Varki, A. (2009). Human uniqueness and the denial of death. Nature, 460(7256), 684–684. doi:10.1038/460684c
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Did Human Reality Denial Breach the Evolutionary Psychological Barrier of Mortality Salience? A Theory that Can Explain Unusual Features of the Origin and Fate of Our SpeciesAjit Varki is Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Co-Director of CARTA, Co-Director of the Glycobiology Research and Training Center at UC San Diego, and Adjunct Professor at the Salk Institute.
in which two intrinsically maladaptive traits (reality denial and extended ToM) evolved in the minds of the same individuals, allowing a “mind over reality transition” (MORT) over the proposed barrier.So he is confusing modern Westernized civilization from monocultural wheat farming with the human species that lives as hunter-gatherers mainly for 90% of our history from the original human culture - the San Bushmen.
Does he even mention our original human culture?
NOPE - no mention of San or Khoi or Bushmen....
Oops!! It's pretty amazing what passes for "science" these days - but "evolutionary psychology" is kind of like "evolutionary culture" - they are oxymoronic terms considering modern civilization has created biological annihiliation.
hey I'm not trying to change your views of reality. Personally I don't consider music to be blind faith and yet every human culture uses the octave/Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth music intervals. Our Western music tuning is actually mass mind control - if you study the secret of noncommutative phase logic, as Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes has revealed. In other words natural harmonic resonance is the truth of reality and it does not depend on science to prove it. But science has indeed documented this - another good example is Louis de Broglie's "Law of Phase Harmony."
“There are things about the antiquity of the Bushmen’s culture that we didn’t know. A musicologist found very important music which was used at a woman’s first menarche called ‘elan music’ (honoring the fat-rich antelope). This ‘elan music’ was also present in other language groups of other Bushmen language groups and also the noun-less speakers who are not exactly Bushmen but they’re related. This means that way back before these groups diverged,
somebody invented or composed (this) music and then they took it with them.”
Interview with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Paula Gordon Show (Peterborough, New Hampshire, July
19, 2008).
If you want to learn about our original human culture - that spread around the world around 40,000 years ago - (and has documented to use the SAME music from before the first language dialects split apart 50,000 years ago - thereby proving a culture that is very "sustainable" indeed) then here's a list of books you can read:
The Way of the Bushman: Spiritual Teachings as told by the Elders
The Way of the Bushman: Spiritual Teachings as told by the Elders
N/um, Change, and Social Work by Drs. Bradford and Hillary Keeney pdf
Megan Biesele,
Women like meat: the folklore and foraging ideology of the Kalahari Ju/’Hoan
University Press, 1993).
Mathias Georg Guenther,
Tricksters and trancers: bushman religion and society
(Indiana University Press,
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas,
The harmless people
(Random House, Inc., 1989) and
Rupert Isaacson,
The Healing Land: The Khoisan and the Kalahari Desert
(Grove Press, 2004).
Richard Katz,
Boiling energy: community healing among the Kalahari Kung
(Harvard University Press, 1984).
Marjorie Shostak,
Nisa: the life and words of a !Kung woman
(Harvard University Press, 2000).
the Bushmen book Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy.
The Past and Future of !Kung Ethnography: Critical Reflections and Symbolic Perspectives. Essays in Honour of
Lorna Marshall
, edited by Megan Biesele, with Robert Gordon and Richard Lee
Trance Cure of the !Kung Bushmen pdf
by Richard Lee
Some healers try to hoard n/um
Education for Transcendence - Richard Katz pdf
You can also check out the interviews by San Bushmen spiritual healers - via Dr. Bradford Keeney's youtube channel
is one example.
Consider cable tv travel chef Andrew Zimmern - he took the risk of entering in to that "cult" of our original human culture that has been around as our dominant defining reality for 90% of modern human existence (100,000 years ago as DNA science proves)
Zimmern was not expecting at all what happens - this was a very rare moment for him and the world to see!
"Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer,and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my
body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt
like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a
short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my
body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a
sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing
through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life.
I saw images of my childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my
life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told
me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a
translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he
detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket.
As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst
into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely
stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal."
Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5.
And so I, like this person being interviewed, also got arrested many times for civil disobedience - 8 times for me - and I was also personally investigated as being an "eco-terrorist" (considered one of 12 top suspects nationwide by a private research firm). So I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota by writing my thesis on "radical ecology and sound-current nondualism and music theory" - called "Epicenters of Justice." And so I knew we were DOOMED by 1996. So then by 1999 - the fall - I did my final self-directed research credits through the African Studies department in Pythagorean nonwestern harmonics as meditation - through a Chinese qigong master spiritual healer who works with Mayo Clinic doctors
So then I did intensive meditation and I fasted for 8 days drinking only a half glass of water the whole time. I proved to myself - and it was corroborated by the qigong master - that ghosts are real and we do indeed have a spiritual "after" life. Also such things as non-local signals are REAL - as telepathy and telekinesis and precognition!
So then I read one scholarly book a day for 10 years to translate my experiences back into Western science. For example the relativistic quantum physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard was the assistant of Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie. Beauregard realized that the Law of Phase Harmony proved that telekinesis and precognition HAVE to be real - along with telepathy. The CIA then classified every time the "paranormal" was mentioned in Costa de Beauregard's published physics papers - which was in most of them - most of them discuss the paranormal as being real. So if you look up the Wikipedia page for Costa de Beauregard there is NO mention of the paranormal being his research subject. So that's just another example of the mass mind control at work.
Dr. Keeney has written several amazing Bushmen
healing books and Keeney emphasizes the key secret of the legs shaking
at 7 beats per second from the trance dancing to induce the N/om energy
along with listening to the high pitch female syncopated singing with
the N/om energy strongest during the Full Moon. So the oldest spiritual
trance dance healing ceremony of humanity, the Eland Bull ritual at
first menstruation, is based on this tantric secret:
"...a 'new maiden' to be the source of n/um (or /k'ode), the healing potency associated with male trance healers"
p. 175 Guenther, Mathias, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushman Religion and Society,. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1999
"The resurrection of Osiris through the assembly of his vertebrae by Isis....The raising of the djed column commemorates this, ...Christ's resurrection....king of the afterlife."
p. 350, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection by D.M. Murdock
“ The American anthropologist Lorna Marshall who, together with her family, worked with !Kung Bushmen in the early 1950s, likened this potency to electricity: it is a power that can be harnessed for the good of humankind, but intense concentration, if allowed to get out of control, can kill people.Dr. David Lewis-Williams, 1991 pdf
Supernatural power -and the dance that activates it - lies behind the rock paintings and engraving, for which the Bushmen are justly famous.”
BUSHMEN, a changing way of life.
“You see spirits killing people. You smell burning, rotten flesh. Then you heal, you pull sickness out. You heal, heal, heal. Then you live.”Healing Makes the Heart Happy
I personally did this! I went back in "time" 100,000 years ago! haha.
Actually "frequency" is a WESTERN concept based on logarithmic irrational magnitude math - or it's the other way around - the WRONG music harmonics were used to create Western science! So math professor Luigi Borzacchini has a published peer-reviewed article about how it is "really astonishing" and "shocking" that music theory was the hidden basis for Western science created now as a "deep pre-established disharmony."
So we're not talking about Western music. When I say that all human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth then I am simply referring to the music harmonics as the natural numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4 as ratios. So if you think NUMBERS are simply an anthropocentric creation - then you have a case going for you. On the other hand - what if MUSIC is the origin of numbers? Consider this evidence:
"Until recently, the failure of most musical tuning systems to conform to the mathematics of small integer ratios was grounds for rejecting Pythagoras's proposal that small integer frequency ratios account for the perception of musical consonance and harmonicity [19]. However, recent modelling of the cumulative effects of physiological nonlinearities at each way-station of the ascending auditory pathway has disclosed the presence of ‘resonance neighbourhoods’ at whole integer ratio spacings on the tonotopic maps of the auditory system [20–22]. This finding not only accommodates a wide range of tuning systems and musical scales found worldwide, but appears capable of accounting for human judgements of consonance, dissonance and tonal stability/attraction in terms of inherent organizational features of our auditory system ([20]; see also [23–27]), as follows. The pattern of ‘resonance neighbourhoods’ in auditory system tonotopy is likely to be shared by all mammals, being a product of quite elementary properties of the neural circuitry in question. It did not evolve for purposes of music, in other words, but as an incidental by-product of the interaction of excitation and inhibition in a neural system evolved to process natural sounds efficiently [20]. Not being confined to humans [28,29], it is not likely to represent an adaptation to music. The presence in humans of cultural patterns of musical practice conforming to these subtle resonances in auditory physiology accordingly requires an explanation. "
Real Music is "not confined to humans" - so they say it's a mystery how this took place! Why? Because when they say "music" they mean Western music - not Pythagorean music intervals.
And now consider this:
Hermit Thrush bird “chooses” to sing in harmonic series our findings add to a small but growing body of research showing that a preference for small-integer frequency ratios is not unique to humans.
70 per cent of bird's notes belong to overtone series used in human musical scales
So what noncommutative phase music theory proves is that music theory is MORE DENSE than irrational numbers in Western science!! You can watch Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes for details - he summarizes this model of reality as "2, 3, infinity" - that's it! The discrete natural numbers as music theory have the Future and the Past as time overlapping.
why do you aggressively deny studying our original human culture that we are all from? The San Bushmen! You write this: "About 100,000 years ago, one small group of hominids in Africa broke through the barrier by simultaneously evolving an extended theory of mind with denial of death." The DNA science traces this time period back to the San Bushmen culture and yet clearly the San Bushmen culture is not in Denial of Death. For example Boiling Energy: Community Healing Among the Kalahari Kung › books
Richard Katz - 1982 - Social Science
Community Healing Among the Kalahari Kung Richard Katz ... an older healer at Xaixai, describes this death and rebirth in kia:
"Your heart stops. You're dead."
. A study of several complete genomes, including several ancient ones, suggests that the ancestors of today’s Khoe and San diverged from the ancestors of other African peoples 350,000 to 260,000 years ago
To do this, we turned our attention to a group of people known as the KhoeSan. KhoeSan have the most diverse mitogenomes of anyone on Earth, which suggests their DNA most closely resembles that of our shared common ancestors. If we all sit on branches of the human family tree, then KhoeSan are the tree’s trunk.
The Ju/’hoansi, who still practice their traditional way of life, are excited about our findings. They believe our study captures a history that they have told for generations by word of mouth alone. This is not only their story, but all of ours.
Vanessa Hayes, Professor, Garvan Institute of Medical Research and, University of Sydney
is music the same as "order" and "control"? I don't think so. Does logical inference require counting? There can be meaning through logical inference without any need for concepts. Harmony as noncommutative phase is also nondualism - meaning that everything is happening at the SAME TIME - and the future and past overlap.
Death Denial due to awareness is not some human trait explicitly. For example Koko the Gorilla was proven to mourn the death of her baby cat and she did so for years - remembering and understanding the cat had died. Elephants are known to mourn the death of their relatives and remember their deaths. Death Denial is obviously not some missing factor of non-humans.
To castigate humans as whole separate from Nature in a bad moral sense is just as equally anthropocentric to claim the opposite! Why do you need to set up some assumption of nostalgia or fanciful desire? These are just constructs you are creating as a semantic ideology. For example our original human culture, the San Bushmen, had absolutely no homosexuality - they did not even know what homosexuality was at all. Neither did the closest other tribe to the San Bushmen - the "pgymy" tribes. Nor did the males practice masturbation.
But modern Western mindsets now assume that homosexuality is hard-wired into humanity. haha. To claim otherwise is to be homophobic. Yet the evidence is ignored by mainstream science for cultural biases. So just because the San Bushmen culture spread around the world - and Dr. Victor Grauer has documented their musical style as it is found in cultures around the world, that does not much the San Bushmen culture did not change over time.
There is a very strict traditional training of the San Bushmen culture that ALL males are required to do - the Tshoma training. But through WEsternization of Africa - the development of the iron hoe and slavery then spread by the Bantu. So the Bantu then enslaved the San Bushmen. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas and her family were able to live with an UNCONTACTED SAn Bushmen tribe in the 1950s and so her book "The Harmless People" details what the San Bushmen were like before they were unslaved by the Bantus. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas:
"Khoisan believe that it harms a girl terribly to be possessed before she is mature. It might even drive her mad. Khoisan have no real solution to this, as there are no prostitutes and only in a few bands are there promiscuous women. Homosexuality is not permitted either; the young men just have to get used to being tempted constantly but never gratified."
So there you go - a mainstream belief of science just got debunked again. Homosexuality did not exist in the original human culture - just as the San Bushmen culture were not in denial of death."Interestingly, the Ju/wasi took no position on homosexuality, which seemed unknown. Researchers of other hunter-gatherer societies have also found an absence of homosexuality. Perhaps the Old Way, with its arduous lifestyle, does not transmit this quality."
yeah you need everything "spelled out" since you are practicing "willful ignorance" - that's a standard tactic on the interwebs. You don't want to think for yourself if it means thinking about something that you disagree with. So you claim I "lazily" copy and pasted?
"as you (lazily?) copy-and-pasted that diatribe about primitive heterosexuality from an internet forum that you participated in."No actually I wrote a book on the subject with 725 scholarly footnotes - and it's free! Also I personally corresponded with Dr. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas via email. And I've read all those books I listed on the San Bushmen culture. So you've jumped to a completely wrong conclusion - demonstrated your great logical skills! haha.
Yes, numbers to me are as anthropocentric as claiming that a species of bird "makes music" or "sings in patterns." Again, it's convenient for us to make these speciesist claims as we tend to create "patterns" and "meanings" to paint a gloss of "Order" and a false sense of control over life, which is about as "Western" as one can get.really?
Crows are smart cookies. They can grasp analogies, use tools, and have bested human children in intelligence tests. They're also decent at counting. Birds show an ability to keep track of numbers even without the parts of the brain that primates use to count.Jun 8, 2015 Counting Crows - The researchers discovered that the activity of these neurons suggests the crows can count. The patterns of brain activity they observed as the crows seemed to ponder numbers was similar to that seen in the brains of primates such as humans....
These neurons contributed to “high-level, abstract visual representations” of numbers that allowed the crows to count properly. Essentially, the chemical codes that allow the brain to count looked similar to those seen in primates—but the structures were different. Determining how the brains of birds work helps scientists understand evolution. Similarities between the functions of mammal and bird brains could indicate that certain abilities evolved in a common ancestor, or that particular ways of coding information came about independently in different species. "
It was also harder for them to keep track when they were dealing with four or five dots as opposed to one or two. That’s pretty common—a phenomenon described by Weber-Fechner’s law, which states that sensations in brains get fuzzier as the magnitude of the stimulus increases. While the birds were doing all this, the sensors in their heads were monitoring the activity of about 500 individual neurons. About 100 of those neurons varied their activity in tune with the number of dots the crow was being shown. But they weren’t all the same—some neurons lit up when the number of dots was one, others lit up when there two dots, and so on.
They didn’t discriminate perfectly, though. “Four” neurons would respond a bit (but less) when the number of dots was three or five, for example. And just like the crow’s success rates, “four” neurons weren’t as good at telling when the crow was looking at five—“one” neurons were much better at telling two from one. (Weber-Fechner’s law in action.)"
So as I said - Alain Connes music math model of reality is called "2, 3, infinity" - so no need to count above 3!! And actually listening to music is not the same as counting - the harmonics are just embedded in reality. "The researchers say this could even mean that process was shared by the last common ancestor of birds and primates, before the two split some 300 million years ago"
OK by "ivory tower" you mean because I went to graduate school part-time? I wrote a self-directed research report exposing the 300 plus corporations controlling the University of Minnesota and then I passed it out to the professors at the President's State of the Union address. So then I was going on unlimited hunger strike against the University profiting from sweatshop labor. So the President emailed me begging me not to do it, saying I had "done enough already." haha. So then he had the University join the Workers Rights Consortium.
Or maybe by "ivory tower" you mean when I CRIED in front of the administrators since they were refusing to act on the University investing in a corporation using slave labor in Burma. I said I was only doing this as a volunteer and this was the most egregious example of injustice yet there was tons more work to do on other issues. So when the Regents finally voted to divest from total oil - they had 1.5 million invested previously then I thanked the Treasurer. She told me she was going to go after tobacco stocks next as she was African-American. So then the administration attacked her through her emails and files and voice mail and fired her based on finding out she had been in bankruptcy in her past. She filed a civil rights lawsuit and the judge threw it out.
So when I exposed the General Counsel bragging how he "hoped the professors on this committee were tenured" - a threat - and I sent it out to my email activist listserve of hundreds around the University of 50,000 - then my whole account of 800 emails was suddenly deleted. Yep I'm definitely part of the Ivory Tower. I wrote an expose on Cargill, the world's largest private corporation - headquartered out of Minnesota - and then their funding of a genetic engineering lab was stifled by someone committing arson. And then I interviewed some mad scientists bragging to me how they were going to secretly patent the blood of nonwhites so they could profit of it. So someone then broke into their lab and stole their blood. And the scientists went on record saying they had no idea why anyone would want to do that. I was then investigated as a top eco-terrorist among 12 suspects in the U.S. Then I exposed how my Graduate Director was bragging how a Nazi SS general, Werner von Braun, had been his "personal mentor." I had my final Op-Ed column in the University paper after he emailed me simply stating:
"I will make sure you are never published in the MN Daily again."
So then he signed off on my master's thesis since they wanted to get rid of me. But I kept doing my free research on campus. I read one scholarly book a day for ten years but I was reading them mainly fast food restaurants or city parks - is that the Ivory Tower? I was riding an old 3 speed bicycle and dumpster diving for food! I had to get back to work on a cold day so I took a nap at the University bathroom during Spring Break. So then the cops "raided" me and I was charged with trespassing and not allowed on campus for a year. That was nine years after I finished my degree. So is that the Ivory tower? That was Unconstitutional since you can only charge the trespassing on the single building where it took place - not all the buildings of the same owner. Besides the University is public and was chartered before the state was chartered! haha.
And then I did an expose on the military contracts at the University.
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