yes I left comments on Arvin Ash's vids - it's tragic that people just "follow" these fancy youtube vids without doing their own research. Yes Sir Roger Penrose at least insists that the "measurement problem" is real and there is no gradual decoherence as "emergence." People want to project emergence onto his science and he, himself, only recently realized that noncommutative phase logic is at the core of his "twistors" (a term that Basil J. Hiley coined). So also Schroedinger's use of the term "Negative entropy" means literally that classical physics has created entropy as the ecological and social justice crisis on Earth. So there is no "pure" mathematics at all - this goes back to Plato and Archytas. Quantum biology takes this up - with an amplification of the subquantum realm of negative entropy from nonlocal entanglement or nonlocality. So that the biophotons are inherently coherent (unlike the external measurements relying on experiment creation of coherent lasers).
yes Jean Bricmont points out that Quantum Field Theory does not understand the EPR Bell experiments.
Yes Martin van der Mark emphasizes the de Broglie realized that the "rest mass" as a simultaneity phase is a lie.
Max Born, (Quantum mechanics of collision processes (), , 38 (1926), 803-827) "I shall recall a remark that made about the behavior of the wave field and light quanta. He said that perhaps the waves only have to be wherever one needs to know the path of the corpuscular light quanta, and in that sense, he spoke of a “ghost field.” It determines the probability that a light quantum - viz., the carrier of energy and impulse – follows a certain path; however, the field itself is ascribed no energy and no impulse. One would do better to postpone these thoughts, when coupled directly to quantum mechanics, until the place of the electromagnetic field in the formalism has been established. However, from the complete analogy between light quanta and electrons, one might consider formulating the laws of electron motion in a similar manner. This is closely related to regarding the waves as “ghost fields,” or better yet, “guiding fields.”
So if you check out Yakir Aharonov - his research team experimentally reproduced the de Broglie-Bohm phase waves from the future and past that "guide" the particle - using the weak measurements of entangled light BEFORE any "collapse of the wave function." He calls these Nega-particles since they're anti-mass from the future.
The Multiverse model is based on the time-frequency uncertainty being resonated FASTER than it can be measured as a linear operator. So this is done by LISTENING as proven to be up to 10 tens FASTER than Fourier Uncertainty or time-frequency uncertainty. So the quantum coherence is noncommutative and not based on synchronicity as an external measurement.
The complex numbers actually originate from noncommutative phase. Math professor Louis Kauffman gives the details on this - time is an iteration as a process of the future and past overlapping - that he calls "primordial time." So the 1/2 spin as 720 spin relies on the MEASUREMENT as another "unit" of time that makes it a noncommutative process.
The problem was that Planck was inspired by logarithmic equal-tempered tuning MUSIC to create his "average energy of light" constant. He had to CANCEL out the time unit in order to convert to Joules and thus the relativistic noncommutative phase of reverse time energy was lost. Schroedinger did return to this as "negative entropy" as the secret of life.
de Broglie said the Law of Phase Harmony was his greatest discovery yet Schroedinger had to ignore it to create his wave mechanics and modern physics has continued to ignore the Law of Phase Harmony. Only Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft and his protege Martin van der Mark - have emphasized that de Broglie was correct (among a few others - Jean Bricmont, for example)...
Why not explain the color Gold - as from relativistic quantum physics as per de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. So the reverse time subharmonic frequency is from the blue light absorbing virtual photons from the future.
Thanks for posting this info - I'm always learning new things re: quantum mechanics.
Superposition is not entanglement because entanglement is BEFORE the collapse of the wave function as amplitude squared. The entanglement is from de Broglie's discovery of momentum directly proportional to frequency. So with noncommutative phase you have time from the future that is reversed and inversely proportional to frequency and vice versa as relativistic quantum Law of Phase Harmony.
Basil J. Hiley's recent lectures on noncommutative phase emphasizes that there is no NEED to use Schrodinger's wave equation and also no need for any "collapse." This is also proven empirically by the "weak measurement" experiments of entangled photons by Yakir Aharonov's research group. Also recent experiments are proving the noncommutative phase origin of reality via the Bohm-Aharonov Effect, etc. Fred Alan Wolf points out that Schroedinger knew the light emitted at the quantum jump was a subharmonic but of what? As Fred Alan Wolf points out in his TedX lecture - the light is from the relativistic mass from the future (again noncommutative phase). This is also what Sir Roger Penrose realizes but Penrose admits he can't do the noncommutative math (unlike his buddy Hiley) - aka "quantum algebra." This all originated from MUSIC as a listening process in philosophy - and the errors made when logarithmic music theory was created as the foundation of Western science - what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls the "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guiding evoltive" principle of science. thanks
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