Thanks for the reply Alison. Yes I worked in nonprofits and
activism and you are correct to realize that was my first initial
evidence that we were doomed, in 1996. But that moment was when I was
the farm house with my activist mentor's mom who runs a wildlife
rehabilitation center. Her name is Linda Peck, actually a Ph.D. in
biology and licensed to run that center - all volunteer work.
after I tested out my music hypothesis through the African Studies
Department - by studying in qigong from Chunyi Lin - then I realized
that we modern westerners have really no idea what
the truth of reality is at all. haha.
To explain noncommutativity? I used to call it "complementary opposites" and it was hilarious because I would explain it to people and hardly anyone had any idea what I was talking about. I started to question if maybe I was just making it all up!! I literally used the interweb forums as my "peanut gallery" to challenge me to do more research - debating with people. So yes it was only when I discovered Alain Connes music theory lecture that I had full corroboration but even then I had to study his lectures in more detail.
Basically Western science is from Platonic philosophy and the idea of a geometric materialistic "continuum" that arises from symmetry. So Plato argued that since we have two eyes and two feet and two legs, etc. then it is obvious they are symmetric and this symmetry is a "twoness" as a group that exists before number. This is what is commonly called his Platonic Forms and is the philosophical justification for the square root of two as the first or "power axiom set" of irrational magnitude math. So everyone gets brainwashed by this basic truth by the age of 14 when the prefrontal cortex has not even really started puberty much yet. haha.
In fact the Pythagorean Theorem is the most proven theorem of math so how could anyone doubt it - and anyone doing building construction relies on it. Have you studied Abraham Seidenberg yet and Lord Raglan? I reference them in my 2012 book, "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music." (free pdf online).
Well anyway recently I was studying the rational number solution of the Pythagorean Theorem and I realized that it really must be noncommutative. So I emailed Math Professor Louis Kauffman a quick note - and this was late into the night - and he replied immediately: "You mean this?" It was a recent and therefore unpublished noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem proof that then proved the Dirac relativistic quantum operator - beyond relativity. haha.
Well I'm not trying to confuse you with science gobbly-gook. Because you asked for noncommutativity to be explained and in fact it is quite simple to explain it but on a logical level we have to deprogram our brains. So we all learn that multiplication is commutative meaning the order can be reversed logically so that A x B = B x A. As Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini replied to me recently - in fact the real world is noncommmutative; so that, for example, if you put your shoes on before your socks and then your socks over your shoes, etc. The order changes the meaning and this even applies to multiplication.
So the Platonic Form has to rely on the concept of a "unit" as a measuring standard. This is discussed and analyzed in the 1999 Philosophy article by Professors Charles Sayward and Philip Hugly - "Did the Greeks Discover the Irrational?" Their answer is NO! Why? Because for there to be a geometric length then there has to be a materialistic "unit" as a standard - say inches. But this "unit" is not a de facto truth and so the Pythagorean Theorem as a proof is confusing geometric length with arithmetic distance. Even Bertrand Russell called irrational numbers a "convenient fiction."
So Alain Connes big point is that when Heisenberg was studying the Ritz-Ryberg law of light spectrometry - how molecules have a certain emission or absorption spectra of light based on their frequency - then Heisenberg realized the algebra is not commutative. It took Dirac to realize the noncommutative algebra was matrix math...
If you read, for example, math Professor Ian Stewart's book, "Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry" (and yes I've corresponded with him also) - he argues that all of math is based on symmetry.
There is a book I reference in my master's thesis called "From Pythagoras to Einstein" - essentially relativity is just an extension of the Pythagorean Theorem.
So when math gets to matrices this is really based on extending the dimensions of units as irrational number magnitude - so that once the algebraic equations go into the 5th dimension then matrix math has to be used. But then math uses something called the Poisson Bracket (that Dirac applied to quantum mechanics) to then "convert" the noncommutative matrices (the inner cross product) into a symmetric equation again.
OK that's the science side of the story but my background is in music training!! So for example I don't do mathematical calculations! I just study math concepts. As Roger Penrose points out, as per the Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, the truth of math is a conceptual understanding that can not be captured into an algorithmic proof equation.
OK so in basic music theory traditionally the first note is called "C" as the geometry - like "Doe" for the "Doe a Deer' music scale in the Sound of Music movie. The musical pitch though remains the same for the octave and so the C is also the number 2. Then there is a natural resonance of overtones and undertones just from listening to any one note. So this resonance is called the "Harmonic Series" or the "Overtone Series" - and here's where the "bait and switch" lies about the mathematics kicked in.
So for the third note it is G as the Perfect Fifth or 3/2 as the ratio. Now when I was in high school I noticed that C to F as the undertone is ALSO a Perfect Fifth as 2/3. So I simply wondered to myself - WHY can't 2/3 also be the Perfect Fifth as the frequency? My music tutor who was a former University Professor then informed me that music is based on logarithms and that's why.
Now the key point here is that to create the logarithms the One as the "root tonic" has to secretly be changed! And since most people learn music as an external measuring of symmetric geometric magnitude then they assume that changing the root tonic that is listened to does not matter! But since I was trained in music from a young age then I know that it is the listening that matters in music and most of human biological history was music without any external instruments. A westerner brainwashed in western music will insist that to play music we need equal-tempered logarithmic tuning so we can have "harmony." haha.
Later I then learned that Archytas created this equation so that the number 2 was actually called the Geometric Mean Squared and so then 3/2 was called the Arithmetic Mean. So the equation is the Arithmetic Mean times the Harmonic Mean equals the Geometric Mean Squared. This means 3/2 x 4/3 = 2 as the octave and then this also means the Perfect Fifth PLUS the Perfect Fourth = the Octave (everyone learns this in basic music theory).
So in fact that was the FIRST logarithmic equation in the history of Western science and yet it was based on a lie!!
Why was it a lie? I can go into the details more - Archytas was relying on Philolaus who flipped his lyre around - and there's plenty of details. I gave the details in my book, "Music as Meditation."
Anyway I kept this secret to myself because I realized the Pythagorean Theorem was actually from the wrong music theory and so I rejected the Pythagorean Theorem in high school. I didn't tell anyone and I still scored 90% in math on my ACT - so far so good.
Well - as you know - the "music logarithmic spiral" is the core guiding plan of the World Brain Matrix Plan. Again this is the expanding dimensions as a structural drive of science based on this concept of symmetry from Platonic philosophy.
So yes it is very abstract and a deep mind control philosophy as it's due to our visual dominance as humans. When we lived in the rainforest our dominant perception was listening!! haha.
So yes it seems very abstract but everyone listens to Western music right?
Even economist Michael E. Hudson, the Professor who started out in music, he explains, as I quote, that Archytas lied and so Western music was promoted as social harmony when in fact the logarithms, as the basis of democracy for Plato, then covered up the inverse of logarithms as exponential wealth growth for the elite.
So Plato argued, in the original structural promotion of eugenics, that each citizen is valued as 9/8 the major 2nd music tone (from 3/2 square to 9/4 and then halved back into the same octave as 9/8). There's another way to explain that math that goes into the noncommutativity secret - again my book gives the details. And then 9/8 cubed is the tritone music interval, the most dissonant and Plato called this the Tyrant - and so he argued that democracy leads to the Tyrant taking over.
Well all of Western philosophy whether it's Slavoj Zizek of the Left (whom I critiqued in 1996 and so his 1997 book Plague of Fantasies was a strawman argument against my critique of him - he had sent me a postcard replying he was going to read all my work and get back to me as it was very interesting...) to Leo Strauss of Platonic NeoCon fame.... is all based on Plato.
That's all for now,
drew hempel
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