If you try sun gazing when it is dusk or dawn and the sun is low on the horizon then after a minute or so - try closing your eyes. You should see a beautiful pure blue light and then a green light around that blue light and then a yellow and red light around the blue and green light. The pineal gland has photoreceptors on it via the pinealocytes. And so our third eye increases its activity just as you describe what Ed Leeskalnin realized. He was practicing what is commonly known as:
"Phosphenes are most commonly introduced by simply closing your eyes and rubbing them or squeezing them shut, tightly; generally the harder you rub or squeeze, the more phosphenes you’ll see. This pressure stimulates the cells of the retina and, thus, makes your brain think you are seeing light. Specifically, Grüsser et al. demonstrated that pressure in the eye results in activation of retinal ganglion cells in a very similar way to how they activate as a response to light.
There are also several other ways phosphenes can be generated. These include through: electrical stimulation; intense magnetic fields; hallucinogenic drugs (phosphenes not to be confused with hallucinations, which are generated in the brain, not the eye); "
So I also have measured my body using a multimeter - and if you study the Earthing research what they realized is that when standing vertically on the Earth - bare feet - there is a much higher electrical potential difference between the head and the feet. So in quantum biology it is known that the collagen are piezoelectric with the charge running vertically. So that's why when we do isomorphic exercises like the horse stance - at Shaolin they will stand without moving yet they are generating a charge and building it up.
Ideally they practice with bare feet. My own teacher said he buried his feet into the earth - I think a few feet - to make sure he got good contact with the Earth's "yin qi" or negative ion energy.
I have read various investigations of "how" Ed Leedskalnin built his "Coral Castle." I'm really not so much into practical mechanical building as that is based on symmetry that is rectilinear. I prefer the yin-yang dynamics.
So for example in my training manual I cite a Dr. Lin who did research out of California. He tested the magnetic fields generated by a person who rides a stationary bicycle or a person who lift weights - compared to doing 15 minutes of Tai Chi - the Western exercises generate next to NO electromagnetic or bioelectromagnetnic energy!
Whereas if you do Yichuan as a standing static "internal martial arts" training the foundation of the practice is to build up to two hours a day of static posture. The secret though is that you VISUALIZE the energy going from the back left foot to the front right hand and vice versa - throughout the whole body. I saw someone who claimed to be an expert in Yichuan but they were a Westerner so they did not even understand this secret that is the foundation. Instead they had a visualization exercise that was based on symmetry!!
So the visualization during meditation is the laser biophoton light that is turned around and built up. When we open our eyes at least two-thirds of our brain's energy goes into vision and our brain runs off 25 watts of energy. So when we close our eyes we are generating that much power that is turned around internally as "negative ion" energy. With the feet barefoot on the Earth we create an open circuit so that we can keep recharging the "yin qi" energy.
Eventually when the yin qi energy fills up the second brain or small intestines - as a stored charge in the lecithin or myelin of the neurons - then the "Yang qi" gets fully activated as the delocalized proton-proton energy that Dr. Mae-Wan Ho figured out. So essentially Andrija Puharich also figured out that ultrasound splits water internally into proton and electron energy thereby creating virtual photons.
So for example if you do Wim Hof breathing then when you hold the breath AFTER exhale - this increases the blood flow to the brain to increase the oxygen levels powering the mitochondria of the neurons. The mitochondria are proven to generate biophotons. So those biophotons then FEED the microtubules where they are then STORED as Yuan Qi energy due to the virtual photons from the quantum coherence of the tubulin and microtubules as a "metamaterial."
So Wim Hof says that he sees light when he does his Tummo breathing and he creates great heat in the pit of his stomach. So he is actually creating Yuan Qi energy. The Yuan Qi energy is creating in the brain but then it is swallowed as the cerebrospinal fluid builds up - and the fluid flows out of the nasal sinus cavity. It is then swallowed with that charge held in it - and it creates great heat in the pit of the stomach as the charge is absorbed into the small intestines to be stored.
The charge is then ACTIVATED by the biophoton signal again that we see externally - and this is why Sun Gazing will also activate the lower tan tien - to store up the Yuan Qi energy. Birds do the same thing for migration. There is a quantum spin with the cytochrome as a photoreceptor in the eye.
The Quantum spin means that it is quantum nonlocality that activates the photon signal into an electrochemical signal in the eye. So this is why Birds have their migration messed up when they fly by cities because the electromagnetic pollution messes up the quantum spin of the Schumann resonance as an Alpha brain wave or Theta brain wave in the REM visionary state (of our waking dreams).
So in terms of quantum biology when we look at the sky and see the sun we are accessing the "reverse time" and "negative frequency" or "virtual photon" nonlocality that is superluminal - as the "magnetic moment" that powers the solar fusion energy of the sun. Internally this is achieved from the pressure as an ultrasonic cavitation whereby the volume collapses faster than the surface area of the sphere. So that generates MORE HEAT than the heat that the sun gives off - per surface area.
There is a Dr. Fabio Cardone in Italy who uses a Sonotrode ultrasound device to achieve fusion of metal and other experiments - proving that nuclear energy is created from the ultrasound cavitation. He calls this the "shadow of light" due to the energy being the nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm Effect.
So even if there is a Zero electromagnetic energy there is STILL an eternal motion of the negative frequency and reverse time energy. The "zero" electromagnetic volt is measured based on the amplitude but not the frequency that is a reverse time and negative frequency as the phase change - what's called "spontaneous symmetry breaking" in science. So that phase change is the 5th dimension that is nonlocal.
Morna Finnegan is awesome. Her brother, Brian Finnegan, is a music composer. I haven't listened to his music. His sister's voice is musical enough for me. haha. She's done awesome research. She has a nine year old daughter. Actually that lecture she gives is really academic - you'd have to already know about Bakhtin - She goes into his theory a bit. Luckily I had already read this stuff.
Grotesque body -The grotesque body is a concept, or literary trope, put forward by Russian literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin in his study of François Rabelais' work. ... In the article, "Absurdity and Hidden Truth: "
Also.. what else - oh she cites one of the San Bushmen books I have listed - on Trance and Tricksters by the anthropologist Guenther - maybe a married couple? Anyway... that book is a real gem because it explains what I have experienced myself personally from my meditation training. The sad thing is that the anthropologists have not done the real training through the initiation - so they are trying to understand this stuff without the actual energy experience. Morna seems to have a sense of the energy though.
She describes how after hours of dancing then a person may leave the dancing group - not because they are tired but rather they are so filled with so much energy that their sense of individuality is gone. And so the energy is a kind of impersonal joy and love as a quantum magnetic energy. She uses the term quantum - and also magnetic I think. So she's really talking about what in Daoism is called the "Yuan Qi" or cosmic qi that is accessed through the heart.
It's a deep right side vagus nerve activation - and so the dancing is actually charging up their bodies with negative ions that then combine with the neurohormones. This splits the water in the body to create a delocalized proton energy that is powered by virtual photons.
Us modern Westerners have no idea that Time is actually subjective - and so the spiritual healers can time travel also. A great example of this is Andrew Zimmern of the Bizarre World cooking show.
I gotta find the video - it doesn't come up anymore by searching youtube. .... yes that's why I'm a shithead - I use all my "yin qi" for mental focus, sitting in full lotus. When in fact my "yin qi" should be focused in my small intestines to turn my "yang qi" into Yuan Qi. Yuan qi is way more powerful than just thinking. My qigong master teacher says I think too much. That's what he's referring to. haha.
Our original human cultures relied on "dream visions" for hunting success. Dr. Morna Finnegan talks about this and I read Louise Erdrich's favorite book - "The Falcon" - a memoir of a white man kidnapped as a child by an Ojibwe tribe. the lady who raised him - they were starving in the forest and so she had a vision quest. She saw where a bear was that they could track and eat.
Of course hunting and living in the wild after Western genocidal colonialism is much more difficult. Just shows though - for example there is a book on a tribe out in the Northwest - what are they called? hmm... I need my right brain to grab onto that deep memory storage that is currently subconscious. ... One of m - CROW that's it.
OK so there's a book by Nabokov - an anthropologist - about how if a Crow warrior wants to go on an attack he first has to go on Vision Quest - and that there has to be a balance to his "daring courage" with meditation to worship the Cosmic Mother
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