yes the irony is that even for the Greeks "democracy" was a scam for the
external empire. As Plato argued, each citizen is valued as 9/8 (the
major 2nd music interval) but each citizen must be compromised for the
good of the state - with 9/8 cubed as the square root of two (the Power
Axiom Set) as the tritone music interval. So as economics professor
Michael E. Hudson points out then Plato and Archytas promoted
equal-tempered tuning as democratic justice when in fact Western music
tuning as logarithms is the inverse of exponential growth function.
So the logarithms are covering up the exponential distribution of wealth inequality. And this math was then tied into patent law for control of the economy - this is what David T. Bazelon gets into with his "Paper Economy" book. So our political economy has a "deep pre-established disharmony" the phrase used by math professor Luigi Borzacchini as he called the secret music origins of Western math - and the music cover as "astonishing" and "really shocking.' I corresponded with him several times starting in 2001 or so and over the years - a couple years ago. He's retired now.
I had a strange synchronicity after I finished my master's thesis on radical ecology, music theory and "sound-current nondualism." I discovered, buried in the basement of a used bookstore near my alma mater University of Minnesota, what I dubbed the "Actual Matrix Plan." I posted this expose on the internet in 2001: So yes our situation is hard-wired into the mathematics - what that plan calls the "Music logarithmic spiral" (thereby corroborating my self-directed master's thesis!). I finished my master's degree by doing intensive self-directed research in nonwestern Pythagorean meditation via a Chinese Daoist trained spiritual healer so I know that ghosts are very real (for example). I have also experienced "bigu" or immortal breathing as real alchemy - with telekinesis and telepathy and precognition, etc. But I had no idea what I had gotten into during my "enlightenment experience."
So I spent 10 years studying one scholarly book a day - to translate my experiences back into science. Only a few scientists have figured this out. One is Eddie Oshins who was a quantum physicist at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - he realized the secret of Daoist Neigong is due to noncommutative phase logic. Ironically his website on quantum psychology was not linked anywhere on the internet - except one person trying to claim that Oshins was insane. haha. So then I contacted Oshins' collaborator, Math professor Louis Kauffman who confirmed that Oshins was the real deal. I also corresponded with quantum physicist Nobel laureate Brian Josephson and also Bohm collaborate professor Basil J. Hiley.
So at "zero time" there ALREADY is a nonlocal causative energy-information from the future (yes that de Broglie figured out as the pilot wave). We can't directly access it through external measurement - as Olivier Costa de Beauregard pointed out - this is why there is an inherent asymmetry time to reality that we can perceive. So we can logically infer this non-local information-energy and we can even STORE it up in our bodies as negentropic energy (called Yuan Qi by the Daoists). A good book on how to do this is called "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality." It's a dense read to put it mildly. I also created my own free training manual (linked as an upload to my channel).
So yes we can train to LEAVE the Matrix! haha. So yes that which remains is the Cosmic Mother (the Emptiness that radiates light) - the Yuan Qi - and our "external path" (Freemasonry) is through the SEPARATION of heaven and earth via mass ritual sacrifice (or just call it a Chimpanzee psychophysiology of patriarchal rape and warmongering.
sure although the most decorated US soldier, Smedley Butler, is author of the book, "War is a Racket" - exposing how he really was just a mercenary for the corporate-state cartels. Noam Chomsky makes the same point - the cold war was a farce just to prop up the real US economy - socialism for the elite via military contracts. And Anthony Sutton, working for the right-wing Hoover Institute, documented how Wall St. funded both the Nazis and the Soviet Union. The Koch Brothers dad got rich working for the Communists just as the Bush Dynasty got rich working for the Nazis. So Commerce Banking means that wars are created - with US weapon sales usually going to both sides of the wars around the world. The democrats and republicans are united in their War Machine promotion. And the military is the number one emitter of global warming pollution. So the adversary is Western Civilization itself that thinks "infinity" can be contained via technology - going all the way back to Plato.
A good book on this is "The Paper Economy" by David T. Bazelon. The US has 900 military bases in OTHER countries and the agreement to end to Cold War was that NATO would not be expanded. But obviously the corrupt elite demanded control of Russia - Michael E. Hudson has documented this as well. Drumpf epitomizes how there is a global class war against the working class. Kissinger is another good example of this - as he sat on the board of China's petroleum corporation. For example Skull and Bones was propping up both the Communists in China and the Nationalist fascists. So a good book on this is the Soong Dynasty.
The "secret societies" like Skull and Bones are tied to the global drug trade that deals with organized crime that is also transnational. Essentially modern "civilization" is just Chimpanzee Culture of rape and warmongering. So I would not let national boundaries get in the way - as Gerald Horne, the history professor, points out: The US revolution was to maintain the slave trade as the British Empire was outlawing slavery. Slavery was the main economy of the US - and Crosscheck is the main reason Drumpf won just as Nixon used the Southern Strategy - make sure that AFrican-american black vote is NOT counted! This is not even covered on corporate-state liberal news! (Joy Reid has Greg Palast on for a couple minutes a couple years ago - that's it). oops.
Professor Michael E. Hudson:
"Financial-interest bearing debt grows by purely mathematical laws. The economy grows in a S-curve: how the agricultural economy grows. The debts grow exponentially. At a certain point the debts exceed the economies ability to pay. Now recognizing that fact, every economy tends toward disequilibrium, a crash: Sumerian, Babylonian, and Near Eastern ruler of the 3rd Millennium: They would begin with Debt Cancellation: word for word, the same as Jubilee in the Bible. Cancel the Debt. Free the Bond servants and return the land to from the loss to the creditors.
So the logarithms are covering up the exponential distribution of wealth inequality. And this math was then tied into patent law for control of the economy - this is what David T. Bazelon gets into with his "Paper Economy" book. So our political economy has a "deep pre-established disharmony" the phrase used by math professor Luigi Borzacchini as he called the secret music origins of Western math - and the music cover as "astonishing" and "really shocking.' I corresponded with him several times starting in 2001 or so and over the years - a couple years ago. He's retired now.
I had a strange synchronicity after I finished my master's thesis on radical ecology, music theory and "sound-current nondualism." I discovered, buried in the basement of a used bookstore near my alma mater University of Minnesota, what I dubbed the "Actual Matrix Plan." I posted this expose on the internet in 2001: So yes our situation is hard-wired into the mathematics - what that plan calls the "Music logarithmic spiral" (thereby corroborating my self-directed master's thesis!). I finished my master's degree by doing intensive self-directed research in nonwestern Pythagorean meditation via a Chinese Daoist trained spiritual healer so I know that ghosts are very real (for example). I have also experienced "bigu" or immortal breathing as real alchemy - with telekinesis and telepathy and precognition, etc. But I had no idea what I had gotten into during my "enlightenment experience."
So I spent 10 years studying one scholarly book a day - to translate my experiences back into science. Only a few scientists have figured this out. One is Eddie Oshins who was a quantum physicist at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - he realized the secret of Daoist Neigong is due to noncommutative phase logic. Ironically his website on quantum psychology was not linked anywhere on the internet - except one person trying to claim that Oshins was insane. haha. So then I contacted Oshins' collaborator, Math professor Louis Kauffman who confirmed that Oshins was the real deal. I also corresponded with quantum physicist Nobel laureate Brian Josephson and also Bohm collaborate professor Basil J. Hiley.
So at "zero time" there ALREADY is a nonlocal causative energy-information from the future (yes that de Broglie figured out as the pilot wave). We can't directly access it through external measurement - as Olivier Costa de Beauregard pointed out - this is why there is an inherent asymmetry time to reality that we can perceive. So we can logically infer this non-local information-energy and we can even STORE it up in our bodies as negentropic energy (called Yuan Qi by the Daoists). A good book on how to do this is called "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality." It's a dense read to put it mildly. I also created my own free training manual (linked as an upload to my channel).
So yes we can train to LEAVE the Matrix! haha. So yes that which remains is the Cosmic Mother (the Emptiness that radiates light) - the Yuan Qi - and our "external path" (Freemasonry) is through the SEPARATION of heaven and earth via mass ritual sacrifice (or just call it a Chimpanzee psychophysiology of patriarchal rape and warmongering.
sure although the most decorated US soldier, Smedley Butler, is author of the book, "War is a Racket" - exposing how he really was just a mercenary for the corporate-state cartels. Noam Chomsky makes the same point - the cold war was a farce just to prop up the real US economy - socialism for the elite via military contracts. And Anthony Sutton, working for the right-wing Hoover Institute, documented how Wall St. funded both the Nazis and the Soviet Union. The Koch Brothers dad got rich working for the Communists just as the Bush Dynasty got rich working for the Nazis. So Commerce Banking means that wars are created - with US weapon sales usually going to both sides of the wars around the world. The democrats and republicans are united in their War Machine promotion. And the military is the number one emitter of global warming pollution. So the adversary is Western Civilization itself that thinks "infinity" can be contained via technology - going all the way back to Plato.
A good book on this is "The Paper Economy" by David T. Bazelon. The US has 900 military bases in OTHER countries and the agreement to end to Cold War was that NATO would not be expanded. But obviously the corrupt elite demanded control of Russia - Michael E. Hudson has documented this as well. Drumpf epitomizes how there is a global class war against the working class. Kissinger is another good example of this - as he sat on the board of China's petroleum corporation. For example Skull and Bones was propping up both the Communists in China and the Nationalist fascists. So a good book on this is the Soong Dynasty.
The "secret societies" like Skull and Bones are tied to the global drug trade that deals with organized crime that is also transnational. Essentially modern "civilization" is just Chimpanzee Culture of rape and warmongering. So I would not let national boundaries get in the way - as Gerald Horne, the history professor, points out: The US revolution was to maintain the slave trade as the British Empire was outlawing slavery. Slavery was the main economy of the US - and Crosscheck is the main reason Drumpf won just as Nixon used the Southern Strategy - make sure that AFrican-american black vote is NOT counted! This is not even covered on corporate-state liberal news! (Joy Reid has Greg Palast on for a couple minutes a couple years ago - that's it). oops.
Professor Michael E. Hudson:
"Financial-interest bearing debt grows by purely mathematical laws. The economy grows in a S-curve: how the agricultural economy grows. The debts grow exponentially. At a certain point the debts exceed the economies ability to pay. Now recognizing that fact, every economy tends toward disequilibrium, a crash: Sumerian, Babylonian, and Near Eastern ruler of the 3rd Millennium: They would begin with Debt Cancellation: word for word, the same as Jubilee in the Bible. Cancel the Debt. Free the Bond servants and return the land to from the loss to the creditors.
The Rulers don't need to read, as they rely on the military to enforce
Wall St. Welfare. Michael E. Hudson calls this NeoFeudalism:
"Neo-feudalism is when industrial capitalism fails to liberate society from the landlords, hereditary ownership of the land; from banks and land rent; from UNearned income, whether monopoly rent or land rent or financial interest charges; siphoning off all the income of the economy for a class that doesn't produce. John Stuart Mill said the landlord earns his rent and gets the increase of land value In his sleep!"
1% owns 40% of the bonds and stocks.... So the job of the central banks
is to protect the stock holders and bond holders AT THE EXPENSE of the
Americans who own mortgages, student debt... and that's why there's no
way inflating. So the Federal Reserve has created $4.6 TRILLION dollars
to give to wall st. to spend on stocks and bonds. Only a fraction -
maybe $20 million for the whole US economy! ...The entire growth of US
GDP since 2008 has occurred to only 5% of the population. For the
remaining 95% GDP has gone DOWN..." Professor Michael E. Hudson
Basically the whole run up to 2008 was bank fraud. ... Obama said, If
loans are made beyond the ability of the mortgage to pay, we'll write
down the mortgage to realistic value and the carrying charge would be
what the normal rent would be. INSTEAD he Expropriated 10 million
american families. He did not throw a single banker in jail. The head of
the Federal Reserve said he should have thrown the crooks in jail.
Instead he put them in charge of the Treasury and in charge of every
political party. The bank crooks are now running the Democratic and
Republican party. ... The American economy has turned into a
They can not grow anymore because of Debt Deflation and I describe why
in "Killing the Host." Americans and Europeans owe so much money to the
banks every month for the cost of housing, automobile debt, education
debt, medical debt... That there is no money left to spend on goods and
services. Wall St. knows that the game is over. The game ended in 2008.
It has not begun again and it can not begin again as long as the debts
are kept on the book. Every other country, when there was a crash, would
not only wipe out the debts but they would wipe out the savings. Obama
promised to write down the junk mortgages of the bank loans...
Professor Michael E. Hudson: (interview)
"Imagine if Americans would pay more and more dollars to buy say German cars.... There's going to be a demand for German Marks (this is before the Euro) and the German Mark would rise in price. That is basically what was happening throughout the 60s and 70s before the Euro. So how does Germany keep down the value of the Mark? It will have to buy something that costs Dollars! It's not going to buy American exports because America was beginning to export less and less except for food and Germany can only eat so much wheat and soybeans. So the only thing priced in dollars that Germany can buy, was US treasury bonds....It kept the balance of payments in balance.
"The United States (led by the University of Chicago) paid foreign leaders to CRIPPLE the Euro - to make the Euro an austerity currency, where you keep so few Euros, there's no vehicle for foreign countries to keep their reserve in Euros...The Euro refuses to let countries a budget deficit of more than 3% of GDP - which is very marginal compared to the United States....So you're imposing austerity by keeping labor down and stifling the internal market....
"The heads of the central banks are fighting a class war. They are against labor. They are willing to cut their throats to help the wealthy class...Europe has never really emerged from the aristocratic, post-feudal system. Central banks and the universities all follow the University of Chicago thing - the way to get rich is to make your labor poor: To create a government where labor really doesn't have a voice. ... It's why Europe is falling further and further behind...
"Only when you stop the Gold Standard and leave countries with no alternatives for their savings but to buy US treasury bonds or else we'll kill you: It will be an act of war. So after 1971 World Diplomacy is essentially backed by American military power. It's NOT a free market. It's enforced by military power and the military power is to keep people in a financial system, whereby the US can run into debt, without having to repay it. But other countries have to run into debt and they're not allowed to expand their economy to rival the US and not able to expand their economy to improve living standards for their labor force. Only countries OUTSIDE the US orbit: China and in principle Russia and other countries in asia are able to increase their living standards and capital investments in technology, by being free of this financial class war position.
Michael Hudson: IMF and World Bank: Partners in Backwardness
Professor Michael E. Hudson: (interview)
"Imagine if Americans would pay more and more dollars to buy say German cars.... There's going to be a demand for German Marks (this is before the Euro) and the German Mark would rise in price. That is basically what was happening throughout the 60s and 70s before the Euro. So how does Germany keep down the value of the Mark? It will have to buy something that costs Dollars! It's not going to buy American exports because America was beginning to export less and less except for food and Germany can only eat so much wheat and soybeans. So the only thing priced in dollars that Germany can buy, was US treasury bonds....It kept the balance of payments in balance.
"The United States (led by the University of Chicago) paid foreign leaders to CRIPPLE the Euro - to make the Euro an austerity currency, where you keep so few Euros, there's no vehicle for foreign countries to keep their reserve in Euros...The Euro refuses to let countries a budget deficit of more than 3% of GDP - which is very marginal compared to the United States....So you're imposing austerity by keeping labor down and stifling the internal market....
"The heads of the central banks are fighting a class war. They are against labor. They are willing to cut their throats to help the wealthy class...Europe has never really emerged from the aristocratic, post-feudal system. Central banks and the universities all follow the University of Chicago thing - the way to get rich is to make your labor poor: To create a government where labor really doesn't have a voice. ... It's why Europe is falling further and further behind...
"Only when you stop the Gold Standard and leave countries with no alternatives for their savings but to buy US treasury bonds or else we'll kill you: It will be an act of war. So after 1971 World Diplomacy is essentially backed by American military power. It's NOT a free market. It's enforced by military power and the military power is to keep people in a financial system, whereby the US can run into debt, without having to repay it. But other countries have to run into debt and they're not allowed to expand their economy to rival the US and not able to expand their economy to improve living standards for their labor force. Only countries OUTSIDE the US orbit: China and in principle Russia and other countries in asia are able to increase their living standards and capital investments in technology, by being free of this financial class war position.
Michael Hudson: IMF and World Bank: Partners in Backwardness
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