So the original qigong master as I like to call him, shared a story about his son - seeing amazing auras around his son - while he was in the bath I think - and stating how he knew that his son's third eye had opened up (if not fully open). And now while just showering I just saw light - but it was with my eyes closed - not nearly the same as seeing auras with the eyes open. haha.
I just got back from another three day fast while inoculating mushrooms - only I also did the phosphoric acid treatment on the undercarriage of the car and then put on three layers of enamel paint. It looks great - until the new asphalt gravel road on the highway - nicked it up. haha. But next I will spray the soft wax to keep salt off - as the undercoat and internal frame spray to inhibit and convert rust internally.
Due to global warming - we had an extra warm summer last year so the growth shut down on the shiitake and this spring has been less than 40% of normal rain water. So I have done two 12 hour soaks on a batch of logs that were starting to fruit after the normal 4 hour soak. I'm starting to get a few mushrooms - maybe literally half a dozen so far! I only harvested three so far.
So the first harvest is said to be small but with global warming it is barely noticeable harvest. Still when I did an oak log - as seen in the back photo of this blog - I did NO watering - and it took three years for the first harvest.
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