Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Deficit Myth Brown-No$ing B.S. book as a mass mind control corporate-state media agenda: $2.5 Trillion stolen for the 1% elite a year

 since when is the FED the "government"? the Interest Rate on treasury notes is the true cost of Debt. The FED can not raise the interest rates because the US government can not AFFORD to pay back the Debt. Very simple. Traditionally the interest rate on treasury notes was 6 % !!!! That's way more than it is now!! Why the HUGE difference? Bankruptcy.

Why The U.S. Can’t Go Broke (claims the Deficit Myth Brown-No$er lady)  

economics professor Stephanie Kelton, author of The Deficit Myth, former chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budge Committee and a former economic advisor to Bernie Sanders.


The Petro dollar will eventually collapse. This video is naive.
That lady is a Brown-No$er. The FED is not the "guv-mint" and the FED in the past year created $10 trillion as free "stock buyback" loans for the .1 that owns the Empire. The FED can not raise interest rates on treasury notes because the US government can not afford to payback the FED since corporations now make more profits in OTHER countries (of the US Empire). Yes - the PetroDollar is the true value of the US currency and based on invading other countries to maintain a monopoly on oil supply and weapon sales - domestically and abroad. The US military is the most inefficient and destructive ROI in the world. When the PetroDollar collapses it takes the whole world with it.
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
It's free for Wall St. They just got $10 Trillion from the FED in the past year for previously illegal "stock buybacks." So big corporations get cheap loans to jack up the value of their stock as a ponzi scheme. The .1% gets extremely rich from this and the rest of us get brainwashed.
Tally it all up, according to RAND, and the bottom 90% of American workers would be bringing home an additional $2.5 trillion in total annual income if economic gains were as equitably divided as they’d been in the past—leading Rolf to dub the phenomenon “the $2.5 trillion theft.”

That's every year!

$2.5 Trillion stolen as free money for the elite 1%.


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