So yes has exposed for a long time the sold out status of the environmental movement. The Michael Moore documentary does mention algae and seaweed - showing that the seaweed bed died. So for example Exxon has its algae oil commercials yet algae - they give a projection down the road but it would be only a very small percentage of their gas supply. Maybe 2%. So ideally these things could have been scaled up back in the 1980s - if Carter had stayed in office and the Neo-Nazi Ray-gun Revolution had not taken over. In other words - instead of clear cutting monocultural tree farms for biomass - we had scaled up huge algae and seaweed farms - and also done more regenerative agriculture farming.
So for example GEE McFearSun - he has been claiming that regenerative farming a la Allan Savory - is fake. But he's been proven wrong. So he was pooh-poohing a solution for ten years. So I'm just saying those solutions at the end are not necessarily wrong - but just too little too late. Why? Because the thrust of Western civilization is hard-wired via the mathematics that drives science. There is a logic to the math of increasing the dimensions via logarithms and the exponential function as its inverse. So Western civilization thinks it is "free" and so people freak out about the AI Matrix system being put into place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact Western civilization has never been free because of the wrong mathematical logic (the inverse inductive logic of proving a negation based on the geometric continuum).
The Problem of Induction (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
by L Henderson - 2018 - Cited by 28 - Related articles
Mar 21, 2018 - Relations of ideas include geometric, algebraic and arithmetic ... The negation of the conclusion of the inductive inference is not a ... to Carnap's “continuum of inductive methods” (Carnap 1952). ... Williams instea
If the Clintons were on the mass mind control media every night - with everyone fixated on them - then I think it would be worthy of exposing their crimes. If anyone mentions the lie of the name that rhymes with the real name Drumpf and calls Drumpf the "president" then I will point out that he was only "voted" in as president due to CrossCheck. CrossCheck was only on the Liberal Imperial news briefly for a 2 minute interview of Greg Palast by Joy Reid (who then got kicked off the daily news - she's now on the weekend). So yes the Liberal Empire refuses to talk about CrossCheck since it exposes the whole electoral process as corporate controlled.
For example I personally did the data entry to get Keith Ellison elected into US Congress - my boss was then hired as Keith Ellison's office manager. Keith Ellison then tried to get elected in charge of the DNC - of course that was not going to happen. I also personally had to sign a non-disclosure agreement to violate my First Amendment Rights in order to "work" for the Democratic Party. So as Ralph Nader exposes in his documentary, "An UnReasonable Man" - the Liberal Imperialists are the "good cops" based on kicking the dog or blaming the victim.
The Republicans go a long with this by the way. My dad was buddies with a US Federal District Judge - Judge Bud Bowman - and so we went to dinner before Judge Bowman wrote his court decision against a Family Farm protection law. So my dad was keen on me telling Judge Bowman about how I personally confronted VP Al Gore about his environmental hypocrisy. The republicans like to promote the Green Party since they know it will split the vote.
Personally I agree with Chomsky that voting is the LEAST a person can do in a real democracy. But then I also think that Democracy itself is a scam set up by Plato - based on the lie of each citizen valued as 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, that then must be "compromised" or turned into a logarithmic "whole" and then cubed into the square root of two as the Power Set Axiom. Are in you favor of the square root of two? haha.
Economist Michael E. Hudson exposes the lie of the square root of two as the inverse of exponential growth, justified by Western Music Tuning - and Hudson, also from Minneapolis (where his dad served in federal prison for supposedly calling for the overthrow of the government by force) - Hudson says he quit the liberal New School since they are not radical enough. Hudson worked for the Rockefellers because they appreciated and leveraged the truth of his Marxist structural analyst on Empire.
So you seem to be a Marxist but as I exposed in my university paper, "The Incorrect Supply and Demand Model" - Marxism still depends on logarithmic math and so Marx is also part of the problem. Professor David F. Noble also exposed this in his book "The Religion of Technology" quoting Marx calling for the "edenic respites of technology."
So I did door to door volunteering for the Green Party in Minnesota - and helped get a Green Party member elected to the city council. I also worked for the UW-Greens at UW-Madison - a group that promoted the Green Party. We compiled 900 pages of FBI surveillance over a few years. When biology professor Phil Regal spoke at the Green Party meeting I asked him a question. He said, "Drew Hempel? I thought there were six of you!" haha.
As I have mentioned - I protested at the Democratic National Convention in 1996. When the Republican National Convention came to Minnesota in 2008 - rather than protesting I simply left town on an old bicycle. On the way - the cops yelled at me from across the street - as I bicycled past the police station! Maybe they recognized me as a protester?
There were PRE-Arrests at the RNC - based on tracking cell phones. When My Earth First! activist friends got cell phones in 1998 then I knew it was ALL over in terms of activism. Mother Nature will take care of the problem of modern Westernized human civilization. Politics is only a superficial problem - as Stan Gooch exposed. Have you read Stan Gooch's book "Total Man"? - he was a UK psychologist. He then retreated to live in a caravan in Wales - alone. I corresponded with Stan Gooch via snail mail.
Yes I call this the Trajectory of Tantric Technology. So right hand technology "evolves" with left brain dominance. The left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain but the right side vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain. This means as right hand technology develops there is a Separation of Heaven (the mind) from Earth (the lower body) via mass ritual sacrifice (the ritual priests of technology). So this means that modern Westernized humans are subconsciously controlled by the lower body drives - in this case it is Male Primate ejaculation addiction as Missile Envy. So then modern Westernized humans are increasingly attracted to a positive feedback cycle that is destructive.
For example feminist professor - on pornography - Gail Dines - she exposes how "porn" instead of being "liberating" as the left tries to claim - porn is increasingly sadistic. Why? Because male ejaculation spikes cortisol levels and lust is based on dopamine. So when Drumpf Ejaculates Missiles Pre-Maturely then the Liberal Imperial mass mind control media are quick to call him finally being "Presidential." haha. Quite Hilarious. And then Drumpf ponders, "Why can't we use Nukes!?" And Drumpf sucks on the missiles of North Korea and Russia - in other words Drumpf is a Circle Jerk Missile Envy phenomenon because he was trained by his Mentor - the closeted fascist Roy Cohn.
So you're saying when I wrote a graduate paper detailing how the US-led sanctions on Iraq were genocidal and my instructor wrote on the paper that it was "too aggressive" - and so I made hundreds of copies of the paper and passed it out at the University - in 1998 - and the paper stated the US would be invading Iraq again for the reasons that Chomsky had delineated - PetroDollar Monopoly; US weapon sales; control of the oil - and then I got arrested twice protesting against the US-led sanctions - you're saying that the whole time I was really a closet HRC supporter? Wow - I like your style - very much like Roy Cohn calling people Commies and getting them black-listed until they try to Prove a Negative which is impossible for them to do. haha. Or we could bring out the Witch Trials of the Middle Ages. Ah how times change...
Oh but you do remind me of when Chelsea Clinton showed up to shop at NikeTown just as my activist buddies were being hauled out by the cops - that was during the DNC in Chicago in 1996. So then as the cops kept chasing us we hid into a Live Show production of Jesse Raphael-Smell - that's what my buddy called her. Some talk show host out of Chicago.
yes for example when in deep dreamless sleep - who is experiencing it? Only when we wake up after do we then realize we needed that deep bliss healing energy of deep dreamless sleep. So our true experience is actually of no time and no space. If we go into that while remaining awake then we turn our dream vision into no longer being a dream based on the past. So we can have dreams of the future.
Dreams of the future are more vivid and more realistic then our dreams of the past. Being awake as our consciousness left-brain thinking is also a type of dreaming of the past. This is why people love right brain technology so much of t.v. and movies because instead of being thinking it is closer to being awake while sleeping. So we feel like it is a sense of eternal present time while dreaming while awake. But this is an illusion of our vision. The only real present time we can experience is when we can not see - as in deep dreamless sleep. But we can LISTEN while in deep dreamless sleep and this then will lead to still being awake and then visions of the future.
You mean as a professor of a small liberal private college in New England? Reminds me of math professor Joe Mazur - also of a small liberal private college in New England. He had an award-winning book published called "Euclid in the Rainforest" - he writes in the book how trignometry helped them solve a problem in the rainforest ( I think it was something about a truck getting stuck). I wrote him a snail mail letter stating that contrary to Euclid helping the Rainforest in fact Western civilization had wiped out the rainforest. I said I too had been in Costa Rica - just as he had been for the subject of his book - only I had studied conservation biology and sustainable development for a semester that in 1992 at School for Field Studies. So then I told him what my take on Western math was based on music theory.
Mazur said I should pursue the research - and he suggested I follow up on a David Fowler lead. So I went to the Math library and sure enough I discovered David Fowler in his book on Platonic Math stating that he thought music theory could solve the problem of how continued proportions were turned into irrational magnitude for the geometric continuum (the foundation of Western science as the Greek Miracle). So then Mazur said my research was "very impressive" and he asked me to submit it to the most read math journal.
But as I wrote the article I was critiquing all of Western math - and I brought in quantum mechanics and Pythagorean philosophy. Of course my paper submitted was rejected without comment.... And so Mazur and I kept in contact - he asked me to review his later book on the paradox of Zeno - and now he's publishing a NEW book on Zeno called "Zeno's Quiver." It was supposed to be released last year. I asked him to include a chapter on how precognition was real based on nonwestern music theory - he said he was going to have a chapter on the perception of time in music. We'll see what happens. Mazur is retired now.
Yes I call this the Trajectory of Tantric Technology. So right hand technology "evolves" with left brain dominance. The left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain but the right side vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain. This means as right hand technology develops there is a Separation of Heaven (the mind) from Earth (the lower body) via mass ritual sacrifice (the ritual priests of technology). So this means that modern Westernized humans are subconsciously controlled by the lower body drives - in this case it is Male Primate ejaculation addiction as Missile Envy. So then modern Westernized humans are increasingly attracted to a positive feedback cycle that is destructive.
For example feminist professor - on pornography - Gail Dines - she exposes how "porn" instead of being "liberating" as the left tries to claim - porn is increasingly sadistic. Why? Because male ejaculation spikes cortisol levels and lust is based on dopamine. So when Drumpf Ejaculates Missiles Pre-Maturely then the Liberal Imperial mass mind control media are quick to call him finally being "Presidential." haha. Quite Hilarious. And then Drumpf ponders, "Why can't we use Nukes!?" And Drumpf sucks on the missiles of North Korea and Russia - in other words Drumpf is a Circle Jerk Missile Envy phenomenon because he was trained by his Mentor - the closeted fascist Roy Cohn.
So you're saying when I wrote a graduate paper detailing how the US-led sanctions on Iraq were genocidal and my instructor wrote on the paper that it was "too aggressive" - and so I made hundreds of copies of the paper and passed it out at the University - in 1998 - and the paper stated the US would be invading Iraq again for the reasons that Chomsky had delineated - PetroDollar Monopoly; US weapon sales; control of the oil - and then I got arrested twice protesting against the US-led sanctions - you're saying that the whole time I was really a closet HRC supporter? Wow - I like your style - very much like Roy Cohn calling people Commies and getting them black-listed until they try to Prove a Negative which is impossible for them to do. haha. Or we could bring out the Witch Trials of the Middle Ages. Ah how times change...
Oh but you do remind me of when Chelsea Clinton showed up to shop at NikeTown just as my activist buddies were being hauled out by the cops - that was during the DNC in Chicago in 1996. So then as the cops kept chasing us we hid into a Live Show production of Jesse Raphael-Smell - that's what my buddy called her. Some talk show host out of Chicago.
yes for example when in deep dreamless sleep - who is experiencing it? Only when we wake up after do we then realize we needed that deep bliss healing energy of deep dreamless sleep. So our true experience is actually of no time and no space. If we go into that while remaining awake then we turn our dream vision into no longer being a dream based on the past. So we can have dreams of the future.
Dreams of the future are more vivid and more realistic then our dreams of the past. Being awake as our consciousness left-brain thinking is also a type of dreaming of the past. This is why people love right brain technology so much of t.v. and movies because instead of being thinking it is closer to being awake while sleeping. So we feel like it is a sense of eternal present time while dreaming while awake. But this is an illusion of our vision. The only real present time we can experience is when we can not see - as in deep dreamless sleep. But we can LISTEN while in deep dreamless sleep and this then will lead to still being awake and then visions of the future.
You mean as a professor of a small liberal private college in New England? Reminds me of math professor Joe Mazur - also of a small liberal private college in New England. He had an award-winning book published called "Euclid in the Rainforest" - he writes in the book how trignometry helped them solve a problem in the rainforest ( I think it was something about a truck getting stuck). I wrote him a snail mail letter stating that contrary to Euclid helping the Rainforest in fact Western civilization had wiped out the rainforest. I said I too had been in Costa Rica - just as he had been for the subject of his book - only I had studied conservation biology and sustainable development for a semester that in 1992 at School for Field Studies. So then I told him what my take on Western math was based on music theory.
Mazur said I should pursue the research - and he suggested I follow up on a David Fowler lead. So I went to the Math library and sure enough I discovered David Fowler in his book on Platonic Math stating that he thought music theory could solve the problem of how continued proportions were turned into irrational magnitude for the geometric continuum (the foundation of Western science as the Greek Miracle). So then Mazur said my research was "very impressive" and he asked me to submit it to the most read math journal.
But as I wrote the article I was critiquing all of Western math - and I brought in quantum mechanics and Pythagorean philosophy. Of course my paper submitted was rejected without comment.... And so Mazur and I kept in contact - he asked me to review his later book on the paradox of Zeno - and now he's publishing a NEW book on Zeno called "Zeno's Quiver." It was supposed to be released last year. I asked him to include a chapter on how precognition was real based on nonwestern music theory - he said he was going to have a chapter on the perception of time in music. We'll see what happens. Mazur is retired now.
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