So Westerners have not heard of Master Nan, Huajin or Hua-chin but he was a best seller in China as a Buddhist meditation master - or Ch'an Buddhism which is also part Daoism. So jing is the life force energy. So when I did that strong dose of dmt-based plant root with the syrian rue - while I was in full lotus - I experienced the biggest internal kundalini orgasm of my life. It felt like my tail bone was being peeled backwards like when eating a shrimp - only I was the shrimp. haha. So even despite such a strong dose that I could not move for four hours - it still was not as strong as the qigong training.
That's why I had experimented with the psychedelic - I also did strong Salvia Divinorum doses while in full lotus yoga position. I had wanted to test the third eye against the plant medicine. So plant medicine is electrochemical energy but the third eye was able to over ride the power of the plants. So Salvia tried to pull my spirit out of my body - and at one point my spirit was stuck half way out of my body!! But my third eye is a permanent magnetic force in the center of my brain - the Daoists call that "Yuan Qi" emanating out of the pineal gland - so it was able to over ride the salvia.
I did have some third eye awakening from salvia whereby I was able to see auras around my hand - despite having a thick winter hat over my eyes, in a pitch black room - I held my hand up right after waking up from passing out in full lotus - that's how strong of a dose I took of Salvia - level six - I would immediately pass out but I would not fall back since I was in full lotus yoga position! haha. I also got kundalini orgasmic bliss from salvia.
I did have some third eye awakening from salvia whereby I was able to see auras around my hand - despite having a thick winter hat over my eyes, in a pitch black room - I held my hand up right after waking up from passing out in full lotus - that's how strong of a dose I took of Salvia - level six - I would immediately pass out but I would not fall back since I was in full lotus yoga position! haha. I also got kundalini orgasmic bliss from salvia.
It doesn't HAVE to be NDEs - I did serious qigong meditation to finish my master's degree at University of Minnesota in 2000 - as Pythagorean Nonwestern Meditation - PRE-Socratic - through the African Studies Department and - this Chinese spiritual healer. He went 49 days in nonstop full lotus meditation - no sleep and no food - at Mt. Qingcheng as does I went 8 days on just a half glass of water - and meditating the whole time. Westerners have no idea what we are missing. I saw ghosts for REAL - we do have a spirit that survives outside the body - after death. The qigong master HEALS ghosts!! He sends the Ghost back into the Emptiness - which is that "Oneness" - but it's not "one" as Westerners define it. That mathematical model of the Universe is actually Noncommutative Phase logic - check out Alain Connes.
We have to also realize that Western science has created an Ecological Crisis.
Science is not "objective." - Noncommutative phase says that all of math has been wrong up till now - the commutative symmetric logic has to be changed to noncommutative logic. we have five years left till it's too hot for life on Earth due to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Methane bomb. The "science" studies are mainly for the military - 50% of physics is for the military. Since the Fascist Reagan Revolution then corporations get a 100% tax deduction for "donating" to Universities and so the corporations then get FREE researchers, FREE research centers, etc. and control the research as Corporate Junk Science.
Science is our Religion and the math is the religion. Sure we can study science but it just tells us what the problem is - and temporary "fixes" through technology. Noncommutative phase logic is the real eternity - beyond time-frequency uncertainty or Fourier Uncertainty.
When you're talking about Echos - check out Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - there is a good math youtube vid on it - on Momentum as an echo. So then frequency tells us energy - as quantum physics explains. The trick is that there is reverse time also as negentropy.
We went to a Christian high school - my gf from there invited me to go with her and our other gf - to Alaska - so I lived in a cabin just south of Denali - surrounded by bear tracks. We worked as sled dog handlers. The boss who homesteaded, he taught us to always yell out "hey bear" when going into the woods. I hardly went into the woods at all though. This high school buddy - he had gone on ahead alone hiking and he did not yell out at all. Mother Nature is a fierce teacher. You should read the most famous Buddhist meditation master of Thailand - Phra Acharn Mun - the monks make his biography free online. I had ordered the book through Inter-Library Loan as part of my final master's degree self-directed research on nonwestern meditation. So I had read the book soon before I had gone to the Level 3 meditation retreat after fasting for a week doing meditation at age 29. So when I saw the ghosts - at first I did not want to admit what I was seeing was real. I didn't say anything to anyone - seeing this yellow forms of humans floating in from outside - we were at a Christian retreat center in the woods. But then Chunyi Lin in full lotus meditation then explained -"since someone has seen this then I will explain what it is" and he explained how he regularly heals dead people as ghosts that come to him for healing. Phra Acharn Mun explained the same in his book! Phra Achran Mun also experienced the minds of his students meditating with him - the student monks.
Bears are considered to be linked to the spirit world. Once from meditating I had a vision of a white bear leaning against this big old oak tree in the yard I grew up in - across from the Minneapolis chain of lakes (Lake of the Isles). I went back to the yard and that oak tree had been recently cut down. I had previously had a dream of another big old oak tree in that year with a rainbow aura around it. We don't realize that trees are alive - the intelligence of Nature works through biophotons and there is a Harmonization of Reality through biophotons as the subharmonic of the Future - the Yuan Qi energy is the negentropy energy of the future.
ayahuasca type activation does wear off after a couple days but it is also a very powerful experience. The traditional ayahuasca training relies also on celibacy and a special diet with no salt, no sugar, no caffeine - and foods rich in serotonin like bananas and fish. So that is basically the same as a meditation diet. If you can do those on some level - although diet requirements are totally personal and specific to yourself - then that should prolong the experience.
Having the third eye truly open means seeing auras and light externally around other people, etc. So I do not have that ability anymore unless I would do fasting and intensive meditation - then I've noticed that ability comes back. Having a permanent magnetic bliss in the brain is something that I have maintained but that is actually also a kind of "brain blockage." It's just the psychic level and not the spiritual level.
We went to a Christian high school - my gf from there invited me to go with her and our other gf - to Alaska - so I lived in a cabin just south of Denali - surrounded by bear tracks. We worked as sled dog handlers. The boss who homesteaded, he taught us to always yell out "hey bear" when going into the woods. I hardly went into the woods at all though. This high school buddy - he had gone on ahead alone hiking and he did not yell out at all. Mother Nature is a fierce teacher. You should read the most famous Buddhist meditation master of Thailand - Phra Acharn Mun - the monks make his biography free online. I had ordered the book through Inter-Library Loan as part of my final master's degree self-directed research on nonwestern meditation. So I had read the book soon before I had gone to the Level 3 meditation retreat after fasting for a week doing meditation at age 29. So when I saw the ghosts - at first I did not want to admit what I was seeing was real. I didn't say anything to anyone - seeing this yellow forms of humans floating in from outside - we were at a Christian retreat center in the woods. But then Chunyi Lin in full lotus meditation then explained -"since someone has seen this then I will explain what it is" and he explained how he regularly heals dead people as ghosts that come to him for healing. Phra Acharn Mun explained the same in his book! Phra Achran Mun also experienced the minds of his students meditating with him - the student monks.
Bears are considered to be linked to the spirit world. Once from meditating I had a vision of a white bear leaning against this big old oak tree in the yard I grew up in - across from the Minneapolis chain of lakes (Lake of the Isles). I went back to the yard and that oak tree had been recently cut down. I had previously had a dream of another big old oak tree in that year with a rainbow aura around it. We don't realize that trees are alive - the intelligence of Nature works through biophotons and there is a Harmonization of Reality through biophotons as the subharmonic of the Future - the Yuan Qi energy is the negentropy energy of the future.
ayahuasca type activation does wear off after a couple days but it is also a very powerful experience. The traditional ayahuasca training relies also on celibacy and a special diet with no salt, no sugar, no caffeine - and foods rich in serotonin like bananas and fish. So that is basically the same as a meditation diet. If you can do those on some level - although diet requirements are totally personal and specific to yourself - then that should prolong the experience.
Having the third eye truly open means seeing auras and light externally around other people, etc. So I do not have that ability anymore unless I would do fasting and intensive meditation - then I've noticed that ability comes back. Having a permanent magnetic bliss in the brain is something that I have maintained but that is actually also a kind of "brain blockage." It's just the psychic level and not the spiritual level.
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