So this appears to be a copulation in action - two - locusts? Crickets? Grasshoppers? - "locked" - back to back.... at first I thought it was one huge bug.
You can see the back "wings" overlapping over the other bug. I'll try ID these.
So that big 'bundle" near the top is actually about five ticks! I had this spider web in the tent - you can see the spider smaller in the left center. So I kept putting my ticks in the spider web and amazingly the spider bundled all the ticks into a big ball!! Pretty awesome.
OK here is my first batch of new logs - after soaking them - and you can see the shade cloth. So now I have close to 200 logs. A "real" shiitake forest log business has 200 logs. But some of my logs are extra big - some are maybe too small. We'll see what this Fall harvest brings....
More shade cloth - then I realized that the shade cloth should also stop the Flicker woodpecker from looking for ants in my logs! I had many spawn holes pecked out... oops.
Oh I have now a second area of logs - a pallet. I covered these also with shade cloth - this morning around five am - when the birds woke me up! The mosquitoes were not quite awake yet - so best to get up early.
These are daisies near the north end of the mini-forest. We now have many different flowers in bloom - so as I type - just found another tick crawling up my leg! Luckily there's just wood ticks up north. I have not spread deer ticks - luckily - the deer ticks are much smaller and carry Lyme's much more. I did get Lyme's but I treated it early. So anyway - I did spread buckthorn when I first looked at the land - it was in my boots! I was pulling out last remnants of buckthorn this time. I think I might even be able to stop the buckthorn! There were berries on the plants I pulled out but luckily they were not ready yet - still green and clinging to the buckthorn.
more daisies
So there is more shade cloth on the shroom logs
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