scroll down on lower left for link to the qigong institute database....
Why? Because Eddie Oshins also was on the staff of SRI working for J-P Jean-Pierre Vigier.
So I added J.P. Vigier to my compilation of de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony scientist quotes
81) This paper was typed from an unfinished handwritten manuscript by J-P Vigier. One of us, Amoroso was
Jean-Piere’s main collaborator and final student during the last decade of his life.
Recent attempts to consider isolated particles and real constitutive wave elements as localized, extended spacetime structures (i.e., moving within time‐like hypertubes or branes are developed within a causal extension of the Feynman‐Gell‐Mann electron model. These extended structures contain real internal motions, (i.e., internal hidden parameters) locally correlated with the “hidden parameters” describing the local collective motions of the corresponding pilot‐waves. Recent experimental evidence is briefly discussed.Professor Richard L. Amoroso with Professor Louis Kauffman, et. al.
Vigier was a proponent of the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was based on the ideas of de Broglie and David Bohm. Politically, Vigier was an active supporter of communism throughout his life.Once again, just as with Olivier Costa de Beauregard - NO MENTION of the PARANORMAL by the Wiki-religion! haha.
Vigier was invited to be Einstein's assistant; but at the time because of his political controversy related to Vietnam the US State Department would not allow him entry into the United States.
Very strange that the Wiki page on J-P Vigier does not even MENTION SRI (Stanford Research Institute)....Teleportation Physics Study -
2004 - Cited by 38 - Related articlesSRI. Stanford Research Institute. USSR. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ... 80th Birthday of Jean-Pierre Vigier, Amoroso, R. L., Hunter, G., Kafatos, M. and ...
Leshan, C. (2002), “Proposal for Teleportation by Help of Vacuum Holes,” in Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, Proc. of a Symposium in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Jean-Pierre Vigier, Amoroso, R. L., Hunter, G., Kafatos, M. and Vigier, J.-P. eds., Kluwer Academic Publ., Boston, pp. 515-516
Dr. Ernest Sternglass mentions him in his 1997 book, Before the Big Bang Sternglass met and collaborated with Vigier on details of theoretical work which eventually led to a new (and decidedly non-standard) model of protons and neutrons, as well as all the other "particles", such as pi-mesons and rho-mesons and K-mesons and lambda-baryons.OH I was getting J.P. Vigier confused again wtih H. Pierre Noyes
Similar names.
SLAC and SRI International were performing field testing of their portable VLF antenna in the Quad last week. The project is part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA AMEBA program on miniaturizing VLF communication systems. The project aims to develop a long-range communication system using very low frequency that will penetrate through water and the ground. (l-r): Robert Sparr (SRI), Cecile Mackay (SRI), Mark Kemp (SLAC).
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
“Our device is also hundreds of times more efficient and can transmit data faster than previous devices of comparable size,” said SLAC’s Mark Kemp, the project’s principal investigator. “Its performance pushes the limits of what’s technologically possible and puts portable VLF applications, like sending short text messages in challenging situations, within reach.”
a 4-inch-long piezoelectric crystal (clear rod at center) that generates VLF radiation....Very low frequency communication systems (3 kHz–30 kHz) enable applications not feasible at higher frequencies.
A piezoelectric radiating element eliminates the need for large impedance matching networks as it self-resonates at the acoustic wavelength.
Non-Locality Causality and Aether in Quantum Mechanics
by JP Vigier - 1982 - Cited by 104 - Related articles
58 J. P. VIGIER: Non-Locality, Causality and Aether in Quantum Mechanics ... at A' which switches the hypertube (and the path of z) back into the forward light ...Non‐Locality, Causality and Aether in Quantum Mechanics J. P. Vigier
It was with the deepest regret that I learnt from Prof. Cufaro Petroni (letter to the author on 14/11/2016) of the possible irremediable loss of Vigier’s documents. In fact, Nicola Cufaro Petroni himself -one of the closest collaborators of Vigier -was commissioned, in February 2004, to sort the documents left in Vigier’s office. He could collect three full boxes of (uncatalogued) documents which apparently, due to a renovation, are not traced any more. At the moment, with the kind help of Prof. Cufaro Petroni, we are trying to retrieve the documents which might have a great historical value.
New quantum mechanical tight bound states and `cold fusion' experiments
Jean Pierre Vigier
obituary of J.P. Vigier
Three or four days after Jean-Pierre passed away on
May 4, 2004, as a result of hitting his head on a brass
cornice at his bank in Paris the year before,
And so the Eternity Wave pdf
so then
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