A good book on this is "Ecological Imperialism" by Alfred Crosby. Another good source is http://arctic-news.blogspot.com by professor Maria Carmen Solana (writing under Sam Carana). So we want to follow "science" but the most advanced science, trying to unify relativity and quantum physics, has realized that all our symmetric commutative algebraic geometry was wrong!! Alain Connes, a Fields Medal math professor, (harder to get than Nobel Prize) has been the leader in noncommutative geometry and he emphasizes that MUSIC is based on noncommutative geometry - or is it the other way around? So instead of writing down the rules of Nature we are better to LISTEN to the rules of nature.
the liberals want to laugh off Drumpf as ignorant when as GEE points out, Drumpf is just symptomatic of where civilization is at right now. Chomsky is good at putting the past 500 years into perspective. Essentially the "New World" is still a gang rape session for Westernized patriarchy - and cloaked in moral superiority with self-righteous "glory." Hence Drumpf needing to declare one of his political rivals as being in Hell. It's precisely this need to completely flip morals into a 180 - whereas before the Church had hidden their pederasty abuse culture - now Drumpf can openly declare, "He Loves your ass!" The liberals are then FORCED to repeat this quote ad naseum without any sense of irony of the evil to it.
And now Booty-Judge is considered the best contender to "spar" against Drumpf. Why? Because Booty-Judge excels at Drumpf's closeted sadism from ejaculation addiction as the psycho-physiology of evil. As modern humans we are unable to realize the training required for a male to be a man - hence the liberals continually making the error of calling Drumpf a "man." No Drumpf is the OPPOSITE of a man - he's a credibly alleged child rapist. So first of all his name is a lie yet his whole business is based on his name. Secondly he is inherently evil - it's hard-wired into him due to being mentored by Roy Cohn and his KKK father. And yes the masses "gobble this up" because as Professor Camille Paglia points out - Western civilization is based on closeted homosexuality - built into the symmetric aesthetics of the mathematics of Plato. It's what "drives" Western Civilization. Her book "Sexual Personae" is a classicist art analysis tome based on this argument.
The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control, by Simon & Schuster. The author is Steven Hassan, a onetime Moonie who became a top authority on the psychology of demagogues and their flocks.
A publisher note says:
“Trump’s behavior has become both more disturbing and yet increasingly familiar. He relies on phrases like ‘fake news,’ ‘build the wall,’ and continues to spread the divisive mentality of us-versus-them. He lies constantly, has no conscience, never admits when he is wrong, and projects all his shortcomings onto others. He has become more authoritarian, more outrageous, yet many of his followers remain blindly devoted…. His need to squash alternative information and his insistence on constant ego-stroking are all characteristics of other famous leaders – cult leaders.”
Harvard psychiatrist Thomas Gutheil wrote:
“The current administration is best understood through cult analogies, including factors such as total authoritarianism and intolerance of any questioning or deviation from the ‘playbook.’ This is a both a clarifying and a terrifying book.”
When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Donald ...
Jul 11, 2019 - Donald Trump has not only been accused of rape and sexual ... claimed to have seen the child perform sexual acts on both Trump and Epstein.
2 hours ago - There is outrage tonight from the family of a child rape victim after former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin defended his pardon of the girl's ...
Jun 23, 2016 - A civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old ... Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl.
the Smithsonian is another good source for this - Former Nazi SS Major Werner von Braun personally supervised mass slave labor. Operation Condor is another example - the CIA used Nazis to train torture and mass assassination programs in Latin America. The Nazi-trained Argentinians then trained the Central American fascists. A great book on this is "Political Economy of Human Rights" by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman.
Trump Is What Happens When Americans Forget What Fascism Looks Like
Thom Hartmann
Jesse Ventura implanted into the MN State Government - Against the CIA mission statement - vid
The End of America - Nazi Gangstalking Cointelpro Full Documentary
Propaganda controlled masses, in the U.S. it is referred to as MKUltra. Sadly, although the weed of fascism was cut down, the Allies never destroyed the roots of Nazism. Instead the roots were transplanted to the U.S. via the CIA's Operation Paperclip program. And thus we have the following ... "The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6+ million people (of color) had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’ This number surpasses the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust in WWII. This estimate was determined for the period up to 1987 and does NOT include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present." (Source: CIA Official John Stockwell)
the Smithsonian is another good source for this - Former Nazi SS Major Werner von Braun personally supervised mass slave labor. Operation Condor is another example - the CIA used Nazis to train torture and mass assassination programs in Latin America. The Nazi-trained Argentinians then trained the Central American fascists. A great book on this is "Political Economy of Human Rights" by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman.
Trump Is What Happens When Americans Forget What Fascism Looks Like
Thom Hartmann
Jesse Ventura implanted into the MN State Government - Against the CIA mission statement - vid
The End of America - Nazi Gangstalking Cointelpro Full Documentary
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