So it turns out that the Uncertainty Principle is another MIS-translation from German - it should be called the UnSharpness Principle. That reveals the REASON it is "Unsharp" - due to time-frequency "uncertainty" - which is really noncommutative phase!!
It took a math teacher to unravel the physics. haha.
Unlike the doppler radar case where the ambiguity arose because waves were being used to measure an object with a definite distance and speed; what we're seeing here is the particle IS the wave - so the spread out over space and over momentum is not some artifact of imperfect measurement techniques; It's a spread fundamental to what the particle is: analogous to how a musical note being spread out over time is fundamental to what it even means to be a musical note....But to me, equally fascinating is that underpinning Heisenberg's conclusion is that position and momentum have the same relationship as sound and frequency; As if a particle's momentum is somehow the sheet music describing how it moves through space.Grant Sanderson, Math/science degree, Stanford University
MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2016 View the complete course: Instructor: Barton Zwiebach - he gives the same conclusion from a physics perspective - vid
Observers should agree on the value of this phase....At this moment, what have we learned. This wave function is not like a sound wave, like a water wave... it's not relativistic but still you're not expected to have agreement. If somebody looks at a wave function and you look at a wave function - these two people will not agree on the value of the wave function necessarily. So the conclusions are that these waves are surprising, so psis [wave functions] are not directly measurably, because if you had a quantity for which you could measure, like a sound wave or a water wave - and you could measure ..they should agree between two different observables [meaning the PHASE should stay the same but instead the PHASE for the de Broglie wave function of matter is noncommutative].
So I asked him to go into the Law of Phase Harmony but essentially it is spacetime as the Doppler Effect being the opposite of the Particle as a Wave (also as reverse Doppler Effect).
for more details
So as Professor Basil J. Hiley explains
time is cubic and noncommutative in relativity (Minkowski space).
So that enables converting or extending Schrodinger's equation into the noncommutative Clifford Algebra...
Now if you look at that, it actually is telling you, I want to break the symmetry of the structure and choose a third direction. And the way we do that physically is we define a homogeneous magnetic field in the Z, in the 3-direction, and that immediately breaks the symmetry....the representation is made by choosing a direction....So you do everything in a rest's not manifestly covariant... you do the inner automorphism and then you go to another frame. ...This is why time is in the algebra.... Dirac was doing this in the 20s and 30s... it was ignored because it did not fit into Bohr's philosophy and Hilbert Space is not the essence...quoting Dirac, "Quantum Electrodynamics directed toward...", Hiley states, quoting Dirac:
"If you use the Heisenberg Representation, the standard Ket can not be put into Hilbert Space."
You don't need eigenvalues....
[Dirac] threw away terms for H-bar squared and the quantum potential comes in at H-bar he threw it away!
Basil J. Hiley (born 1935), is a British quantum physicist and professor emeritus of the ... In the first case, the transformation is an inner automorphism, which is a way of expressing the enfolding and unfolding movement in terms of potentialities ...
Hiley cites the wording of Paul Dirac: "Each electron only interferes with itself" and adds: "Somehow the ‘quantum force’ is a ‘private’ force. It thus cannot be regarded as a distortion of some underlying sub-quantum medium as was originally suggested by de Broglie".[38] It is independent of field intensity, thus fulfilling a precondition for non-locality, and it carries information about the whole experimental arrangement in which the particle finds itself.
In Hiley's framework, the quantum potential arises as "a direct consequence of projecting the non-commutative algebraic structure onto a shadow manifold" and as a necessary feature which ensures that both energy and momentum are conserved.[82][100]
... It is not the momentum of a single ‘particle’ passing the point Q, but the mean momentum flow at the point in question.
Hiley: (pdf 2016)
In a non-commutative structure, we must distinguish between a left and a right translation, so that both momenta, (31) and (32), arise by combinations of the left and right translations of the momentum operator. This implies that the real and imaginary parts of a weak value result from the fact that we have, at the fundamental level, a non-commutative structure and by forcing this into a complex structure we have hidden some aspects of the deeper structure.
Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm
Basil Hiley, F. David Peat - 2012 - Philosophy
Essays in Honour of David Bohm Basil Hiley, F. David Peat ... on an algebra can always be put in an implicate order by an inner automorphism of the algebra'3.
Harald Atmanspacher, Eva Ruhnau - 2012 - Science
... continuum of points by the inner automorphism {P,} = T(a)” {P}T(a)". (11) By ... Ban's approach enables us to develop 374 Basil J. Hiley and Marco Fernandes.In special relativity, massless particles such as the photon must travel at the speed of light in all reference frames; the speed of these particles are invariant. How can a photon both be travelling at the speed of light, and be at rest, at once? It's a contradiction. There are only two possible ways to resolve the contradiction -- either we abandon special relativity, which has an enormous wealth of experimental backing, or we abandon the idea that photons can have rest frames of reference (a thing that has no experimental backing). Obviously, we do the latter.
So it simply doesn't make sense to say "time is stopped for a photon." That would imply that the time the photon experiences is zero, which is not true. It would be more accurate to say that it is undefined as a consequence of there being no rest frame of the photon -- in layman's terms you might say "a photon doesn't experience [time, or anything else]."The idea that time becomes zero comes from the thought of treating massless particles as if their speed were the upper limit of the speed of massive particles, and noting that as massive particles reach high velocities, they experience time dilation -- but there are problems with this line of reasoning too: As a massive particle's speed tends to c, its mass also tends to infinity, and photons do not have infinite mass. Therefore we must conclude that massless particles and massive particles are phenomenologically distinct, and are not related by a simple limit.Technically, massless particles travel on null geodesics (the tangent vector norm is 0), whereas massive particles travel on timelike geodesics (the tangent vector norm is -1).
most people don't understand that photons can't have a frame of reference by definition.Well it's an interesting question - about the reference frame of our own spirit! Of course that scientist is not thinking of spirit - and apparently does not think spirits are real....
Harold Atmanspacher on Basil Hiley - time is inherently non-local - google book
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