I read Noam Chomsky's "For the Common Good" small book - back in 1998. Wow time flies! I have corresponded with him recently. He now emphasizes how indigenous cultures are on the cutting edge to protect ecology against abrupt global warming. I did a lengthy discussion of Chomsky in my master's thesis on radical ecology and music theory. He does consider music as a potential if not probable origin of human language via "musilanguage."
Anyway I finished my Master's Degree (in 2000) by training with a Chinese spiritual yoga master healer named Chunyi Lin - and I did so through the African Studies department - with the consideration that Pythagoras trained in Egypt and that the "natural law" of Plato and Aristotle is racist (as per the book, "The Racial Contract").
So Chomsky, although he's a crucial radical and structural critic of Western "progress" - and I relied on his research for my own policy activism during my graduate studies - I tend to think Chomsky is a bit too dependent on Western science as a model of reality - what Zizek calls "rational humanism." I have critiqued Zizek also of course - and I am aware of the "debate" or critiques between Chomsky and Zizek.
So I think Zizek has some fascinating insights also but also relies on Western thinking from Plato too much. In fact Plato argues that each citizen is valued as 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, and therefore must be "compromised" for the "good of the state." This is detailed by Ernest McClain in his books on Plato's music philosophy. 9/8 cubed is then the Tritone as the square root of two approximation that Plato calls the Tyrant.
So this means that logarithmic math with its inverse exponential function is inherent to so-called Western democracy. And therefore each individual "vote" is compromised for the good of the inverse of the logarithmic democracy as the exponential wealth growth of the elite. Economist Michael E. Hudson also points out this scam about equal-tempered music tuning as the basis and mass mind control propaganda promoting the "social harmony" of the inverse exponential growth of the elite via "democracy" as a logarithmic equal person system.
So what's the answer? In science it's called "Noncommutative phase" or "noncommutative geometry" as Alain Connes explains in his youtube lectures on music theory - he's a Fields Medal math professor so there's a lot of physics also. I pointed this out to Noam Chomsky and he said - this was a few months ago - that he wished he had more time to study noncommutative geometry as per the origin of human language and cognitive science, etc. Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff are working on this and have collaborated with Chomsky on the linguistics as well. So there is a connection.
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