I started the "Debunking the Disclosure Project" thread on Unexplained Mysteries in 2006 and this is the final thread comment:
Posted January 26, 2011
On 1/26/2011 at 9:18 AM, 747400 said:
"Hello. :) I don't think I've posted in this Thread before, but I was just wondering, why is it so, apparently, important that the Disclosure Project must be Debunked? It must be important, for this thread to have been going for 25 pages now. Is it just because it's bad Science, and as such must be eliminated before it corrupts the minds of the young? Is it actually doing any harm to anyone? Alright, it may be making money from sales of things, but are there any other very important reasons why it should be eliminated?"
Well 747, I guess it depends on the eye of the beholder. Personally, I find it very important to point out bad science as portrayed in the Disclosure Project. In scientific circles this is naturally not an issue as scientists are able to differentiate between science and pseudoscience. However, on a forum like this said project has been popping up numerous time as a validation of ET visitation and if people are not told the fallacies they employ, it is very easy to be deceived by their fantastic claims. I find that this field is cluttered by this kind of bad science rather than the critical thinking that should be employed by us all when we form our opinion about what is happening in the skies.
Congress has been a joke ever since the CIA side-stepped Carter's crackdown (actually it goes back to the assassination of JFK)....
The claim that SRI was fake because it wasn't really part of Stanford belies the fact that Stanford Linear Accelerator Center was part of Stanford and also researched and promoted the paranormal as the "quantum psychology" research of physicist Eddie Oshins - also promoted by H.P. Noyes who ran SLAC. SLAC also did joint research with SRI.
That camera footage got debunked also
Richard Dolan was spreading the lies about the Nuke-UFO 1967 "sighting" at EchoFlight - I emailed Dolan about that about 7 years ago? Echo Flights of Fantasy - Anatomy of A UFO Hoax by James Carlson ...
This article evaluates new information that supports the author's claim that UFOs did not interfere with the nuclear missiles at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 ...
Check out Tim Herbert's blog for details.
Bizarre 6-Inch Skeleton Shown to Be Human
Tiny "ET" gets a scientific debunking..."This looks to me like a badly desiccated and mummified human fetus or premature stillbirth," says William Jungers, a paleoanthropologist and anatomist at Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York. He notes that "barely ossified and immature elements" of the hands and feet, and the wide open metopic suture, where the two frontal bones of the skull come together down the middle of the forehead. "Genetic anomalies are not evident, probably because there aren't any," he says.
before HAARP there was Project ELF - a first strike nuclear trident submarine communications system. I got arrested there in 1995 or 1996.
There is a Latin term in judicial parlance Qui Bono or Cui Bono, which literally means 'as a benefit to whom'. Pronounced Kwee bow-know
where N (t − s) denotes the quantum noise in the fluctuating random force given by the Nyquist
theorem [20]. From Eq. (11) we see that nonzero y yields an “unlikely process” in the classical
limit “ ̄h → 0”, in view of the large imaginary part of the action. At quantum level, instead,
nonzero y may allow quantum noise effects arising from the imaginary part of the action [20].
We thus see that the second sheet cannot be neglected: in the perturbative approach one may
drop higher order terms in the action functional expansion, since they correspond to unlikely
processes at the classical level. However, these terms may be responsible for quantum noise
corrections and thus, in order to not preclude the quantization effects, one should keep them."
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