yes I just watched Brian Greene moderating a discussion of the meaning of time. I once personally asked Greene, when he talked at U of Minnesota, about what had been trendy at the time - during 2012 - this was before - probably 2004 - if there was any way for the center of the galaxy to somehow influence life on Earth - and he said obviously not. So the thing is that Greene is a big promoter of String Theory which is really an extension of relativity. So when we delve into science more then we discover that there are many different philosophies - because of quantum physics and relativity not unifying. But obviously physicists are trained to think of civilization as "progress" and so discard the externalities of science - to see technology not just as "neutral" but as "civilization" for morality, etc. So in that time discussion - he talks to a linguist studying other cultures and she says she does not understand Aboriginal DreamTime. One of the CIA tricks of anthropology has been to appropriate or try to appropriate indigenous views. So Professor Bruce Lincoln exposed this CIA anthropology in Guatemala - behind the genocide there in the 1980s. So this is still going on - and I suspected Drunvalo Melchizadek of this along with the New Age science. A good book is maybe what you are mentioning - it is called "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. So yes they did a follow up called the "Sion Revelation" on "synarchy" as an esoteric political view.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
On Brian Greene and the reptilian fear of the Lunar control of biological time as quantum negentropy
My Master's Thesis was actually reprinted in a "magazine" for David Icke's webmaster - and so I got banned from a paranormal forum since they are against David Icke's antisemitism - with the reptilian aliens being code for Jews. So the irony being that psychologist Stan Gooch argued that the belief in Aliens was due to a psychological projection of our subconscious Reptilian brain - and so it was literally a kind of time travel in evolution - and then Gooch said that since he was Half-Jewish therefore he had stronger paranormal powers due to having a larger reptilian Cerebellum brain from a stronger Neanderthal genetic interbreeding. So he was of course only considered in the New Age scene and he lived alone in a Caravan - I wrote letters with him around 2005. I tried to get him to consider the San Bushmen original human culture more. So the problem with the New Age "scene" is that they just don't do enough research.
So then to get back to the Brian Greene talk - the female linguist says she does not understand aboriginal dream time - but Camille Paglia's book called "Sexual Personae" - Professor Paglia is a Classicist - and so she argues that Medussa is actually the Fourth Eye as inherent female psychophysiology. So this is now confirmed by science - (by awareness meaning direct perception as formless awareness - not our conscious conceptual awareness of dreams or being awake, etc.). So science corroborated this - as I cite in my training manual - that when we have "no thoughts" then the back of the brain is activated but yet this is also our basis for a sense of "I" or self-awareness. So by dream time - this is due to the light being "turned around" internally based on strong visualization (in contrast to left brain language culture). And this goes to the right side of the heart via the right side reptilian vagus nerve (the kundalini). So as Brian Greene's guest notes - the male neuroscientist - our psychophysiology really does increase our perception of time based on speeding our the neuron firing rate from increased neurohormones (most of the serotonin is in our lower body).
So then as Hameroff and Penrose argue - being in the "zone" is actual REAL precognition and not just a subjective illusion based on changing the speed of neuron processing. In other words quantum biology has discovered that spacetime is malleable and we can resonate directly with the source of reality - and even "capture" or "absorb" the future and store it internally as negentropy (virtual photons and anti-mass that is actually reverse time before it "collapses" into symmetric amplitude). So these abilities are not allowed by most physicists due to their inability to consider noncommutative phase logic since most physicists were first trained by classical physics. So Brian Greene keeps referring to relativity as what he considers the true foundation of reality and yet he separates it from quantum physics. He does mention string theory and quantum gravity a bit - and the idea that time is real and not just an illusion that can be reversed symmetrically.
So yes the Stargate Conspiracy book would be a good read in the sense that - well the Mirage Men doc is also an excellent view on this - on the ET alien disinformation. So when people take psychedelics or have altered states - this is mainly a projection of our subconscious. So we have to train in yoga meditation to constantly analyze our subconscious and this can only be done properly during meditation as "prajna" or successful samadhi. So science recognizes that smell is our most direct perception as it's based directly on the molecules being perceived by the brain directly - and not some medium that is then transduced into electrochemical and electromagnetic signals. But our left brain conscious mind quickly INHIBITS our perception of a smell - as a new smell is actually THETA dominant as a REM dream state - this is why rats have strong theta brain waves while awake. So also females have a stronger sense of smell since females are more right brain dominant and have strong oxytocin levels from a strong right side vagus nerve activation to the right side of the heart. So my point is that human Language is based on Darwinian Deception while the "real" world is through subconscious metaphor associations - so that smell neurons are one neuron away from memory - and so smells trigger memories very easily. And so just as smells are repressed easily so are memories repressed - but the experience still exists (and this is what trauma is as a repressed brain damage easily triggered).
So then the trauma of being Frozen in Fear is from the Reptilian vagus nerve being triggered - and this can then be "repressed" and then used to turn people into mind controlled zombies because to continue to function they have to "repress" something consciously that is still controlling them subconsciously. So their Will Power then confirms to the subconscious fear while they pretend to be agreeing on a conscious level. And this is how fear is used on a mass psychophysiological level as mass mind control - like 9/11 or the fear of a Mini-Nuke suitcase Terrorism. Or Mother Nature herself as the real TERRA-ist. haha. So we succumb to fear which is really a dopamine cortisol reaction - without being able to go into the deep relaxation of serotonin going into oxytocin of love of the heart. So to get beyond the Reptilian Fear response requires a SAFE space so that we can "freeze" ourselves in deep relaxation but without the traumatic fear that is real.
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