"chun huo" evil fire
Taoist Thunder Magic (五雷法), Illustrated with the Example of the Divine Protector Chao Kung-ming 趙公明
Wood give birth to the fire of the heart. (hsin-huo)
So as the Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality book emphasizes - the "heart's fire" originates from spirit.
Basic Conditions of Taoist Thunder Magic By Florian C. Reiter
This pdf google preview states the above - "wood gives birth to the fire of the heart"
So that is the same author as the academic article I linked.
the heart’s fire, they all mean fire derived from spirit.Fire derived from spirit transforms the generative force into vitality.But the Taoist Yoga book emphasizes that Evil Fire of the heart can NOT be used to create "vitality" from
generative force (yin qi).
Wood is yin qi.
So as I detailed before - the yin qi going OUT of the eyes is the sympathetic nervous system
as a biophoton signal internally - meaning reality is holographic.
So that biophoton yin qi signal then TRIGGERS the creation of the pre-seminal fluid or lecithin
to be lost via the triggered dilated genital duct (the gate of mortality).
So why does having the third eye open make this worse?
Because the metal has been returned to the heart as Heaven but the metal is also passion
as the Lung qi.
So the metal is attracted to rejoin its source in heaven with the yang fire.
So now the yin shen (or right eye) has to go DOWN so that the fire goes under the water.
This keeps the yin qi and yang qi from switching places.
So the Taoist Yoga book teaches ONLY the Quick Fire breathing has the POWER
to move the triggered yin qi energy that otherwise causes the lost of the yang qi via the lecithin
and cerebrospinal fluid.
but in your case your genitalorgan is aroused and shaken by the evil fire (of passion) due
to lack of vitalitySo again the "passion" as evil fire is AFTER it is TRIGGERED by the Wood yin qi.
So they have switched places. The Yuan Qi FIXES this as the Yuan Qi hides the energy.
The Yuan Qi is stored in the "inner cell" of the lower tan tien and not as "separated"
yang qi and yin qi.
This illusory agent is the generative fluid which contains the evil fire that develops when it is aroused by the vital force.So what is happening is that the Yuan Qi is deconverting and separating again into yang qiand yin qi. So the "passion" as yang qi is triggered or "excited" by the Yin Qi as yin qi is the
yang shen as conscious thinking but that
now goes out of the eyes with positive spirit.
Heart’s fire is the fire of passion excited by evil thoughtsIf the heart is affected by sexual desire the genera¬ tive force becomes sullied and changes into postnatal generative fluid which cannot be used as a (microcosmic outer) alchemical agent.So the more Yuan Qi then the more fluid can be created by reversing the yuan qiinto yang qi and yin qi. The Yuan Qi is stored as ionized lecithin as
cerebrospinal fluid.
Such obstructions are caused by perverse thoughts rising in the heart (mind) which change positive into negative (vital) breathsSo the center of the brain - the third eye - then triggers the yang qi as passion or attraction - thevagus nerve that goes to the pineal gland as the yang qi emitting the yin shen.
But the actual generative fluid is triggered by the yin qi.
Again the yin qi is the sympathetic nervous system as the external loss switch.
So FIRST it is triggered by the evil thoughts from the positive spirit going out of the eyes.
The yang shen and yin qi causes the eyes to "twinkle" in sympathy with the heart.
So the "inner fire" is the yang shen but it is powered by the yin qi now that it's the thinking
intellect. The subconscious thoughts as consciousness are from the yang qi as passion.But at the age of sixteen his consciousness takes over the control of his life, and his intellect develops gradually. With inner fire soaring up in his body, his (essential) nature is replaced by his heart so that desires and passions fill his being.If passion subsides the corporeal (soul) is overcome and the element of metal returns.So again that is the yang qi.So ... the yang qi powers the yin qi after they separate. This is the psychic healing
energy but it's NOT the Yuan Qi.
the yin qi can be used for healing ailments.
The Yuan Qi is the FORMLESS REALM which is why Master Nan, Huai-chin
states that Tantra is limited to the lower realm of Form.
So in tantra you can activate the Yuan Qi but can't stabilize in it.
Most practisers fail in their training because they do not know how to control this fire which intensifies the very passions which they intend to cut off.So here is the paradox.So once the third eye is open then the Metal as the Po Soul or yin shen will
cling to the evil fire of the yang shen and yin qi. The yang qi has been separated
out. So the yuan qi is deconverted back into yang qi and yin qi.
Why are the Passions Intensified? Because the Metal has been RETURNED to the
Heart as Heaven.
Previously the Metal was SUBCONSCIOUS as the yin shen in the
water of the lower body. So it is TRIGGERED subconsciously via the pineal gland
after the yin qi sympathetic nervous system switch or "excitement."if intellect is not frozen passions cannot be cut off.So the intellect is the Yin Qi (intellect) that TRIGGERS the yang qi (passion).So this is the Pre-switch that has to be REVERSED or else the alchemical pill
is lost even during dreamless sleep!!For the death of the earthly heart exposes the
moonlight of (essential) nature which is always screenedby the dust of passions so long as the mortal mind is allowed to exist.So again if the THINKING as evil thoughts can not be EXORCISED then the passion
can't be cut off and the qi is lost.
Although the passage of the ‘precious gem’ is blockedand although neither stir in the heart (the seat of the fire of passion)So post-alchemy now the metal has been returned to the heart as Heaven.This means the passion now is easily stirred because when the eyes are open
then the metal and wood switch places again.
The evil perverse thoughts CHANGE the metal back into wood.
Then the yuan qi is separated as the wood as evil thoughts feeds the passion.
And the wood as evil thought has TRIGGERED or dilated the genital duct.
That means no matter what - the damage is already lost.
Unless the quick fire reverses the damage. But you can't do the quick fire
as proper purification unless after 11 pm at night and before 1 pm the next day.
So the demon is the yin qi.if he does not know how to free his heart (the seat of the fire of passion) from worldly attachments. If he gives rise to the thought of seeking im¬ mortality to delight in it, the demon will seize the occasion to enter his heart. His discrimination and likes and dislikes will cause demonic states to manifest thereby destroying all his previous progress.So this is why the Worldly or Mundane does NOT mix with the spiritual.Hall of voidness (hsu shih): The heart devoid of feelings and passions.The Yuan Qi is BEYOND any feelings.The steam is the Yuan Qi.The fire above should be driven down into the water below, and the water below should be scorched by fire to become steam and be lifted to wipe out passion in order to achieve the stable equilibrium and harmony of fire and water.Immersion of fire in water: Concentration on the lower tan t’ien to direct the element of fire in the heart to scorch the element of water in the lower abdomen, thus emptying the heart of passion and stopping water in the lower abdomen from flowing down in order to achieve the stable equilibrium of water and fire. See Shui huo chi chi.So the Yang Qi descends down to the yin qi to create the Yuan Qi - through the centralchannel.
This is after the yang qi has been returned to the heart as heaven.So after the first half of positive spirit is achieved - then
either the evil fire dominates because the passion has been returned to the heart.
OR the yuan qi is created by putting the Yang Shen of the Yin qi UNDER the water.
For the cultivation of nature alone ensures only the descent of positive fire without the ascent of (vital) breath from below,So that's the ONLY time in the book that "positive fire" or yang shen
is described as DESCENDING and not ascending!!
Why? Because Taoist Alchemy first is based on returning the metal to the heart
and wood to the lower abdomen.
So once the wood or yin qi is returned to the Water to turn it into Earth THEN
the positive fire as yang shen ASCENDS not DESCENDS.So the mind on its own is too weak for positive fire by descending.
The yin qi instead is added to the yang qi hidden in the water.
This then causes the yang qi to rise up as floating mercury in the lead of the
now positive shen or yang shen with the yin qi in Earth.
So by mixing the yang and yin qi then the yuan qi is created that has the power
for the yang shen.
The rise (of the generative and vital forces) in the back bone is called the ascent of positive fire and the fall down the front of the body is called the descent of negative fire.So positive fire is the Yuan Qi.
So you lower the yang qi through the central channel and this causes the yuan qi
and yang shen to manifest - first as positive spirit moonlight.positive vitality in the lower tan t’ien centre (under the navel) will cause the immortal seed to radiate.the ascent of the positive (chin yang) and descent of the negative principle (tui yin) and the cleansing and purifying (mu yu).So here it's called "negative PRINCIPLE" not "fire" or vitality.So with the tongue against the roof of the mouth - this causes
the Salvia or cerebospinal fluid to not sully the heart
because instead of just being digested in the stomach - it
has the yang qi and yin qi connected so that the yang qi can descend
down the central channel.
The yin qi goes to the lower tan tien.
The yang qi goes to the middle tan t'ien.
So that way the yin qi returns to Earth and the yang qi to the heart.
Then the two combine to create the yuan qi.
So if the Yang Qi is not returned to the heart then
it can not mix with the yin qi to create the yuan qi.
Otherwise in Mind Yoga it's just the yin qi descending.
in order to extract from food and drink the sweet dew (kan lu or pure saliva) which descending in the channel of fimction (jen mo in the front of the body) changes into negative generative force and helps to produce the latter.yin qi.
yin qi from blood.
very cool.so then
and so
Finally - the Central Channel and the Vagus Nerve:
So the Neurohormones are literally bioelectromagnetic.
Right - so the cerebrospinal fluid when ionized by collagen piezoelectric resonance - then stores the charge and re-emits it.
Right - so this is the source of the Yang Qi - stored JUST LIKE AN ELECTRIC EEL.
So this is a test of the SALIVA!!
Wow... so we know that the saliva is from the cerebrospinal fluid - with qi infused...
So the Level four Rainbow Meditation is for bone marrow cleansing --- Oh I get it now....
However, if stirrings and thoughts continue to arise and if your heart (the house of fire) is not settled, spirit will wander outside and (vital) breath will disperse; the foundation thus laid will be destroyed.
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