So when someone twenty years younger than me, a person who considers themselves a very serious worker, tells me that I "crushed it" - that was a big compliment. I was using my knee bending more to keep my back more straight - and I could feel a lot of kundalini bliss - waves - of life force throbbing energy - that would power me through the nail pulling job.
So I then relied on full lotus padmasana to stretch out and repair my sore muscles, etc.
A reader sent me a very nice message and donation as their practice is going well.
So that was a wonderful gift to me - and is very moving to me.
I will send the person more information in regards to his questions.
But first let's see some nail pulling photos!
So there's the saw horses set up for me - with the roof planks. The stack ended up being about five feet tall and three planks wide.
So the nails began piling up....
I just stood on them but I had "steel shank" boots - whatever that means. Only once did I pull a nail out of my boot but I never actually felt the nail.
A shank is crucial to the functionality of boots, as it diminishes the load put on you feet and calves. So yeah, shanks come in handy!
Nice to know - it makes your feet well better also. Makes sense - a kind of supportive bridge.
So that's actually one of the way easier boards - most had way more nails than that.
Close up of one of the nail piles. So I pulled thousands of nails - it was a whole wheelbarrow full of nails in the end. So pulling nails for two days - of about nine hours a day at least.
So my finger muscles are still sore.
So these roof planks are for a barn that is from this site.
A friend offered to help and after four days they succeeded in getting all the siding off and hay pitched out. When that work was done, his friend hopped in his car, and as Jason took out his wallet to pay him, he shouted “it takes a community to build a barn!” and sped away.
So that is referring to me. There is more to that barn story.
So those are the roof planks in their original position.
So my farm buddy was first a friend interested in my environmental activism and he invited me to move into his student housing - as I needed a place to live - and it was an international house of students. And the female there from Venezuela told me how she had meditated with a qigong master. That was in 1997 - and she said it was just him and a philosophy professor and the three of them meditated together. So she had done that years before at the community college - so she said his name was Chunyi Lin. I was already doing Yan Xin meditation as was a mutual friend of the friend of invited me into the house. So he also got into meditation - and we had nondualism "satsangs" at the local anarchist hippy punk coffee house. haha.
So my friend helped me do activism and he also meditated a bit - and then I moved into another house that the Venezuelan female friend had gotten from her ex-husband. And she invited me to live with her and a bunch of other international students. So I lived there - the summer of 1998. Then I got a room on the West Bank of Minneapolis - my own room - next to the hippy anarchist coffeeshop restaurant. And that is where I did my serious meditation - in a building called the "Holtzerman." I think Bob Dylan might have lived in one of those rooms also - or so I heard. I must have just imagined that as he rented a room on the East Bank - in Dinkytown.
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