Saturday, January 9, 2021

I am asked, "how do you know ghosts are real?"

 So I'll tell you. I used this book to guide my training. I just did a video upload.  First let me give you background. I studied at McPhail music school and then with a former University music professor, while I was in high school at Minnehaha Academy. So I happened to notice a problem in the logic of music theory and then I realized this was connected to the Logos from the Book of John. So it turns out what I had discovered, without realizing it, is called "noncommutative phase" logic. This is the same logic that Penrose now relies on to understand quantum cosmology.

So in quantum physics there is nonlocality which is the foundation of quantum entanglement. Most physicists assume entanglement is a specific result from an experiment. Professor Basil J. Hiley worked with Penrose and David Bohm and Hiley points out that at "zero time" there already is nonlocality as a new type of "causative force."
So in 1996 I had called this the "Fundamental Force" in a manifesto or monograph I wrote, critiquing Slavoj Zizek and Gregory Bateson. Only I had discovered it from studying music theory (as noncommutative phase logic). So that monograph is part of the reason I was accepted into graduate school.
I got arrested eight times doing civil disobedience and I organized campaigns and coalitions for social justice and environmental policy. Secretly though I realized we were doomed. So I used the book, "The Racial Contract" to argue that the "Natural Law" from Aristotle and Plato was inherently racist and in fact this was tied to the wrong music theory that had created logarithmic/exponential mathematics. In other words when we all learn the Pythagorean Theorem we are getting brainwashed. So then I did my master's thesis on radical ecology and music theory. The University passed it but really just wanted to get rid of me. 

But then I discovered a book that corroborated my research - and I exposed it online as the "Actual Matrix Plan."
OK so then I did the intensive meditation by taking classes through the local community colleges where Chunyi Lin was teaching qigong
So that was 20 years ago and as I meditated I experienced the sensations as reported in the book, "Tao and Longevity" - I read that book later. Another book I read was the biography of Acharn Phra Mun. He was the top Buddhist meditation monk of Thailand. 

So in December of 2000 we had a Level 3 retreat to open the third eye. Part of the teaching of that retreat was to learn "energy feasting" which is a special type of fasting called "bigu." So as part of that first video link - the book linked in my upload video - I began fasting to build up the qi energy. This is very difficult for people to believe but I felt very strong magnetic force filling my body and I didn't need as much sleep. Also I felt no hunger. So when I went to the conference - there was a man in the front of the room - out of a couple hundred people - I could smell a strong rotting flesh smell. He said he had traveled for special healing and then Chunyi Lin said that qigong masters can smell cancer as rotting flesh. So then as Chunyi healed the man during meditation then the smell went away. 

As Chunyi sat in full lotus then I could see yellow light form over his head and in the shape of humans and each spirit would break off his head and then the spirit would float out to heal someone. Then I saw spirits float in from outside and hover around Chunyi. I didn't tell anyone but he said since someone could see this then he would explain that those were dead people as spirits. He said he regularly heals spirits. I had read about this in that book on Acharn Phra Mun - as doing the same thing.
That's all for now, thanks

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