Each pore is open to the environment and is connected to a set of electrosensory cells by a long canal filled with a clear, viscous jelly.https://news.ucsc.edu/2016/05/shark-jelly.html
In the new study, published May 13 in Science Advances, a team of researchers from UC Santa Cruz, University of Washington, and the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason investigated the properties of this jelly. They found that the jelly is a remarkable proton-conducting material, with the highest proton conductivity ever reported for a biological material. Its conductivity is only 40 times lower than the current state-of-the-art proton-conducting polymer (Nafion), said corresponding author Marco Rolandi, associate professor of electrical engineering at UC Santa Cruz.
"The observation of high proton conductivity in the jelly is very exciting," Rolandi said. "We hope that our findings may contribute to future studies of the electrosensing function of the ampullae of Lorenzini and of the organ overall, which is itself rather exceptional."
Isn't this jelly lecithin?I guess not but lecithin is also similar:
The slope of -200/V/°C agrees with the proton conduction behaviour of the lecithin.this book calls lecithin, "Ideal proton conduction"
Inside the Photon: A Journey to Health - Page 93 - Google Books Result https://books.google.com › books Tony Fleming, Elizabeth Bauer - 2014 - Medical ... such as the elasmobranch fish, which use pores, the ampullae of Lorenzini, on the ... The human brain may be able to sense the biophotons of other conscious beings—not telepathy but a sensory ability to ... send biophotonic signals.
It's good not be sure about reincarnation. The Buddhists call it "rebirth" but don't believe in a soul. It's kind of ironic. So when I found my dad's dead blue body - as my eyes saw it - suddenly my heart felt the greatest love I had ever felt from my dad. I knew he was experiencing that same love. the night before when I had seen my dad - then my pineal gland picked up that he had a heart blockage.
My left brain did not know how to process that heart blockage as I had never experienced one before. then while at full lotus at the computer that night - suddenly I got this thought that my dad had just died. I ran upstairs but his door was closed and I did not want to disturb him (with my obvious paranoid thoughts).
Turned out I was correct - as I found him that next morning. But just to make sure - later on I closed the door and made a relative run up the stairs and down the hallway to the door. I could not hear them running - so I knew i didn't scare my dad to death. haha. No - I know the real reason he died.
But my point is that at the moment of death there is a connection to the impersonal energy of the Universe - call it the Cosmic Mother or God or the Soul, etc. but in yoga it is known to be the "secret pinhole" on the right side of the heart.
In science we know this is the right side vagus nerve that connects the reproductive energy to the right side of the heart. So the right side vagus nerve is the freeze reaction from reptiles - and so it is dangerous for humans as when a human is traumatized then we also have that same reptilian freeze reaction. So the body goes into a deep relaxation state as a strong parasympathetic nervous reaction.
OK this can kill a person from fear! It's called a Hypo-vagal reaction. For example in Vodou of Haiti - Dr Wade Davis discovered that this was the true cause of the Zombie deaths. Anyway - a yogi or shamanic healer - from the original human culture, the San Bushmen - they train to go into deep relaxation through spirit light coherence as a laser. So the light is "turned around" and resonates from the 5th dimension.
So I was driving the car and he was on the right side. I kept yelling at him about politics - ranting about how evil Cargill was. At first he goes, "But I'm on your side!" And that did not shut me up. So he got real silent and suddenly I felt this strong shock on the right side of my heart - and the shock was from "beyond" my body. So it was both inside and outside at the same time. I was shocked into silence and Jim then says, "I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were."
So I was driving the car and he was on the right side. I kept yelling at him about politics - ranting about how evil Cargill was. At first he goes, "But I'm on your side!" And that did not shut me up. So he got real silent and suddenly I felt this strong shock on the right side of my heart - and the shock was from "beyond" my body. So it was both inside and outside at the same time. I was shocked into silence and Jim then says, "I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were."
the 5th dimension is Holographic - via light. So in other words when our spirit leaves our body (as biophoton science proves our spirit leaves out of our eyes being open) - so light does not experience space nor time. So when the third eye is open that means that external reality is experienced internally!
All matter is made of light but MASS is different than matter. Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft has a good paper called "Light is Heavy" - so this is about the "relativistic mass" of light or secret "hidden momentum" of light that is actually REVERSE time energy from the future! So it is also called the "pilot wave" by Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie (as you know pronounced de Broy). Yes - we always have this guiding wave from the future. So we can LISTEN to it via meditation - but our left brain does not access it.
All matter is made of light but MASS is different than matter. Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft has a good paper called "Light is Heavy" - so this is about the "relativistic mass" of light or secret "hidden momentum" of light that is actually REVERSE time energy from the future! So it is also called the "pilot wave" by Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie (as you know pronounced de Broy). Yes - we always have this guiding wave from the future. So we can LISTEN to it via meditation - but our left brain does not access it.
So then through meditation we can have dreams that are MORE REAL than being awake! So because of resonating with the 5th dimension - this means that all perceptions and conceptions and senses are created from pure energy-information - that is harmonized from the future. So when we have dreams are are not based on our subconscious associations of the past but instead are things we don't know of yet and are more vivid, more scintillating - more lucid - than being awake!! This is a sign of a precognitive dream.
I had one in 1995 - after my meeting of qigong master Effie P. Chow. I woke up at 2:30 am and I wrote my dream down of my Earth First! activist friends on the roof of a house with native Indian activists - holding a banner to protect a sacred forest. A very specific dream. I wrote - I think this dream will come true (because it was MORE real than being awake!). And I long forgot about the dream till THREE YEARS LATER!! I saw a newspaper photo as a photocopy - and it was precisely the same - I immediately got this uncanny feeling and I drove up to my parents to find my old journal from 1995. The "truth" happened in 1998.
I had one in 1995 - after my meeting of qigong master Effie P. Chow. I woke up at 2:30 am and I wrote my dream down of my Earth First! activist friends on the roof of a house with native Indian activists - holding a banner to protect a sacred forest. A very specific dream. I wrote - I think this dream will come true (because it was MORE real than being awake!). And I long forgot about the dream till THREE YEARS LATER!! I saw a newspaper photo as a photocopy - and it was precisely the same - I immediately got this uncanny feeling and I drove up to my parents to find my old journal from 1995. The "truth" happened in 1998.
yes females are the original healers as nature is mainly female and reality is originally female. This is obviously difficult for males to accept. haha. Yes the cerebellum processes emotions as well as motion - as synchronized music. So we are more like birds since our auditory cortex is very close to our motor cortex - for synchronized dancing. So music is before language and language is from music. Another good psychologist is - a book called the "Haunting Melody" - by Theodore Reik. He was also part of the Vienna Freud scene and he knew Brahms also. He also wrote "The Third ear" - I have not read this.
But frequency is right brain dominant and music is then a bridge to our subconscious. So Reik realized that when we get a song in our head - the music then reveals our present subconscious thoughts - so if we get an ear worm, then when we remember the words, it reveals our subconscious blockages. So with meditation then - this becomes a present time experience. For example a psychedelic shuts down the precortex inhibition of the thalamus - so that our normal subconscious perceptions now flood the brain in a waking dream state. Most people then have "hallucinations" - meaning just as with dreaming then they have a waking vision that they believe is real. But from meditation then we get a permanent magnetized thalamus - called the "Mirror of Heaven."
So this means - science has proven that the magnetic field is generated from the 5th dimension as a spin field. Professor Jack Tuszinski goes into this - he's a quantum biology professor in Canada. So yes also CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich figured this out. So the subharmonic of the quantum brain state is actually the OM sound that emanates from the heart. Master Nan, Huai-chin corroborated my ayahausca experience - stating that when you hear this loud OM emanating from the heart - that is the jing (life force kundalini) being converted into shen (spirit astral realm). So then in that strong psychedelic state you can not move your body hardly at all - same in nirvikalpa samadhi meditation. So there is a deep right side vagus nerve "freeze" reaction - but it is via a synchronized laser biophoton energy - a coherent spirit energy. So yes the OM sound is actually the "magnetic moment" between the proton and electron - when water splits it creates virtual photons (from the future).
Puharich figured out - that the OM is then the subharmonic as the backwards precession or 5th dimension spin. So this is called the proton magnetic moment - and so it is also the SAME frequency as the Alpha-theta brain waves in the REM and deep sleep state. So ideally the water molecule is a tetrahedron dipole bond that creates this OM resonance as a proton-electron gradient. Since it creates virtual photons - qigong master Yan Xin calls this the "virtual information field" - and so there is a constant healing. Lecithin - the life force from celibacy - then is highly conductive of protons (similar to the jelly that electric fish use in the ampullae of Loreninzi - for stunning prey and for communicating - with prey, etc. tracking prey).
So yes the pineal gland then creates a magnetic 5th dimension portal that enables telepathy but it is powered via the heart (the strongest magnetic field of the body). So then by holding the breath AFTER exhale - this causes the heart to resonate with the lower body - also at this theta brain wave ELF field (the Earth's schumann resonance field). This is also how birds achieve migration - they see blue light but it communicates with their brains via the 5th dimension as a quantum entanglement "free radical" (spin) resonance with the electrochemical energy in the eyes and brain.
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