Joseph Mazur's book on Zeno's Paradox admits that it was never solved - despite physics claiming that calculus solved Zeno's Paradox. Pretty hilarious. The organic melody is actually noncommutative phase logic - only rediscovered by Louis de Broglie and Heisenberg. Schroedinger covered it up and then realized he couldn't figure it out - except with negentropy. The whole macroquantum biology as physics of psychology - the issue here is that our spirit is based on a laser coherent resonance of biophotons. So that is why there is self-amplification of energy during meditation but it is driven by the noncommutative phase origin of time-frequency uncertainty. So Alain Connes points this out - as does B.G. Sidharth. Actually my article on the Law of Phase Harmony gives more examples. Yes science has destroyed ecology and biology - and the destruction is accelerating. Mother Nature is taking revenge against science. The DeNile of the Ecological Crisis is now the return of the repressed.
That's precisely why I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem - when I took geometry. I knew it was wrong since it originated from music theory and it was based on the wrong music theory. I didn't know the mathematical details why but I figured that out later. The "noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem" is an attempt to correct the Pythagorean theorem aka the "Power Axiom Set" - supposedly the most proven math theorem as the foundation of the Greek Miracle.
Actually your expose on zero time is also the main point of Professor Harry M. Collins. See his Collins, H. M., (2003) `Lead Into Gold: The Science of Finding Nothing', Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 34, 4, 661-691.
I am terribly afraid that the generation of Greta are about to find out why previous generations have been unable to get anything done about this. It's not for lack of caring. The powerful are just so determined not to let the boat be rocked.
the "Greed is Good" generation X that I am part of - definitely had a lack of caring. Think "Valley Girls" -
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang I'm Generation X too, and I remember the 90s as as series of anti-World Bank demonstrations, alliances between environmental, socialist and indigenous groups, etc. Yes, there was materialism — but today you've got Whats-her-name Jenner, Tik Tok influencers and makeup tutorials.
@ailblentyn ok so I was at the "kick off" of the "50 Years is Enough!" campaign in D.C. We protested against the World Bank in 1994. There was maybe two dozen protesters but I think not that many. I was also at the 1999 Shutdown of the WTO "Battle in Seattle" - of course that was a huge success. I did have to keep running around in circles to not be shot by rubber bullets and not get arrested. I had a court trial I had to get back to in Minneapolis. But the Seattle protest caught the "authorities" by surprise. So after that all the other big anti-globalization protests were countered by an overwhelming militarized cop riot. I didn't go to any of those protests after Seattle - and none of them had much impact in terms of strategic success. The Seattle Shutdown is what Slavoj Zizek calls a "vanishing mediator." See the 1994 "core" protesters and organizers - they organized the 1999 Shutdown. One of the main organizers started out in Minneapolis in 1995 or 1996 - as an "intern" organizing job for Green Corps. I helped him with some of his organizing protest work - those protests also had LESS than two dozen people at most. haha. Oh well. He actually got "fired" from his big organizing job - at Rainforest Action Network - or something - he didn't want to go along with their strategies.
Actually a good expose book on "their strategies" is the book "Activism, Inc." by anthropology Ph.D. Dana Fisher.
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@Ruth J. Morrison Noam Chomsky points out that mind control is more effective as the mind controls the body. Yes our problem is much deeper than people realize - it starts with the Greek Miracle as the origin of Western civilization. I realized we were doomed by 1996 and so in 2000 - I did intensive nonwestern meditation. So now I know that ghosts are real. Modern Westernized peoples have no idea what we are missing. Our original human culture - the San Bushmen - knew how to live properly - from 100,000 years ago. The book "The Harmless People" by Dr. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - that is a good start on how we are supposed to live.
"Kronecker hated the irrationals, but they take up all the space in the number line. The infinity of the rational numbers is nothing more than a zero."
Charles Seife, Zero: the biography of a dangerous idea.
Yes time was converted to a spatial geometry based on symmetry. Oops! Science works if people ignore the accelerating social and ecological crisis. We are experiencing the ecological equivalent of the big asteroid 65 million years ago - and even worse - the late Permian extinction. What's funny is that the abrupt global warming science community thinks science will save us.
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