I'll respond to him when I finish watching it.
Adam the ONLY way you can subtract by multiplying the inversion is by CHANGING the root pitch or tonic. By going 3/2 down from G to C then you are assuming that G is your NEW root tonic because based on the overtone series the denominator HAS to be an octave multiple of the root tonic.
Adam says:
C is a Perfect Fifth down from the OCTAVE G.That is the "Bait and Switch" or the Liar of the Lyre! He just changed the root tonic pitch by creating a new octave based on 3 (G) even though 3 does not go into 2.
This is called the "Phantom Tonic" in music theory. You are trying to convert the overtone series into the harmonic series but you are secretly changing your root tonic pitch - which is the modal frequency of the music. That's why Western music tuning is wrong and nonwestern music tuning does not try to line up the octaves with the fifths - because the inverse of the fifth is C to F as subharmonic - not G to C in the opposite direction.
5/4 actually from the cube root of 2 since you are already assuming a logarithmic definition of the octave by using 4/3 as the Harmonic Mean - from Archtyas. Philolaus first derived 9/8 as the major 2nd for the Logarithmic definition of the octave by FLIPPING his Lyre around so that 0 to 8 was the new root tonic using 6/8 as 3/4 wavelength for a frequency of 4/3 that NOW was converted to geometric magnitude (Philolaus was the FIRST to use the mathematical term "magnitude" in music theory). So then the 4/3 could be "added" to 3/2 as 8/12 (now geometric magnitude of 0 to 12 root pitch). Thereby creating your Perfect Fifth PLUS Perfect Fourth = octave as the first logarithmic equation.
Adam why are you insisting on defining "music" based on Western logarithmic symmetric math? Alain Connes, a Fields Medal math professor, has proven that the unification of relativity and quantum physics is due to NONCOMMUTATIVE PHASE of music theory as the truth of reality. Nonwestern music sticks to the empirical truth - THOUSANDS of cultures around the world ALL use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4. No need to expand the Tetraktys to 5/4 as the cube root of two approximation.
Has the modern world "settled on it"? Or is the modern world destroying Mother Nature as ecology - the truth of reality - due to the "modern world" refusal to accept the empirical truth? As Michael E. Hudson, the economics professor (who taught at NYC New School) points out - Archytas used the LIE of logarithmic tuning to promote a logarithmic and exponential distribution of wealth inequality as "social harmony" from "music harmony."
Adam you say you can't have it "both ways" but you have no idea what the "other way" IS - the other way is actually what is called Acoustic Alchemy! If you stick to the empirical truth then you realize that India and China practice music as meditation as inherently healing energy of reality. Louis de Broglie rediscovered this truth as the Law of Phase Harmony because in quantum physics the energy is defined by frequency but in relativity the time slows down (gets bigger) as the frequency (quantum) also gets bigger. De Broglie realized that from Pythagoras the frequency is INVERSE to time and therefore there HAS to be a time from the future as negative time - and a superluminal pilot wave as momentum that is guiding matter - from relativistic mass. The ancients knew the true secret of Music. It's Western music that thinks its sophisticated without realizing that the harmonics as infinity then go into ultrasound and infrasound and then ionize molecules. CIA Mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich figured this out as what he called Psi-Plasma - the subharmonic is a great amplification as reverse time phase of the electron and proton magnetic moment. So the subharmonic OM sound is actually the reverse time spin energy of the future.
Adam the Chinese do NOT use 5/4 as the cube root of two (as just tuning). I talked to you about this before. You are projecting that NYC just tuning music theory onto Chinese or Indian tuning - I think he relied on the wrong analysis of Alain Danielou. I did a blog post on that. I'll find it. Oh yeah La Monte Young.
"However, he [Archytas] noted that the product of the arithmetic mean and the harmonic mean is equal to the square of the geometric mean, so this gave a way of dividing the fifth of 3:2 into the product of 5:4 and 6:5."
A Truman State University review on Scriba, Christoph J. “Mathematics and music.” (Danish) Normat 38 (1990), no. 1, 3–17, 52.
So that's the ORIGIN of you incorrectly using 5/4 (and the 16th C. WEstern music theorists).
Why does music need to rely on instruments? Our original human culture has the FEMALES singing all night long as their music - with syncopated hand clapping - the San Bushmen people. Check out NYC chef Andrew Zimmern when he went to visit our original human culture that we are ALL from - check out what happened to him from the music culture that requires all MALES to train in spiritual healing from the empirical truth of music theory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFToDoxYX0
"Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer,and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my
body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt
like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a
short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my
body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a
sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing
through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life.
I saw images of my
childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking
on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch
and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my
life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told
me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a
translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he
detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket.
As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst
into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely
stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal."
Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5.
Read Dr. Victor Grauer's book "Sounding the Depths" - he tracks the original human culture music as it SPREAD around the world into thousands of cultures.Adam - Before Benedetti was Cardano - around 1540s - and Cardano was the first to introduce the geometric mean as the irrational number in music theory - via 9/8. So this was already known by Archtyas and it was called the Surd or "unutterable" in Arabic math that Westerners picked up via the Benedictine Monks starting in the 9th Century - John Scotus Erigena. But the Chinese and Indian tuning of the "three gunas" is based on the empirical truth that the Perfect Fourth is NOt and NEVER an overtone of the root pitch while the root pitch IS an overtone of the Perfect Fourth.
Science and Music - book by Sir James H. Jeans - 2012 - Science
Sir James H. Jeans.
"On taking the ... clock-face is that shewn in fig. 55; it extends to infinity in both directions, and all simplicity has disappeared."That is the truth of reality as the Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth/ Infinity or what Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes calls "2, 3, infinity" as the Unified Field of relativity and quantum physics. The ancient nonwestern cultures realized this truth of reality. Adam Neely is covering it up with his Archtyas 5/4 b.s.
6/5 (harmonic mean) x 5/4 (arithmetic mean) = Perfect Fifth as Geometric Mean Squared.
3/2 is NOT Geometric Mean Squared as Adam Neely is claiming.
Since 81/80 is the amount by which Didymus corrected the Pythagorean major third 81:64, to a just major third 5:4.
"Archytas will have assigned this interval the ratio 5:4 (the nearest epimoric smaller than the ditone: (9:8)squared = 81:64 and 5:4 = 80:64)."
The Monochord in Ancient Greek Harmonic Science
David Creese - 2010 - History
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