Wish you would speak. I think you’re brilliant. I reread your ats thread yearly. I would absolutely love a podcast format from you. Thank you for once again sharing your insights!
Thanks so much for the kudus! I didn't realize I had wrote about G. Nimtz way back on that ATS thread (oh it was 2012 - I was thinking it was 2006). http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread807082/pg48
"In 1994 Günter Nimtz and Horst Aichmann carried out a tunneling experiment at the laboratories of Hewlett-Packard after which Nimtz stated that the frequency modulated (FM) carrier wave transported the 40th symphony of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 4.7 times faster than light due to the effect of quantum tunneling. ...However, Nimtz highlights that eventually the final tunneling time was always obtained by the Wigner phase time approach. In [6] and [17] Günter Nimtz outlines that such evanescent modes only exist in the classically forbidden region of energy. As a consequence they cannot be explained by classical physics nor by special relativity postulates: A negative energy of evanescent modes follows from the imaginary wave number, i.e. from the imaginary refractive index according to the Maxwell relation ... for electromagnetic and elastic fields. In his latest publication [22] Günter Nimtz again explicitly points out that tunneling indeed confronts special relativity and that any other statement must be considered incorrect. [edit] Related experiments It was later claimed by the Keller group in Switzerland that particle tunneling does indeed occur in zero real time....
citing http://brannenworks.com/a_phase.pdf
2019 Comment: On Zero Time TunnelingGünter Nimtz1andHorst Aichmann pdf
2019 Comment: On Zero Time TunnelingGünter Nimtz1andHorst Aichmann pdf
Yeah that ATS thread was a great "test" of my ideas and I am glad to have found further corroboration of my research. What is less known is that while I have been doing conceptual research - I also was doing real experimental research in real life. So I did overuse my energy in real life - sitting in full lotus in public while I read books. haha. Also at work I sat in full lotus.
Well I was sending out healing energy but just as the expense of my own energy. I was splitting up the yang qi and yin qi - and sending out yin qi energy. Alchemy is the opposite - it is the combination of yang and yin qi to make more yuan qi energy. So there is a universal supply of yuan qi energy but if a person doesn't store it up then they will slowly (or in my case quickly) use it up. So then either food has to be relied on or more intense meditation - to restore the energy.
Anyway thanks for getting in contact with me. I do think I have been able to clarify my research ideas better since that ATS thread but it was partly because of that thread as well. I have relied on people critiquing me, thereby forcing me to clarify my research. So hopefully people can get value from the ideas while I personally will not need to be relied on so much. My goal is to clarify the basic general principles involved so they are not dependent on anyone person's skill level, etc. For example the MMA scene insists that the value of qigong or qi energy must be shown by winning fights in the ring - but it is neglected that if a fighter is hit in the reproductive organ in MMA then they get a 15 minute recovery break. haha. There are "special" rules that do favor certain types of fighting.
And so even if a person "loses" in real life that doesn't mean the principles are not valid. The principles are impersonal and in no way based on valuing people specifically. So this energy can be used to hurt people - it is dangerous energy as well as healing energy. It's just that I argue this energy is more accurate to the foundation of reality and therefore has stronger "staying power" or is the truth of eternity. Whereas Western civilization based on symmetric math science is more PRECISE but it lacks an accurate foundation and so it lacks the staying power of eternity. Hence our accelerating destruction of Western civilization that is hard-wired to the math as a "deep pre-established disharmony" as Borzacchini calls it.
So if you want more details - my blog http://elixirfield.blogspot.com gives links to my recent articles. I also have my 2012 book, "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" (free pdf online) but just as with that ATS thread - I was still solidifying this noncommutative phase music research in 2012.
So yes I am still learning a lot. My background was music and so now I have been learning science but I don't do "calculations" since I think we can rely on machines to do "calculations." Instead I focus on the concepts - and so I'm still fine-tuning the concepts. I don't disagree with my past work - it's just that I have been honing it down to be able to describe it better in scientific terms.
So in high school I had a Pythagorean conceptual insight and I did not know how to verbalize it. So when I took quantum mechanics my first year of college - I knew that it was also based on this same truth as the Pythagorean music logic. But I did not know that term "noncommutative" yet.
Still then I realized it was nonwestern music that was based on this Pythagorean truth and it was also the secret of meditation - as Dr. John Beaulieau described in his BioSonics book. So then I tested out that hypothesis by doing the intensive meditation of the "small universe" as based on the 12 notes as an infinite spiral. I realized that is was completely true and my sense of reality totally changed! I saw ghosts and had precognition and telepathy and telekinesis. But now the challenge was how to translate that back into science so that people didn't think I was schizoid or whatever.
So fortunately I had my master's degree so I had some protection. Then I discovered Eddie Oshins at SLAC completely corroborated that view of Neidan alchemy as from quantum noncommutative phase logic. I discovered Oshins in 2015 - so AFTER that ATS thread. And then I discovered Alain Connes music theory lecture on noncommutative phase. Also Olivier Costa de Beauregard corroborates this research. So finally I had it corroborated.
But Connes still was not using Pythagorean music theory directly. Connes uses Western music theory but says it originates from noncommutative logic. I knew that the Pythagorean tuning was directly noncommutative. So then the math professor in Mexico - Michio Durdevich - whom I cite in this paper - he confirms indeed that it is Pythagorean tuning directly that is noncommutative phase quantum logic.
So FINALLY after 35 years of research I had connected all the dots. haha. And so as you have realized - this is a revolutionary concept that people have no idea about and yet once it is known then it opens up a whole new world of understanding. So I hope you are able to pass this on to others also - from reading my free research and doing your own, etc. Thanks again.
Thanks for the reply. Dr. Victor Grauer's book "Sounding the Depths" gives audio examples of how the San Bushmen music spread around the world. http://soundingthedepths.blogspot.com/p/audio-visual-examples.html So Art Tatum played by ear and so the best musicians play by ear, without needing a visual scale. But I cite in a recent upload - how the scales from all around the world are built from the Perfect Fifths/Fourths. In the West people learn this as just the pentatonic scale. In the West we wonder how we can produce harmonics without equal-tempered tuning.
Special Forces uses the Brainport for this transduction of ultrasound as "third eye" proprioception. So all our perceptions - and Sony patented this ultrasound secret to creating a holographic reality. And now science has proven that the highest external pitch we can hear then resonates the brain as a whole internally as ultrasound. And this ultrasound is now proven to resonate our microtubules at 3000 times greater amplification of electromagnetic energy - as quantum coherence. And so this quantum coherence is, as Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff have detailed, in reality a non-local "collapse" by gravity itself. This means our perception of linear time is only "after the fact" of our real consciousness collapsing the future harmonization - into our "present" cognition. My book "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" gives the training details based on the music theory.
Indian music tuning considered the equal-tempered scale to be the "materialistic" choice. The Chinese knew about it but chose not to use it - for the same reason. So their scale does not have the octave included. So Western music is a subset of the truth of reality - just as is Western science. Yes when we hear music live, the Gamelan music is proven to then go into ultrasound and infrasound - with a nonlinear feedback - using gongs and gamelan. So this is called the HyperSonic Effect - by a Japanese study - documented to produce strong alpha brain waves. So those alpha brain waves increase the serotonin levels. Western music usually at best causes the frisson reaction - chills or tingles - which is an increase in dopamine. The slow middle movements of baroque-classical then also caused the increase in serotonin due to the 60 bpm tempo.
So the "global" music often uses a Western basis but also uses the modal scales or microtuning of India or China or the various indigenous cultures around the world. But if people learn music intuitively then they will notice that the 5th as subharmonic or F to C then "pulls" differently then the fifth as overtone harmonic as C to G. So this creates the eternal movement of reality as the source of sound harmonizing the future and past. For example Professor John Chernoff's book on African polyrhythmic drumming - he emphasizes how it's the Emptiness or space between the beats that enables the truth of the music. So there is a realization that the music is listening to us and not us listening to the music. And so our body and mind become the music instrument. For example if we fast then the white noise background creates audio "hallucinations" that in reality is just our subconscious being heard in real time. Or as Theodore Reik wrote his "Haunting Melody" book - when a melody pops into our head then if we can remember the words to the song - that will reveal our subconscious meaning at that moment in time.
Jacque Attali wrote his book "Noise" arguing that music predicted the political economy of the future. And so when people began composing their own music using the latest technology - then he saw this as predicting a type of self-composing society. But for me, I then discovered the "music logarithmic spiral" that confirmed my master's thesis on "sound-current nondualism." So the West defines sound through the tension of the string using the inverse square law that Newton then used for gravity. So then as science goes into higher symmetric dimensions there is an increased tension of spacetime on Earth. But Victor Schauberger coined the term "cycloid-spiral" motion and Schauberger then stated, "Pressure plus Suction = reduction of resistance." So this means that spacetime is listening to us at the same time that we are listening to spacetime (the Emptiness, the Ether) and then de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony teaches us that the negentropy is a subharmonic amplification. This secret was also discovered by Professor Brian Godwin, the biologist.
So I recommend doing the "small universe" meditation as a mind-body music. And since humans can hear faster than Fourier Uncertainty - up to ten times faster - then what technology can provide us in terms of time-frequency uncertainty transposition - then as we train in music on a deeper level of listening and learn to play our body/mind as our new music instrument (better than any computer, etc.) then there is a new listening level of reality achieved. Walter Russell was also trained by a blind musician - and so Russell had this music transformation process. But he did not quite capture the noncommutative phase concept in his analysis of reality.
So essentially the increased tension does not cause a "logarithmic singularity" as it is called in Western science. Noncommutative phase science as Professor Shahn Majid has revealed, indicates that the quantum pressure of antigravity completely balances out the gravity of a black hole - so there is no "singularity" collapse of spacetime. Instead there is as de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony revealed, a harmonization of the future and the past. Stephen Hawking said that spacetime is then shifted 180 degrees via the black hole to white hole transformation but that it would be like predicting the weather 10 days ahead - to know what happens to that energy-information during the transformation.
So just as a black hole or gravity wave can not be seen but science has now documented it as a sound transduction signal - so too does the future get transduced into our present dream state of perception. So in precognitive "visions" then the perceptions are MORE vivid and MORE real then in our "present" time waking state! And so when the present time "happens again" in the future - then it is LESS real then it had already happened (when we had seen it in the past). This transduction itself happens in silence as the noncommutative phase. The precognitive vision can only be recognized as such from the experiential training of having it confirmed and corroborated after the fact (just as quantum physics is dependent on after the fact classical measurements to confirm the instantaneous correlation signal that is non-local reality).
So the truth of music has to be what I call the Sigh-Lens or Silence - as Pythagoras required 5 years of silence training to truly hear the Cosmos properly. Then as qigong master Chunyi Lin says - he can always hear this OM sound as the background of the Emptiness - it happens through the heart. So we learn to listen through the heart and our 2nd brain - our guts - and the third eye. These parts of our body then enable the phase coherence of the right and left ear. For example electric fish rely on their "lateral line" which is what back our sense of hearing. So they rely on a non-local signal and can also send it out to stun prey, etc. We then all have this ability from life originating in water. This is the 4th state of water that Gerald Pollack proved - and as Dr. Andrija Puharich realized - when the proton and electron of water is split by ultrasound this causes a reverse time subharmonic as the ELF resonance with the Earth's schumann resonance. So it is the OM sound as the spin signal from the future - the non-local reverse time signal due to the supermomentum of the virtual photons emitted by the splitting of the proton (yang qi) and electron (yin qi).
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