yes the Yuan Qi is both the source of the practice and the means for any abilities. So it's just that we can not SEE it and so as the Emptiness it is difficult for Westerners to accept this concept. As SFQ teaches you use our "consciousness" (Shen or spirit as mind) to go into the Emptiness (Yuan Qi as Universe) and the Emptiness as Universe is also INSIDE your body (the lower tan t'ien lower abdomen). And so your Mind (shen) and the Universe (yuan qi) COMBINE together through the lower tan t'ien. that's really all you need to know - it's also called "Freezing of the Spirit" in the Taoist Yoga book. thanks
A good book on the sensations before the Yuan Qi is activated is the "Tao and Longevity" book by Master Nan, Huai-chin - the free pdf - So as Master Nan, Huai-chin emphasizes in Mahayana Buddhism the covering or skanda of sensation has to be emptied out. So the Formless awareness itself has no sensation nor feeling. I would say that it is similar to deep dreamless sleep only except that the Qi energy first fills the body. So you first feel very strong magnetic force and your body gets very pliable and the bones flexible. So the top center of the skull will start to open again just as it is still open for a baby.
So that is the central channel opening up for astral travel. I actually saw the qigong master creating spirits out of the top center of his skull - just as is shown in the Daoist drawings of the masters. But Buddhism tries to emphasize that ONLY the impermanence is real as interdependent origination. So that final covering or skanda of consciousness (spirit-light) also has to be Emptied out. So with the strong magnetic force you can sit in full lotus in comfort for as long as you want and the centers of your hands and feet will pulsate with force - or "breathe." Also you need less sleep and food - you can get your energy directly from the Yuan Qi.
On a deep level people literally transcend physical death - so that even if their heart stops breathing the Skanda of Form as the Qi energy will maintain their body as alive as the body is just Emptied out as Qi energy. So as Ramana Maharhsi reported his heart stopped for 15 minutes and during that time he had no thoughts as well - it was just pure formless awareness as the Self or Emptiness. But then finally (or after an eternity) his spirit came back after he felt a strong shock to the left side of his heart. So the right side of the heart is what he calls the "secret pinhole" to formless awareness as that is where the right side vagus nerve goes. A typical person would die if the right side vagus nerve is OVER-activated and in the end everyone dies of a heart attack this way.
Yet the Yuan Qi or formless awareness remains. So through meditation the frequency of spirit is raised up as the spiritual ego to merge back into the formless awareness through the Skanda of Form (the Qi of the body). So this is called the Form of the Formless as it is based on Listening as harmonization. The spirit itself is able to transduce all other perceptions so that in the spirit astral state of enlightenment then a qigong master can SMELL cancer - as rotting flesh in other people (just as a dog can be similarly trained). But a qigong master as Jim reports doing can even smell OVER the PHONE!! Why? Quantum biology documents that smell is actually based on nonlocality or quantum entanglement.
This is the "Po Soul" in Daoism - it is the basis of the Yang Qi. So the location of the yin qi and yang qi in the body depends on its function. The Yang Qi has to be returned to the heart to create Yuan Qi. The Yuan qi originates from the heart and emanates out of the pineal gland but the Yuan Qi is stored in the small intestines. The yin qi is blood and is created from Food by using the Quick Fire breathing but as blood it has to be purified into yang qi by going up to the pineal gland. So that yin qi goes up the back but then back down the front as well through cerebrospinal fluid.
So where the yin qi and yang qi are depends on what type of transformation is needed in the body and the age of the person, etc. The Yuan Qi is described in the Taoist Yoga book as "neither this, nor that." So it is literally spacetime itself and can be experienced as a spacetime vortex causing dizziness. This is not the same as vertigo but an actual spacetime force. Stuart Hameroff has a good paper on this - about precognition. here is Puharich's final book on the subject. I corresponded with PRofessor Michael Persinger in 2006 or so - he said Puharich was "greatly underappreciated" and then Persinger went on to corroborate the work of Puharich.
Here's Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
When the photon enhancement occurred during his “imaginative cognition” there was concomitant diminished intensity of the surrounding earth’s magnetic field along the same (horizontal) plane as the emissions. The decreases at 1 cm, 25 cm, and 100 cm from his skull were 150 nT, 15 nT and 5 nT, respectively. The changes began approximately the same time as the increases in radiant power density that peaked around 5·10-11 W ·m-2. His output was more than about 10 times the level of the average person. The calculated energies from the magnetic field decrease and photon increase were ~10-11 J, suggesting a shared source of variance.
The energies were also congruent with the observed changes within the right hemisphere as measured directly by SPECT (Single Positron Emission Computerized Tomography) and his neuropsychological profile [83] (Roll et al., 2002). Such interactions are an important condition for non-locality, as predicted by Umezawa’s [84] mathematical Quantum Field Theory, which unifies electromagnetic, nuclear and gravitational fields. Non-locality which is a variant of Mach’s principle that the behavior of any part of the cosmos is determined by all of its parts encouraged Di Base [85] to define information as “a intrinsic, irreducible and non-local property of the universe capable of generating order, self-organization and complexity." Professor Michael Persinger
and on Rest Frames in quantum physics
Every photon will spend some time as a virtual electron plus its antiparticle, the virtual positron, since this is allowed by quantum mechanics as described above.
I read Gordon Kane's book on supersymmetry about 15 years ago?
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