Saturday, January 16, 2021

Eye movements proven to deactivate the amgydala - Large-scale brain networks Act Reciprocally!!!!



 all these cognitive functions rely on one central function: emulation. This function creates an abstract dynamic 'image' of movements, thereby enabling the brain to strengthen its motor skills and construct a precise and lasting representation of them. The fronto-parietal network, it is argued, has evolved from a network that only controlled motor skills to a much more generalised system. This hypothesis, which is set out in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences, would explain why patients who have suffered an injury in this specific part in the brain have sequelae that affect a number of functions which, at first glance, do not necessarily appear to be linked.

Thanks for sending this my way!!

 Numerous functional imaging studies show that the fronto-parietal network is activated by very disparate tasks. This is the case for motor activities, such as picking up or pointing to an object, as well as for eye movements—and even when no movement is involved, if we shift our attention or perform a mental calculation. Radek Ptak, a neuropsychologist at the UNIGE Faculty of medicine and the HUG Division of neurorehabilitation, puts it like this: "Why is the very same region important for so many different tasks? What is the relationship between , motor learning and the development of cognition in humans? These are the questions that lie at the heart of our research." A review of all the data currently available suggests that the tasks share a common process, which the scientists have termed "emulation". This process, which consists of planning and representing a movement without actually performing it, activates the brain network in the same way as real movements. "But we hypothesise that the brain goes a step further", explains Dr Ptak: "It uses such dynamic representations to carry out increasingly complex cognitive functions beyond just planning movements".

 OK what Daoist Neidan Alchemy details in the Daoist Yoga books is as I explained in the video upload on the small universe meditation. So science is still "catching" up to this. The role of our spirit or coherent biophoton field as our true mind - which enables us to FEEL the center of our brain - and even SEE inside our own bodies - and other bodies, etc.

Thanks again,

 The key point here is that this is NONcommutative phase science as science now realizes that by rotating the eyes you activate the "reciprocal networks" to cross-exchange their information.

This, of course, operates on a much deeper level due to the qi and shen. Meaning you can feel your lower tan tien also activated by rotating the eyes.










  1. Hi Drew!

    Since last year, I've been working through a reading list of interesting exposes and books that you listed here, back in 2006:

    As a reader of your blog, I couldn't help but notice that you posted this all the way back in 2006 and that many interesting books have been published since then.
    I was wondering if I could trouble you to come up with a list of intriguing books you've come across since 2006? I am in the process of ordering more books to prepare for my PhD and to get through this lockdown, so it would be really appreciated!

    1. Wow - a Ph.D. - cool stuff. Yeah I don't read books so much anymore. I can recommend Brad Keeney - I got his book the interlibrary loan so I had to speed read it. But it's interviews with the spiritual healers of the San Bushmen culture. I can't remember the title. He has a lot of books but that book is a bit more rare as it was part of his privately funded commission to travel the world studying shamanism.
      Yeah I read quite a few books online now if they are free pdfs so I don't necessarily go by the book title so much. Alchemy deals with all topics of conceptual knowledge.
      I would have to review that list and then think of other books. If you review my blogs - I should mention other books for sure. haha.
      Pretty much - there is valuable information every where and all the time. That South African anthropologist is good - his name is hard - oh have you read my 2012 book? "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" - that has 725 scholarly foot notes. Although it does reprint some of my earlier writing from my "Natural Resonance Revolution" book or my other books that are posted on Lulu. They are all free full preview on lulu.
      I don't know what area you are specializing in for a Ph.D. but sounds like you maybe are doing an interdisciplinary Ph.D.
      I tend to focus more on meditation and reading the traditional training manuals.
      I actually mention a rare book in my video upload today. It's in the South Asian library at the University. I assume it's still there. I think it's from the 1940s and was published directly by the ashram of Ramana Maharshi. I've blogged on it before. I think it's called, "Who Am I?"
      Olivier Costa de Beauregard is a great read on this topic.
