The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Friday, April 17, 2020
That Last Breath at Death as Real Time as the Om of Light secret: My yogi-friend in India asks for a facetime connection to the Emptiness
So in the original human culture the males stare to send out laser holographic healing energy and the better you can maintain Samadhi while staring with the eyes open - to maintain that Emptiness while looking outward - this is called the Quantum Zeno Effect.
Suddenly the center of my brain got super hot and my heart then burst open with Qi or Prana - from the Shakti or Shen - the laser holographic energy. I had been telling him about this documentary about how whites used another black to be racist against other blacks - in the South US. Suddenly I burst out crying and bawling and say, "What are you doing to me!" So as a supposed grown man then it's embarrassing to me to burst out crying. He said nothing - just silence. Then later he said since he had just been healing on the phone then he was still in the Emptiness and since I sat farther away and not directly facing him - then it was easier for him to maintain the Emptiness.
So then sometimes the facetime can be good but the qigong masters say that it is EASIER to do the Emptiness healing over the phone - so that the more superficial lower frequency blockages do not get in the way. Why? So science has proven that our eyes first process images as subconscious blockages via a biophoton signal that then TRIGGERS the body to be wired to reaction - the reaction may not happen right away but it is pre-determined by the laser resonance trigger. So most of the time for most people then the subconscious is in control. But for us yogis - then we can be aware with our left brain of the "real time" subconscious triggers. Then we have to do right-brain dominant meditation to open up the third eye heart - small intestines central channel connection to the Emptiness beyond the body-mind and even spirit.
So this is why Ramana Maharshi REFUSED to consciously do healing and if people died then he said it was their karma. And then he refused to heal his own body even - and when it got sick - then some said it was the karma of his students causing his body to be sick. Similarly Master Nan, Huai-chin said he was teaching too much and his students were using their minds too much - and so his body also got sick. Master Nan had emphasized that unless the body's qi energy is maintained and stored up then at that last breath at death - the mind's connection to the Emptiness via the spirit biophoton laser resonance - it is lost. And so the person goes back into the Relative Void - not the Absolute Void that resonates light.
And yet nevertheless - the Absolute Void continues on its own. So Sri Aurobindo who had taken on the Freemasonic energy of Vivekananda - Aurobindo argued for a Shakti transformation as the "external path" that Vivekananda said was also the path of science. Yet Aurobindo also consciously realized that the spiritual ego is inherently limited by the SAME limitation in science - what science calls "time-frequency uncertainty." So Aurobindo knew that quantum physics had rediscovered the SAME paradox found even in meditation. There is always a left-brain "past time" energy blockage that is the error of what we call "real time."
And so the REAL "real time" called Yuan Shen in Daoism - is only what Ramana Maharshi tried to maintain - with this spirit as a laser - turned back to reflect or listen to in silence - with spacetime itself. So that the "mirrors" of the spirit or light are ONLY resonating from spacetime itself (just as a black hole is quantum entangled with a white hole). So in this case the "real time" or zero/infinite time connection is STILL relative to the limitation of the speed of light (in 3D or 4D spacetime). So in the 5th Dimension of the Emptiness then the Future and Past of 3D space or 4D spacetime is actually ALL happening at the "same time" (with zero space mass).
So in that instant of Emptiness then light can inherently NOT be seen - the light is resonating as pure supermomentum or negative time and negative frequency (from the future) - also called "inverse-frequency" (time as period but not wavelength). So science relies on time as an "external parameter" while quantum physics TRIES to incorporate time as a "real time" OPERATOR. But this means that time-frequency is no longer uncertain (or as mainstream Copenhagen quantum physics asserts - reality doesn't exist until a SCIENTIST measures it!) but rather time-frequency is NONCOMMUTATIVE or the Emptiness of spacetime has an infinite/zero and a zero/infinity that are not symmetric to each other.
So this is what the Zen masters called the K'oan of the sound of one hand clapping - as is joked about. Or the joke of "does a tree make a sound when falling if no one is there to hear it." So in India this is called the OM of LIGHT - as a yogi-professor calls it. I blogged on that - I'm not sure what his original source for that phrase is - in Sanskrit. But in Tamil - there is an explicit philosophy that the "three gunas" have to always be part of the One - what Ramana Maharshi called the "three in one unity." So Ramana Maharshi admitted that the Mind as spiritual Ego was a necessary tool to access the Formless Awareness. He said the Self was NOT light and yet when the Self is accessed - it radiates very bright light. But Poonjaji was more specific - as I reread his "Nothing Ever Happens" memoir - the Self emanates a BLUE light. Chunyi Lin calls this blue light - "the Buddha Light." And so Krishna is Blue, as Hathor was blue, etc.
But then what of the Green light that you speak of? Why does Chunyi Lin equate the Green light with the Yuan Qi emptiness? De Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony reveals the secret. So since all matter is light - then as matter of the brain/mind experiencing "real time" as the PAST - this means we are inherently dependent on TWO types of matter that are interacting. As physicist Fred Alan Wolf emphasizes - relativity taught us that to make a VISUAL measurement then there HAS to be a two-ness first. So we think of this as a closed parameter of time as a spatial wavelength. So then for the person observing or even the "matter" as technology observing the light as measurement - then the INTERNAL spacetime is going up in frequency (from red to GREEN) but the External spacetime is going down in time (so that it slows down externally) but also in frequency (now as the MOMENTUM of mass as speed). (so classical relativity calls this the Red-Shift as a logarithmic singularity of spacetime - as an EXTERNAL measurement from the PERSPECTIVE or REFLECTION - the RESONANCE of external spacetime - but INTERNALLY for the matter or person's brain measuring spacetime it is actually GREEN LIGHT as the frequency is going up).
So now that "real time" as zero-infinity is no longer a POINT in space that is "contained" but instead it is a Subharmonic Beat - from the Future time going in REVERSE direction of space - at the SAME time as the PAST is going forward in space. So then the "rainbow body" as the Yuan Shen (of the light going into the Emptiness - what science calls a "logarithmic singularity") is actually a Law of Phase Harmony of the Emptiness (that inherently can not be seen and yet can be practiced and experienced).
So the Blue Light is then the Phase Harmony as seen internally - as light from the future but moving backwards in time as a subharmonic of time (therefore the blue light is said to be "ABSORBED" by matter to create gold light). The Gold light is then seen externally as the immortal Yang Shen Golden Body of alchemy - again as the Phase Harmony or constant ratio of future and past time-momentum interacting dialectically with future and past space as both wavelength and period). This can be summarized by de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony as Frequency is to Time as Momentum is to Wavelength. But the meaning changes relative to whether it is internal or external perspective! In Daoist alchemy then it is Shen is to Emptiness as Qi is to Jing.
Shri Dhyanyogi understood this secret of Blue Light also as being the Soul from the FUTURE as a subharmonic of sound - and so he emphasized the music path for his protege. So Shri Dhyanyogi's memoir, "This House is On Fire" - mentions how a student had been practicing Ayahausca in the Amazon and so the Shaman in the Amazon rainforest had connected in spiritual astral body with Dhyanyogi - and so some of these plant-seed or root combinations can recreate this Yuan Shen rainbow astral Emptiness connection. So then a loud OM sound emanates from the heart from a strong rainbow Ayahausca experience but Master Nan, Huai-chin said this loud OM from the Heart is also the Om of the Universe from the Jing (matter of BOTH the Future and the Past) being converted to Light or Shen. So Qigong master Zhang Hongbao called this the "Golden Key" of "superluminal yin matter." Zhang Hongbao consciously relied on Einstein to explain this - so in physics Gold color is created from time of the future or reverse time as superluminal SPIN - that is literally blue light being absorbed from the future. Qigong Master Yan Xin called it the "virtual information field" that does the healing.
p.s. I will add that in de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony then the photon actually has "mass" because it is inherently relativistic mass. So it has a slight "positive mass" from the observer - since the "real time" is inherently actually the PAST. So this was NOT accepted by mainstream science since mainstream science insists on the "objectivity" of "zero time" (the same reason that Aristotle was against zero as a materialistic "negative infinity.") So then Noncommutative Phase as the secret of spacetime now justifies de Broglie's claim of light actually having mass in "real time." (as a positive momentum pressure aka antigravity or levitation as negative time-frequency energy) that can now be CAPTURED in the lower tan t'ien as Yuan Qi energy). So as light it is the "past" but as PRESSURE or sound it is the "real time" or zero/infinity and infinity/zero that are complementary opposites that can not be seen.
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