OK so you point out that people can't even turn the lights out when they leave a room - yes - this is something I have analyzed over the years. The main justification I've seen for this is, "well I'm going to be going back into the room so therefore I can leave the lights on." And then that supposed 15 minute time frame of "returning" to the room is then just stretched out to infinity. haha.
So I call this the "Trajectory of Tantric Technology" - so we need to realize that civilization was actually created by females as a means to use technology to try avoiding male rape and warfare. For example female chimpanzees learn to use a spear for hunting - they learned this first and are much better at it then males. Why? Because the male when presenting meat for sex will, if the female doesn't want the meat, just take the sex anyway as rape. So we don't want to reduce our grand highly specialized and clever technological complexity to a mundane and brutal psycho-physiological dynamic but then we are mammals and primates and we are controlled by our subconscious drives (as Freud pointed out).
Well unless you study our original human culture - the San Bushmen - which requires ALL males to do intensive training to redirect their subconscious psycho-physiological ejaculation drive so as to create female N/om healing spiritual energy. No - this training is for the most part totally unknown to the modern Westernized mind.
Of course marketing leverages this Tantric Trajectory of Technology - as Freud's nephew was a master of, not just marketing, but also Imperial Ideology (he pulled off the CIA coup of Guatemala as a marketing success for United Fruit). So when Prez. Carter tried to impose environmental conservation (turn down the thermostat and wear a sweater, etc.) - this was countered by GREED IS GOOD and civilization is run by Freedom as Individual Self-interest, as the "hidden hand of the market." And of course there was the liberal Good Cop "Carter Doctrine" - the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Oil of the Middle East must be protected by genocidal invasions.
Well Marx had exposed this lie of the supply and demand model as based on the hidden "surplus value of labor." But the problem with Marxists is they still believe in the liberating power of technology as our great savior. And so there is a deeper hidden value to the mathematics of civilization - what I call the "Surplus Value of Consciousness" - this is based on the wrong definition of infinity from a symmetric based geometry (think the 3-4-5 rule for plumbers or construction - or any basic "handy man" or "Honey-DO" civilization projects).
In other words the inverse of that Pythagorean Theorem irrational magnitude logarithmic math is the exponential growth function - with the embedded clause that Mother Nature as formless infinity can be "contained" through a materialistic idealism (think a million people on Mars promoted by Elon Mush).
So yes the promoters of nuclear power are those who don't think about mining the stuff or that the nuclear industry does not even need insurance (the "people" insure the industry) - nukes are really just part of military intelligence and so their costs are pushed to the periphery of the empire - the non-whites who mainly are targeted for mining the uranium or storing the radioactive waste - or the depleted uranium two-headed baby phenomenon. Yes indeed our future is BRIGHT - and Adams or Atoms really are for Peace. Eternal Peace of the Void. We can maintain hope if we are blinded by this bright light of civilization.
So you are thinking "human ingenuity" for GEE means some kind of genius breakthrough. Whereas you are talking day to day survival action. So yes indigenous peoples have been rejecting the label "activist" and instead calling themselves "defenders." As Chomsky has emphasized - indigenous peoples are on the front lines of abrupt global warming and other environmental crises. So yes people need to do what it takes to survive day to day.
Our Death DeNile is so strong under the deeply ingrained WEsternized mentality (materialistic idealism) that we consider any requirement of intensive nazel-gazing on BEING instead of DOING to be a waste of time? Why? As Professor Norm Cohn emphasized in his book ...
So you are thinking "human ingenuity" for GEE means some kind of genius breakthrough. Whereas you are talking day to day survival action. So yes indigenous peoples have been rejecting the label "activist" and instead calling themselves "defenders." As Chomsky has emphasized - indigenous peoples are on the front lines of abrupt global warming and other environmental crises. So yes people need to do what it takes to survive day to day.
But as far as "planning an action" or "campaign" as "activists" - normally I would think a person would want to rely on the best science available. GEE is emphasizing that the best science on Aerosol Masking Effect emphasizes that a reduction in coal pollution or even car pollution will also increase global warming. Yes we can plant trees but even a trillion trees will only offset 10 years of global warming. So we need to offset 200 years of global warming within five years. So the point being that to claim taking "action" by trying to shut down civilization or demand more renewable energy, etc. - this "action" is actually going against the science.
You would think global warming activists would also take into account the aerosol masking effect science. I did activism pretty much full time for 20 years - so I know that the activist community is driven more by emotions than by the hard cold facts of science. So people want to do good by taking action without really analyzing what type of action is actually doing good! On the contrary Mother Nature is taking the strongest action possibly - way stronger than a bunch of activists.
As GEE points out - hundreds of thousands of people protested against the invasion of Iraq - but it was too little too late. I actually got arrested twice against the genocidal sanctions and I wrote a graduate paper predicting another invasion of Iraq - and that was in 1998. Even the activists did not care too much. It was TOO early! I knew we were DOOMED by 1996. So by 1999 I had started doing meditation to see what happens after death. In 2000 then I did intensive meditation while fasting for a week - I saw ghosts. So I know ghosts are real. If people really know that abrupt global warming is going to end their lives early - then the best action in my view is to find out what will happen after the inevitable of death occurs. And actually this was REQUIRED training for all males in the original human culture - only be accepting and embracing what happens AFTER death is the human culture able to be truly sustainable.
Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come | Yale University Press
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Various combat myths told how a divine warrior kept the forces of chaos at bay ... Norman Cohn is professor emeritus at the University of Sussex and author of ......
the idea of apocalyptic LINEAR TIME is deeply embedded in Western civilization - from the Zoroastrians.
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