I even got an op-ed published in the University paper (serving 50,000 people) - but that was TWENTY YEARS AGO!! https://www.mndaily.com/article/1998/05/military-keeps-playing-big-toys
people in the West don't realize that food is closely tied to emotions.
So we in the US are addicted to ejaculation (cortisol spiking) as STRESS
- aka the Missile Envy military genocide-ecocide machine. So that's why
there has to be a McDonald's diet of high fat, high salt - to crank up
the cholesterol levels so that testosterone and adrenaline can be maxed
out. Of course this also spikes cancer rates and obesity and diabetes
from all the corn syrup. But Even an organic diet can be too many
calories for the cholesterol to counteract the STRESS addiction!
Everyone needs their Football-News-War machine FIX all the time - it's
BREAKING BREAKING NEWS!! haha. Better to just fast for a week or hide
out away from civilization. Don't watch t.v. and even don't use the
interwebs and don't read the newspapers! Don't even look at billboards -
take back roads to your hide out. Just chillax' and meditate and do the
Wim Hof diet of one meal a day. I moved last year from a "living off
the land" house in the forest so that I could cut fire wood by HAND all
winter and feed the wood stove. Now we heat via natural gas and so I get
fat. haha. So then I need to go up north to fast and meditate. I get
fat so create enough QI energy to counteract the stress addiction of
civilization around me.
Fascism is based on attacking the weak and so the mainstream culture now
"smells fear" and attacks fear! It's a Mob Mean Mentality now that is
Mainstream Culture - but as PRofessor Robert Sapolsky so eloquently
exposed to Joe Rogan (when the latter was trying to Brown-Nose
Sapolsky): "TESTOSTERONE MAKES PEOPLE STUPID" - and Rogan immediately
pretended he didn't hear Sapolsky. So hilarious!!!!! That is our current
culture now - we just PRETEND we don't hear Mother Nature.
The male
principle on Earth is not needed since life originates from the female
as most of life on Earth regenerates through parthenogenesis. So now the
Westernization Missile Envy project of modern humans on Earth means
that China and India need to eat more meat to "compete" and build up
their militaries to be more "manly" (like Chimpanzees). It takes a lot
of cholesterol and animal fat to create enough testosterone.
addiction is a positive feedback cycle that ends in death and disease.
As the Chinese state - WATER is the strongest element on Earth. Right
now modern humans are promoting Fire and Metal over wood and earth.
Water is being used up - freshwater. But Water has secret power that we
don't realize - the secret power of virtual photons from the future -
negentropy energy!! This is the Lunacy Power of Water - the moon governs
life on Earth.
Our Sun Monoculture of the Mind Diet via Plow Patriarchy
Farming seems infinite and eternal as we dream of colonizing Mars with
Strip Clubs but in fact the Moon governs life on earth via the Cosmic
Mother that secretly powers the sun. The SON is sick since the Moon is
eclipsing the Sun.
CAnada also has a seven page healthcare law (shhh!! Don't tell people in
the U.S.)!! haha. Ralph Nader exposed that little Canadian secret to
healthcare. Meanwhile in the Land of the Free we bask in our infinite
"breaking news" corporate-state mass mind control media blitz!
oh the irony of meaning versus visual phonetic concepts as visual
symbols - the older languages are more Musical as Tonal languages and
the most sophisticated language on Earth is our original human culture
San Bushmen language (with the most tones and the most different
sounds). Dare I say the San Bushmen have amazing meanings that we are
totally unaware of - like N/om and !Kia and Tshoma....
OOh OOh - my brain froze at the Orwellian phrase "Defense News" when we
have 900 military bases in OTHER countries!! haha. I'm now scared to
click on that link. Will 4D reality implode to an anti-matter 5D brain
bomb after I psychologically accept that initial Big Lie of "defense
news"? I think so....
and the hard-working masses are constantly berated to BLAME THE
VICTIMS!! Quite tragic as that is considered to be "educated" in our
"system" now. Fascism is very tragic indeed.
by WOKE you mean that we can't HEAR nuclear missiles (contrary to my
constant fear of jets after I saw that "the day after" documentary-drama
when I was 12 years old or something). We will be WOKE so briefly
The great tragedy is that Europeans (Australia, etc.) even can say
"Greens" vis a vis their political elections! I happened upon a post by
an old activist collaborator of mine - he was pointing out that when
Ralph Nader ran as an independent for President AFTER he had been
propped up by the Green Party in 2000 - then Nader SUCKED all the energy
out of the Green Party and he shat it into oblivion. Yes Nader also
gave a eulogy talk for the director of the environmental nonprofit -
after said director croaked.
The director had also been a Harvard Law
graduate and hired out by Nader (nader raider) but then was secretly
dependent on Rockefeller Foundation $1 million a year funding grants.
Nader similarly is dependent on Wall St. financing - his stocks having
been exposed and also his militant anti-labor attitude in his personal
quest for political power. Fact is that Western industrialization
civilization has a deep Psycho-Physiological Problem. It's hard-wired
and sub-conscious.
Camille Paglia's tome "SExual Personae" exposed this
via rococo art history (she's a Classicist Lesbian professor). Yes my
local Green Party - I attended one of their meetings where a biology
professor was speaking. I asked him a question and he said, "Drew
hempel? I thought there were SIX of you!" Ah nostalgia. Then he escaped
back to Canada when he retired. He did author a book called the Devil's
Mountain - about how evil our current human culture is. haha. And now
the Local Green Party has imploded into self-referential power politics.
King James? Let's take it back to Archytas why don't we!! He was a
Military Engineer and so his philosophy of irrational magnitude math was
used to precisely double the size of catapults. Said irrational
magnitude math was then promoted as Platonic Philosophy via
EQual-tempered music theory!! Economist Michael E. Hudson is a rare
academic who understands this secret. As Westerners we can not even
imagine some different "system" of understanding reality - as you
physicas have also shared. We understand reality as a materialistic
idealism that has to be VISUALIZED first via symmetric logic.
This is
the Big Lie from Plato and Archytas. Another example is Simon Stevin -
he also was a military engineer. Galileo got funded by the aristocracy
since he claimed he could cut down on LABOR costs!! So science is our
great "religion of technology" - Professor David F. Noble's book of same
name, "Religion of technology" is a must read on this. He was an MIT
professor and so he exposed the military control of "science" by elite
private foundations, Freemasonry, etc. I exposed this also as the Actual
Matrix Plan. Even the Doomosphere - like Paul and dare we say GEE -
fall back on patriarchial GeoENGINEERING. haha. Engineering is from
Freemasonry which is from Platonic math. The alchemy of DeNile is deep.
We don't even know how to crap properly in the West. Quite hilarious
I read Oil Tankers and had flashes of Exxon Valdez. It was Greg Palast
who exposed all the lies about the Corporate-state mass mind control
media when he covered the Exxon Valdez spill. That is what forced him
out of the US propaganda Imperial system. He calls NPR - "national
petroleum radio" - and the US Petro-Dollar is the great secret of the
Military Genocide-Ecocide system. Yes Smedley Butler had it correct: WAR
IS A RACKET. But now everyone is forced to wax nostalgic about our
mercenaries - like when we killed off 200,000 in the Philippines in the
late 1800s - to promote democracy? Nope. To stop communism? Nope. For
better elite investments of course! Nothing has changed except, as Noam
chomsky points out, the corporate-state mass mind control media is so
effective now that if you can control people's BRAINS then it's much
easier than trying to control people physically through force.
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