So our alpha/theta brain waves are a waking REM state. The modern Westernized human is left brain dominant and so stuck in the beta brain wave but the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain. The right side vagus nerve increases our brain serotonin levels and the right side vagus nerve IS connected to the left side of the brain. So female orgasms STAY in the parasympathetic vagus nerve activation - meaning that the dopamine of lust switches to more serotonin and with more orgasms then the serotonin increases to oxytocin as a deep right side vagus nerve activation of the heart. With a strong Ayahausca dose then you also hear the heart spontaneously emitting a loud OM sound as the heart opens up via strong right side vagus nerve activation.
So our bodies are guided by coherent biophoton energy - as quantum biology now documents - what we call the "spirit" or soul. The pineal gland is synchronized with the moon - and the pineal gland is the third eye as an electrogravitic transducer of an otherwise holographic reality that is nondual - meaning that a strong dose of ayahausca reveals to us the 5th dimension that no one can see. We can LISTEN to it and logically infer it but it's beyond light. Western science assumes time is a symmetric contained geometry from irrational magnitude math whereas natural resonance is based on the truth of what (very advanced science) now calls "noncommutative phase." Dennis, I'm sure, does not even know anything about noncommutative geometry - it is for relativistic quantum physics.
Essentially the future and the past overlap and this is known from nonwestern music harmonics. So the female shamans of the Amazon rely on the sacred songs - the Icaros - to guide the psychedelics of the males. Why? Because Mother Nature - reality is inherently female. The male was created for some physical diversity of DNA but in reality most of nature relies on parthenogenesis - or female reproduction that is self-creative and self-organizing. So the Cosmic Mother is the 5th dimension - what the ancients called Nuit (in Egypt) - the etymological source of Nut-case - or Apopis (the etymological source of apocalypse) or Apeiron - for Pythagoreans - or Ion (the etymological source of Aeon).
So Time was known to be both Chronos and Kronos or Kala (time in India) as Kali - the Cosmic Mother that both creates and destroys at the same time with the future and past overlapping. Qigong master Yan Xin calls this the "virtual information field" that does the healing. Qigong master Zhang Hongbao calls it the "Golden Key" as "superluminal yin matter." Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie said this was his greatest discovery - the "Law of Phase Harmony" - the pilot wave is constantly being guided and harmonized by the future that is not materialistic but rather only logical inference that can be listened to as pure time-frequency energy.
This is why the ancient God/Goddesses are BLUE - like the Cow jumping over the Blue Moon (ancient Zoroastrian myth) or Hathor (the Blue Goddess cow of Egypt) or Krishna - the Blue god of India. Blue is the coherent biophoton light that activates and increases the serotonin in the brain but serotonin is also a neurohormone. So the secret is to store up the ionized neurohormones in the 2nd brain - the small intestine - as blue light that is ABSORBED from the future. This is the secret of the color gold as alchemy - it is explained in science as relativistic quantum SPIN. The concept of SPIN is beyond frequency/time. Spin is the 5th dimension as noncommutative phase - so it is constantly guiding us from the future. So then we absorb blue light to thereby harmonize the red lower frequency blockages into more green light on Earth - as green is the light of growth on Earth - the liver energy as wisdom and health.
So for example Wilhelm Reich's orgone is a blue-green light. So then Blues Music is based on the secret that CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich figured out - the Subharmonic as OM of the heart is also the Psi-Plasma of the Cosmic Mother. The Subharmonic as the brain's alpha-theta brain waves - is also the REVERSE TIME or spin of the proton-electron magnetic moment (from water being split in the hydrophilic microtubules of our neurons and cells). Water is the third most common molecule of the universe.
As Quantum physicist Erwin Schroedinger realized in his book, "What is Life?" - the source of the power of the Sun is from negentropy - coherent phase wave energy from the future. The SAME negentropy is also the source of life on Earth - it is an asymmetric (NOT symmetric) time-frequency "uncertainty" that in reality is a coherent complementary opposites resonance originating from female (not MALE) healing energy.
well yes! "EM Schumacher "Small is Beautiful" - the lady that was part of that movement - it's tied to social systems theory (the Macy Conferences of Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead). So notice how even RedLlama used the term "ecosystem" to refer to a website? I'm sure if someone did a media analysis then the term "ecosystem" would be found used way more for Silicon Valley hype (with the most concentrated toxic waste sites in the US). So there is this "creative economy" Networking utopia hype - that is actually just part of the Liberal Elite Greenwashing agenda. Gregory Bateson's dad coined the term "genetics" - william Bateson (I think of Cambridge).
So Bateson worked for OSS/CIA and he argued that the small tribes should be assimilated into Western civilization via a process he called schizmogenesis - essentially it's a self-amplifying feedback loop that breaks down and rebuilds a society. This is where the whole "third way" - Technoutopia stuff - is also about. So you get an extreme dialectical reversal (with say that red-nosed right-wing guru Steve Bannon calling himself a "Traditionalist" - reading the proto-fascist Rene Guenon, etc.)
Yes is there really any "leisure" time when people have no work schedules - "flexible" time? I used to NEVER know when I would be getting an email calling me into work - this was rather a sadistic torture routine that the CIA uses to break down minds. haha. Also the whole Vaccination thing being a mandate - against the obvious spreading of measles - or small pox - yes but no mention of the nanotechnology to use vaccines to put microchips in our blood so that we can be "protected" against bioweapon terrorists - through a satellite controlled microchip blood Homeland Security Bioweapons Shield.
well yes! "EM Schumacher "Small is Beautiful" - the lady that was part of that movement - it's tied to social systems theory (the Macy Conferences of Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead). So notice how even RedLlama used the term "ecosystem" to refer to a website? I'm sure if someone did a media analysis then the term "ecosystem" would be found used way more for Silicon Valley hype (with the most concentrated toxic waste sites in the US). So there is this "creative economy" Networking utopia hype - that is actually just part of the Liberal Elite Greenwashing agenda. Gregory Bateson's dad coined the term "genetics" - william Bateson (I think of Cambridge).
So Bateson worked for OSS/CIA and he argued that the small tribes should be assimilated into Western civilization via a process he called schizmogenesis - essentially it's a self-amplifying feedback loop that breaks down and rebuilds a society. This is where the whole "third way" - Technoutopia stuff - is also about. So you get an extreme dialectical reversal (with say that red-nosed right-wing guru Steve Bannon calling himself a "Traditionalist" - reading the proto-fascist Rene Guenon, etc.)
Yes is there really any "leisure" time when people have no work schedules - "flexible" time? I used to NEVER know when I would be getting an email calling me into work - this was rather a sadistic torture routine that the CIA uses to break down minds. haha. Also the whole Vaccination thing being a mandate - against the obvious spreading of measles - or small pox - yes but no mention of the nanotechnology to use vaccines to put microchips in our blood so that we can be "protected" against bioweapon terrorists - through a satellite controlled microchip blood Homeland Security Bioweapons Shield.
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