In this scheme, the dark matter has to be there. There has to be the substance which is the main constituent of the Universe each time you cross over into the Next One. But since you don't want to have this dark matter continuing and building up each time, each time from Eon, it has to decay away from the Origin in the Big Bang to the Remote Future. And as it decays, it decays into Gravitational Signals. Now these would be very unusual signals - if you were to detect one of them it would be like a blip like that. In a galaxy - any loads of them - this dark matter - each one of these black holes would be little particles that make the dark matter - I call them Erebonds - the God of Darkness is called Erebus. - In a distant galaxy there would be hoards of them coming out and you might detect them.
There would be crowds and crowds of them all coming out at once. So imagine there would be two kinds of signals - one would be the close decay of these erebond particles - I mean in our solar system.
The official story is that this signal represents black holes in some distant galaxy that are spiraling around each other and swallowing each other up - ....And the idea
There seems to be something else going on, quite different from what they expected....
Penrose claims LIGO noise is evidence for Cyclic Cosmology
. Penrose beat everyone to it with an explanation
Penrose conjectures that both phases – the beginning and the end – are conformally invariant, which means they possess a symmetry under a stretching of distance scales. Then he identifies the end of the universe with the beginning of a new one, creating a cycle that repeats indefinitely. In his theory, what we think of as inflation – the accelerated expansion in the early universe – becomes the final phase of acceleration in the cycle preceding our own.
Penrose then argues that a gravitational wave signal from a binary black hole merger – like the ones LIGO has observed – should be accompanied by noise-like signals from erebons that decayed at the same time in the same galaxy. Just that this noise-like contribution would be correlated with the same time-difference as the merger signal.
I have a hard time seeing how the decay of a Planck-mass particle can give rise to a signal comparable in strength to a black hole merger (or why several of them would add up exactly for a larger signal).Sir Roger Penrose:
Even taking this at face value, the decay signals wouldn’t only come from one galaxy but from all galaxies, so the noise should be correlated all over and at pretty much all time-scales – not just at the 12ms as the Danish group has claimed. Worst of all, the dominant part of the signal would come from our own galaxy and why haven’t we seen this already?
In summary, one can’t blame Penrose for being fashionable. But I don’t think that erebons will be added to the list of LIGO’s discoveries.
The noise crackle might be a Lorry driving down the road - (truck).... OR....
In the Noise they Found Correlations between One Detector and the Other - so that means there is something going wrong
George Rush2:16 PM, July 20, 2017
So Penrose recommends looking for correlated noise similar to Dane's findings, coming from any galaxy in the sky, regardless of merger events. As you say "the noise should be correlated all over and at pretty much all time-scales" but we should see a relation to nearby galaxies where it's stronger. Try Andromeda first. If found, then it's not "meaningless" noise. Rather it's a real physical phenomenon.So what is it?
As for our own galaxy's "erebon decay" you ask "why haven’t we seen this already?" Per Penrose hypothesis, we have. Just look at the raw data - plenty of spikes. We might be able to pick out strongest spikes and analyze them as Milky Way events. Assuming erebons, with identical-size impulse events, identify same-size within short ms window, which gives some idea of direction, strength tells you the range, map to local DM. If it succeeds score one for Penrose!
Dane's analysis might already give a hint whether noise comes from identical-size impulses, but unlikely to see that at such distance. (I guess.)
"Correlated noise" from galaxies could exist, without Penrose being right. If it does LIGO people are currently realizing it. (BTW if they were using C++ or assembler they'd be realizing it sooner.) But the scary question is, with all that (putative real physics) going on, not being checked for, how often will it accidentally add up to spurious signal that fits the BBH merger template? About, maybe, 4 times since operation began?
Recently it was claimed that the LIGO residual noise at the time of the GW150914 gravitational-wave detection event contains some unexplained correlated noise. At that the noise correlations are maximized at the same time-delay as the signal correlations in two LIGO detectors. We argue that the Schumann resonance transients excited by strong lightnings and Q-bursts in Africa will have just this time lag of about 7~ms. Therefore if the correlated noise related to the Schumann resonance transients is indeed present in the LIGO data, its "African part" will show just the proper time-delay and its coincidence with the gravitational-wave time delay is only a coincidence.
It has recently been reported by Cresswell et al. [1] that correlations in the noise surrounding the observed gravitational wave signals, GW150194, GW151226, and GW170194 were found by the two LIGO detectors in Hanford and Livingston with the same time delay as the signals themselves. This raised some issues about the statistical reliability of the signals themselves, which led to much discussion, the current view appearing to support the contention that there is something unexplained that may be of genuine astrophysical interest [2]. In this note, it is pointed out that a resolution of this puzzle may be found in a proposal very recently put forward by the author [3], see also [4], that what seems to be spuriously generated noise may in fact be gravitational events caused by the decay of dark-matter particles (erebons) of mass around 10^-5g, the existence of such events being a clear implication of the cosmological scheme of conformal cyclic cosmology, or CCC [5], [6]. A brief outline of the salient points of CCC is provided here, especially with regard to its prediction of erebons and their impulsive gravitational signals.Penrose gives a lecture on it
Enter physicist Sir Roger Penrose, and his Erebon field theory, a novel explanation of dark matter. Despite dedicated searches, no signs of a dark matter particle have turned up.
Instead, physicists such as Penrose, hope we will be able to find some dark force, a portal into the dark world. Such a “dark photon” would be dark matter’s equivalent of a photon, the way that dark matter particles interact with one another.
That matter eventually gets sucked up by supermassive black holes, which over the very long term disappear by continuously emitting Hawking radiation. This process restores uniformity and sets the stage for the next Big Bang.
he has instead identified patches within the CMB that are much hotter than the surrounding region. The idea is that these hot spots could be due to the (mainly electromagnetic) radiation given off during the Hawking evaporation of supermassive black holes in the previous aeon.
Hawking points
Penrose says that although originally very feeble, those emissions would have been concentrated in our own aeon into spots with huge amounts of energy that he and his colleagues call Hawking points. That concentration comes about, he explains, because “the universe loses track of how big it is at the transition between aeons”. The Hawking points would then have stretched during the early universe, forming circular patches with a diameter on the sky about five times that of the Moon.
this disparity between real and simulated data provides strong backing for CCC over inflation. “more recent Penrose lecture on dark matter
What the instrument "squeezes" is quantum noise—infinitesimally small fluctuations in the vacuum of space that make it into the detectors. The signals that LIGO detects are so tiny that these quantum, otherwise minor fluctuations can have a contaminating effect, potentially muddying or completely masking incoming signals of gravitational waves.
With the new squeezer technology, LIGO has shaved down this confounding quantum crackle, extending the detectors' range by 15 percent.
Both the time of arrival (phase) and number (amplitude) of these photons are equally unknown, and equally uncertain, making it difficult for scientists to pick out gravitational-wave signals from the resulting background of quantum noise.
And yet, this quantum crackle is constant, and as LIGO seeks to detect farther, fainter signals, this quantum noise has become more of a limiting factor.
"The measurement we're making is so sensitive that the quantum vacuum matters," Barsotti notes.
direct a laser beam to the crystal, the crystal's atoms facilitate interactions between the laser and the quantum vacuum in a way that rearranges their properties of phase versus amplitude, creating a new, "squeezed" vacuum that then continues down each of the detector's arm as it normally would. This squeezed vacuum has smaller phase fluctuations than an ordinary vacuum, allowing scientists to better detect gravitational waves.Penrose has proposed acosmological model in which dark matter particles have the Planck mass and decay into two gravitons. Forthese, the spectrum has an additional “direct” contribution from the decay products, which we also calculate.
In addition to increasing LIGO's ability to detect gravitational waves, the new quantum squeezer may also help scientists better extract information about the sources that produce these waves.
LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy Associate Professor Thomas Corbitt and his team of researchers now present the first broadband, off-resonance measurement of quantum radiation pressure noise in the audio band, at frequencies relevant to gravitational wave detectors, as reported today in the scientific journal Nature.
make it possible to observe—and hear—quantum effects at room temperature.
the fluctuating radiation pressure is enough to bend the cantilever structure, causing the mirror pad to vibrate, which creates noise.
These higher power beams increase position accuracy but also increase back action, which is the uncertainty in the number of photons reflecting from a mirror that corresponds to a fluctuating force due to radiation pressure on the mirror, causing mechanical motion. Other types of noise, such as thermal noise, usually dominate over quantum radiation pressure noise, but Corbitt and his team, including collaborators at MIT and Crystalline Mirror Solutions, have sorted through them. Advanced LIGO and other second and third generation interferometers will be limited by quantum radiation pressure noise at low frequencies when running at their full laser power.
the effects of quantum radiation pressure noise in a system similar to Advanced LIGO, which will be limited by quantum radiation pressure noise across a wide range of frequencies far from the mechanical resonance frequency of the test mass suspension," Corbitt said.
is the main driver of the motion of a mirror that is visible to the human eye. The quantum vacuum, or 'nothingness,' can have an effect on something you can see."