Alain Connes on Quantum of Geometry
It's a miracle, it's a miracle. They do coexist. More ever, the second thing which is quite amazing, is that the variability, the fundamental variability of quantum mechanics is something MUCH deeper than you think. I believe that this variability of the quantum, the fact that when you repeat the same experiment twice, you don't get the same result... I believe that this variability is more fundamental than the passing of time. And that it's behind the scene, meaning that the passing of time is a corollary of's exactly the variability of which value you get in the spectrum of the operator....
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Conference on noncommutative geometry" the November 3, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Why on earth should we go to noncommutative stuff for spacetime?...There is not only gravity as a force. there are other forces... ...If you replace the ordinary functions by matrices of functions....this group has exactly the right structure...the algebra is no longer commutative get the right structure of what we know about forces...
They are forced to cheat when they do Gordon-Klein [quantum field theory]....
You have to make a choice and this choice is spin structure...
The Quantum is more fundamental than anything else. Geometry should be an emergent phenomenon. It should come from the quantum. It shouldn't be, you shouldn't start with coordinates...this is too boring. They should come out from operator equations and such things...
The general belief I have is that the true theory, when you are above the Planck energy, there is no spacetime, there is nothing like spacetime, there is quantum chaos. When the temperature lowers or the energy gets lower then you have spontaneous symmetry breaking, like in the electroweak force. Then you have spontaneous symmetry breaking on the given geometry....So in fact what one should do...there is a spontaneous symmetry breaking and this is why we live in this specific universe where there is a chair, a table, etc. Of course it's not symmetric... why? Because of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
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