part 2
Spin is a quantum macroscopic high-temperature property.
Unexplained Ultrasound as quantum coherence.... (8 MHz)
yes the more we meditate then there is more precognition and healing energy. Here is a playlist I made on bioenergy healing demonstrations. There's a LOT of info. So I also made a playlist on quantum physics tied to this topic. So the way you are talking about a kind of open-minded skepticism. Most Westerners try to rely on science first and so think, "well if it is not proven in science then it does not exist." I call this scientism - or that is the word used to describe that mistake in logic. And so also when most people learn music then they learn music based on the assumption of western science. Obviously all human cultures have music and the only common factor is the octave, Perfect Fifth/Fourth as 1:2:3:4. The tricky thing that I have focused on is the use of the word "ratio" instead of say fraction. The word ratio is already assuming a symmetric math logic of logarithms. So this is a fascinating origin of Western science that is actually FROM music. In other words nonwestern music was turned into "western" music first (by Philolaus and Archytas) which then CREATED western science from the irrational magnitude math developed. This is hardly known about in detail - and so I corresponded with math professor Luigi Borzacchini about this - his paper on the subject calls this hidden music origin of Western math as a cover-up - "shocking" and "really astonishing." And also since it's a LIE about real music - this created what Borzacchini calls a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the secret "evolutive principle" guiding science. So Borzacchini is retired now but I sent him a scribbled math-music equation back in 2001 (literally scribbled on a note and mailed snail mail to Italy).
So I sit in full lotus at the computer so then I can type faster. My dad could not understand how this was possible. But the energy then keeps my brain focused and then flows out of my hands via the meridians. I actually got carpal tunel from being a transcriber for the DEAF community - as a Relay Operator full-time for two years in 1994-6. So then I also worked as a legal transcriber for a law professor and I did data entry full time for years as well (but again I sat in full lotus at work to heal the carpal tunel).
So once the third eye is opened up -this is the pineal gland - and it works as a transducer. I wrote an article about Triode amplifiers and Feynman - it was over 10 years ago and so the science was more like an analogy. But you know how there is a phase change of 180 degrees to increase the amplitude for a tube amp - so that is essentially how our brains translate neurohormones into ionized neurotransmitter energy - by taking the vertical sublimation of celibacy and turning it into ionized electrogravity energy. the pineal gland is also an electrogravitic transducer (meaning that our brains naturally are synchronized to the full moon and the Solstices/ Equinoxes). So with Modern WEsternized Left-brain dominance we CUT off this internal perception awareness (that is also external). Why? Because the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain whereas the right side brain vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain.
So the right side vagus nerve is the secret of kundalini energy but it's also based on coherent biophoton energy. This is proven - I am right now watching Professor Jack Tuszynski lecture on this - So that first part is the quantum physics aspect and the 2nd part he goes into the quantum biology more. He doesn't talk about the vagus nerve because he has not done the NONWESTERN training! haha.
So what I did after my intensive training in 2000 with my enlightenment experience was then "reverse-engineer" the science as best as possible. One good source is CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich. His book "Beyond Telepathy" is excellent. I corresponded with Professor Michael Persinger who replied to me that Puharich was "greatly underappreciated." Persinger also did CIA-tied mind control research and so Persinger went on to continue the work of Puharich. I exposed this back in 2001 as the "Actual Matrix Plan" expose (based on corroboration of my master's thesis research). It was quite a coincidence actually - I found the "actual matrix plan" buried in the basement of a used bookstore. haha.
So yes the Daoist traditional chinese medicine is actually a much more advanced "science" in that the lower emotions are tied to the organs of the body as energy blockages. So for example depression is a lung blockage (and that is how Wim Hof solved his depression). So Wim Hof has worked with scientists to prove he can directly control his autonomic nervous system (again this is the vagus nerve). Anger is a liver blockage (so hence alcohol causing rage). Pancreas is worry (hence sugar causing anxiety). Fear is the kidneys (hence coffee effect). And so on. The best book explaining the details of this Daoist training is "Taoist YOga: alchemy and immortality" translated by Charles Luk. Westerners are afraid of this book or just don't understand it. There's a lot of detailed info. I have studied that book for years and so it took me a while to analyze all the details.
Western science has a term called Noncommutative phase logic - and this is the closest to logically proving how NOnwestern alchemy training works - as Eddie Oshins realized when he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. So the CIA actually classifies this stuff (for example Olivier Costa de Beauregard - half of his papers are promoting the paranormal from relativistic quantum physics and yet almost ALL promoted scientists dismiss the paranormal as "woo woo." ) quite hilarious actually! Yes Ghosts are DEFINITELY real (at least I know this for me personally). I did the training and so I know for a FACT that ghosts are real.
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