Sunday, December 19, 2021

Tired of those Shriner Hospital Guilt-trip Info-mercials? Their five executives make from 822K a year on average - hence the need for "donations"?

 If you are desperate for donations do you really need to make 600K to over 1 million  a year? OFF guilt trip expensive tax-free commercials on t.v.?  

Funny how I can't even take a screen shot?

461,498 plus 735,302 is one person's salary off donations.

 512,560 plus 417,943 is another person's salary off donations - of Guilt-Trip commercials on TV?

 580,233 plus 110,715 is a third person's salary off donations.

 661,554 plus 6,968 is a fourth person's salary off guilt-trip commercials.

 645,204 plus 6,494 is a fifth person's salary. Let's see what the total is - off guilt-trip t.v. commercials!!

 4 million 111 thousand 828 dollars.

 Not bad by guilt-tripping people watching t.v.!!

40% of the population makes $15 an hour or less - not enough to cover basic expenses.

And so they are fed guilt-tripping videos and so donate money they don't have...

So that five people can make just under 1 million on average. What's the average?

822,365 per person!!!


When the thrift store Goodwill asks for "donations" - I looked up what their CEO makes. So now I just say - I'll wait for your CEO to take a big paycut first before I make a donation. haha.

I worked at a nonprofit for ten years - I saw employees almost get in physical fights because they barely made enough for rent money - by BEGGING for money!! Yet the executives made almost ten times as much money by getting Wall Street "donations." The workers had no idea what was going on. It was supposed to be run by a "citizen's board." When I found out then I got grilled...

What do you know?

haha. So much for a "citizen's run" grass roots nonprofit.

A good book on this is "ACtivism, Inc."

A reader informs me:

Shriner's IRS return reports over $6 BILLION in investment assets

Thanks for scrutinizing the Shriner's Scam.

The Shriner's need to stop preying off poor people's guilt.

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