So I just finished the Netflix doc on the Unabomber, the FBI most wanted and ecoterrorist serial killer.
I had known that the Unabomber had been the victim of a CIA psychology experiment at Harvard based on LSD - I didn't know that the victim had been only 17 years old at the time - and it was 3 years long meeting on a weekly basis - creating a distinct profound change in Ted - to test out "breaking down" a person's personality to then be able to extract information aka "enhanced interrogation techniques."
So what struck me as key to this creation of the Unabomber was that at a young age - maybe when he was two years old - he was sent to the hospital where the doctors refused to enable Ted to have any real comforting from anyone - for weeks of "treatment." I corresponded with a clinical psychologist who did the research proving that this type of "cry it out" treatment routine recommended by Western medical doctors - on babies - is what causes permanent brain damage as cortisol stress and dopamine neuron damage. And sure enough the mom reported that her son after returning from the hospital was now dramatically forlorn and listless while previously he had been a happy child.
So this reminded me of the biography of the founder of the CIA - Allen Dulles - the book is called the Devil's Chessboard - and details how Allen had been already sadistic by a young age. While Ted confessed to his brother that, upon returning from Harvard, really smart people, like himself, also have to be sadistic. So his brother later commented that Ted said he refused to be "broken down" by these psychological torture experiments. And his brother said - it would have been better for Ted to have been broken down instead of hardened. But Ted already HAD been hardened by the ROUTINE medical treatment when he was a young age - calling for him to "cry it out" and be isolated alone in the hospital - as a baby, thereby causing permanent brain damage.
So the CIA Harvard experiments as torture were the fuse that lit the bomb of the Unabomber just as Allen Dulles was already sadistic from a child and so Dulles thrived in his collaboration with the Nazis that then created the CIA as an institutional instrument of genocidal torture in the periphery of the US Empire.
Full Doc here
So of course NetFlix is not gonna run a documentary version of the Devil's Chessboard biography of the sadistic terrorist serial killer Allen Dulles because he was a "leader of the Free World" and so obviously that goes against Netflix as a sanitized corporate-state mass media conglomerate.
Rather the common cause of both Allen Dulles and Ted Kaczynski is rather a hard-wired neurophysiological energy blockage.
Ted says how his not going to let his solitary confinement at the SuperMax Prison - "break his spirit." But then others say how Ted is the perfect person to thrive at the SuperMax Prison because he is able to live on his own and in his own world that he creates - in "his box." And then Ted continues to try to build his "movement" and he considers trying to align with the Muslim terrorists who are also anti-modern.
The irony of this is that Bin Laden was ALSO "trained" by the CIA and Ted, while claiming to be anti-technology, is actually a supreme meticulous technocrat, churning out ever increasingly sophisticated technology that is destructive inherently (the very claim he is making is the case for Western technology as a whole). So Ted just epitomizes the problem instead of finding the solution.
And John Zerzan - whom I've blogged about above - Noam Chomsky informed me how Zerzan misquoted him. I've read Zerzan and consider him to be a superficial shallow hack in regards to claiming to be an intellectual regarding academic disciplines - for example his claim on music theory or anthropology are both sorely lacking.
So while it is stating that young people in the early 90s took inspiration from the Unabomber - I, myself, despite having been investigated as a potential top ecoterrorist suspect, have never even READ the Unabomber. The snippets of his "tracts" that I have seen - they seem to be puerile in sophistication. For example I spent a couple years reading Slavoj Zizek who specializes in analyzing psychological political ideology and philosophy - and so in comparison to Zizek, I don't find the Unabomber to be impressive at all. But that does not mean I agree with Zizek either - in contrast in 1996 I wrote a critique of Zizek and I mailed it to him, thus inspiring his attempt to debunk my critique of him - his 1997 book, "The Plague of Fantasies."
So Zizek is trying to debunk Ecofeminism, and the paranormal New Age claims. So neither of those views are in line with the Unabomber and so my public record is well-documented to not be aligned with ecoterrorism. Of course I have joked that I am an ecoterrorism due to my alchemy training that has rewired my neurophysiology - so that I am permanently in touch with Mother Nature - and so while Ted was afraid to be rejected as a Lunatic - I fully embrace the "lunatic" label as an embrace of the Lunar synchronization secret of what it means to be truly human a la Professor Chris Knight's tome, "Blood Relations."
So it goes without saying that the case of the Unabomber is tragic for his victims but as one of them declared in court - they forgave Ted a long time ago and so now the onus is all on him - it's HIS problem now, not theirs. And at that moment, then Ted dropped his "pen" - his "sword" - his technological "kernal" as it were - to stare back as his victim. The person then stated that Ted was in shock that someone would feel empathy towards him as that was the last thing Ted was expecting. But this Void moment or - as Zizek calls it - the STAIN of the Trauma of the REAL - was then quickly covered up and shut back down - repressed back to its hard-wired brain damage from Ted's experience as a baby. John Zerzan reports that Ted later wondered why the victims had to be there "whining" about what had happened even though Ted's punishment had already been determined.
So that use of the word "whining" was a rare psychological "tell" - because it is PRECISELY the insistence by Western Patriarchal science for the need for baby's to be TORTURED as the Cry It ALL out method - and therefore "whining" MUST be an inherently evil manipulative method by babies to "control" their parents! Of course this psychological PROJECTION by insane Western patriarchal medical doctors - infuriating the female clinical psychologist who had proven such treatment caused permanent brain damage, is also scientifically untenable since at such an age the brain is not capable of having such premeditated planning.
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