2000 Chunyi said I had an "enlightenment experience" - and I had proven to myself that indeed the meditation works - based on this simple music principle. So one of the core meditations is called the "small universe" and it's based on 12 energy nodes along the body - and so I kept researching to confirm that indeed in Daoist Neidan (alchemy) those 12 nodes are actually from music theory!
So in other words as Sir James Jeans points out in his book "Science and Music" - the spiral of fifths is empirically accurate as infinite energy while the "circle of fifths" is just an approximation. So then I discovered that the oldest philosophy of India is based on the "three gunas" which is also from the Perfect Fifth as rajas and the octave as sattva (Emptiness as purity) and the Perfect Fourth as tamas.
So in fact the simplest is the most powerful - and yes in science this tactile secret is called "proprioception" and in my research I discovered this is through ultrasound.
So we modern science people think that humans can not hear ultrasound but some Japanese scientist proved that humans can hear ultrasound - and call this the "HyperSonic Effect." It's just that Western equal-tempered tuning cuts off the natural harmonics resonance. So with for example Gamelan music of Indonesia there is a nonlinear feedback from the ultrasound harmonics and also the subharmonic ELF acoustics. So I kept researching this - turns out a CIA mind control science Dr. Andrija Puharich had figured out this secret also - and so it is used for "remote viewing" training - via Robert Monroe - the Monroe Institute using Binaural subharmonics. But our body naturally creates this subharmonic amplification via ultrasound resonance of the vagus nerve.
So when we get the chills - this is often from tactile stimulation but also from music. So the tingles or chills is called "frisson" in music - and it is activation of the vagus nerve.
So normally this just increases dopamine as bliss but the 2nd movements as slow music - for example in Bach's Italian Concerto in F - the slow movement - this causes an entrainment of the heart with the brain via the 1 beat per second as the metronome (60 setting). So I had gotten an EEG by a nurse since I signed up for a paid medical research study. And she exclaimed in shock at how strong my Alpha brain waves were! I knew this was from Bach's 2nd movement - of the Italian Concerto. I had a friend who thought I was a stoner in high school - now I was blissed out from serotonin levels.
So the HyperSonic Effect has been proven to naturally increase the serotonin levels by increasing the alpha brain waves deep in the brain. Only musicians get an enlarged corpus callosum via intense music training from a young age. This is to integrate the right and left brain.
So this Hypersonic Effect is creating a subharmonic amplification via vagus nerve ionization and this causes the lower body serotonin to go into the brain via the pineal gland. So yes there is a much deeper transformation via music - and this resonates into light as spirit visions but also even as spacetime transformations. For example Sony has patented a "Matrix" technology based on the ultrasound frequency of tactile proprioception. Special Forces uses this same secret as the "Brain Port" so that the perceptual senses are now modulated via ultrasound frequency - so that you can see by tasting on the tongue for example.
Now Math professor Alain Connes has a Fields Medal (harder to get than Nobel Prize) and he argues the same thing that I figured out! He says the truth of music is "noncommutative" - meaning it does not use the symmetric logic that so far has guided Western science. So he says this noncommutative secret (simply that 2 does not go into 3) therefore enables a unification of relativity and quantum physics. So the ancients already knew this but Connes is trying to completely redo science based on this ancient music secret! haha. No one else even discusses this very simple yet radical logical insight from music theory.
That's the Connes lecture. He reference to music theory took me a while to decode. I had first read Connes around 2004 or so - and at first I thought he was being metaphorical. No - this is precisely what I had been wondering about.
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