I enjoyed this discussion. (youtube vid link for the webinar discussion of Planet of Humans doc) "the silent spiral" is a great phrase new to me.
Unfortunately in the paradox of anthropocentric reality - people will glibly just state - why don't you just kill yourself to help solve the problem? The problem though is based on "rate" of growth as a specific definition of time as a spatial measurement. Life on Earth is governed by the Lunar cycles through water and humans used to rely on the Moon - just study our San Bushmen culture that we are all from. We can enjoy science as our current religion to define our reality - but the tool of science can not solve the problem of science itself, based on the wrong definition of time.
Spiral of Silence theory has both micro level and macro level explanatory process. |
Unfortunately in the paradox of anthropocentric reality - people will glibly just state - why don't you just kill yourself to help solve the problem? The problem though is based on "rate" of growth as a specific definition of time as a spatial measurement. Life on Earth is governed by the Lunar cycles through water and humans used to rely on the Moon - just study our San Bushmen culture that we are all from. We can enjoy science as our current religion to define our reality - but the tool of science can not solve the problem of science itself, based on the wrong definition of time.
"As proved by Hawking, had the Universe's entropy increased been reversed, this reversal would be impossible to observe. This is because time orientation of all biological processes (as we show elsewhere in detail) relies solely on entropy's increase."
Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000
This definition of "time orientation" assumes a left-brain dominance of life on Earth when in fact life is right brain dominant. We humans have right-hand dominance for tool use with left-brain dominance. Female chimpanzees developed spear tools so that the females were not dependent on the males bring home the meat and then raping the females when the females did not want the "meat for sex" exchange.
So our distance cousins as primates along with us humans have technology use hard-wired in us as part of the female drive to protect itself from the raping male primates. But this drive of technology does not solve the CAUSE of the problem by the males. Our original human culture, the San Bushmen culture, did solve the problem of the raping males by requiring ALL males to do intensive psycho-physiological training through Tshoma - a month long training of fasting and trance dancing - separated from the females (so just a meager soup in the evenings for a month while trance dancing all day long).
We modern left-brain dominant humans have literally LOST our psycho-physiological engagement with the Lunar control of our Pineal Gland. This Bioneer talk proves my point - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rycqVPANBKQ The Womb at the Center of the Universe
So consider that first quote about the "time orientation of all biological processes" relying soley on entropy's increase. We inherently define the entropy of the Universe in the wrong way - we are hard-wired to psycho-physiologically not experience the negentropy of the Universe, as quantum biology has recently revealed (the book, "LIfe on the Edge" was 2006 award-winning science book).
So on the one hand our Ecocide of Earth as a species is hard-wired in due to the Positive Feedback cycles of Mother Nature punishing humans for the imbalance our technology has caused - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Methane Bomb is the prime example http://arctic-news.blogspot.com So the destruction of life on Earth will continue to accelerate - we now face 1 billion people in extreme poverty from abrupt global warming drought combined with collapsing markets, etc. 50% of physics is for Military Research to see what Males have the Biggest Missiles - and the Big Missile Males stroke each other to see who can ejaculate first - as Dr. Helen Caldicott exposed with her book, "Missile Envy."
Our original human culture, the San Bushmen did not even KNOW what homosexuality was!! This is well documented by anthropologist Dr. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - as did our 2nd oldest culture, the "pygmies" or Baka culture - the males also did not even masturbate! So our morality used to be hard-wired into our ecological culture of LIMITS and yet this is not allowed to be talked about.
There is another "silent spiral" which goes into the OPPOSITE direction of the "silent spiral" that Dr. Kristine Mattis referenced. This is the "silent spiral" of our right side vagus nerve as Dr. Stephen Porges details. He calls its the freeze reaction from our reptilian unmyelinated brain to our reproductive organ. So this is a real traumatic "play dead" reaction that is covered up in our culture - and this extreme right side vagus nerve freezing is also called "parasympathetic rebound" as a reaction to extreme stress. So we then have to Exercise to then Exorcise this Extreme Ecological Trauma - the "freeze" reaction kills mammals in the wild since we are not reptiles. By not running away and being "silent" then the spiral advances from genocide into Ecocide. That is the evil that is killing the planet.
But the "silent spiral" in the opposite direction means that this bliss can go downwards from reverse time itself - what ancient cultures call the Cosmic Mother as healing energy. This actually requires relativistic quantum biology to understand. The point being that Silence then becomes Sigh-Lens - using deep reverse breathing leads to a "Lense" or focusing of energy that is healing. We experience that "matter" on Earth no longer matters since it is Light itself as our original DreamTime - the essay by the Dr. Keeney team - Re-Entry into Creation - explains this. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1005005.pdf N/om, Change, and Social Work:A Recursive Frame Analysis of the Transformative Rituals of the Ju/’hoan Bushmen
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