This: Prose and Poetry of Dancing Emptiness
So I got to read this while farm sitting.
Now I have already posted a couple blog posts specific to this secret that Poonjaji reveals. You have to already know the secret to be able to discern it from his talks.
He starts out:
You are the One that is even more silent than awareness. Identify yourself as this Quietness as Nothingness.So the problem in Western esoteric meditation is often that the word "consciousness" is applied both to awareness and also spirit. Or that spirit means awareness or consciousness interchangeable but awareness is NOT spirit. So in this case Poonjaji means awareness as spirit consciousness. Why so? read on.
Mind is in the habit to be involved with objects. It can't both silently watch and be involved.So again here Mind refers to spirit and the key secret is that the spirit as light needs to be "turned around" into the Emptiness as Awareness - instead of being focused on external objects.
The reflection of Self falls on the mind turned toward Self, dissolving the mind into Self.So this is a very profound statement. Again there is a hidden supermomentum to light. So when light is turned around then the Self reflects back to the mind that was turned to the Self, thereby dissolving the mind back to the Self.
When you enter it, it is ego entering but when It pulls you It has made the choice to take you Home.So to choose to turn the light around is not enough. The Self PULLS you towards it - and remember the Self is not light but it reflects light back out that then dissolves the ego back into the Self.
You are Shiva if you don't project "I" and your Shakti is the projection by which to play. Consciousness is the source of the play.So here again when the light is turned around - first your mental focus is on the source of the I-thought but then you become aware of the light that is enabling this focus of the I-thought. That is Shiva - to keep the light turned around to the source of the I-thought. But then the Shakti projects the Yuan Qi energy from this consciousness or light being turned around - the Yuan Shen.
And to reiterate - this is the hidden or supermomentum of Light. So it is not Light itself but projects light and energy.
Let Silence have you.... Stay Silent as Silence...This Liberation is Silence.So here Poonjaji is reiterating his teacher Ramana Maharshi stating that the highest level of Mouna Samadhi or Silence Samadhi.
Om is Soundless Sound. ... Om forms into the Emptiness of Space.So Poonjaji says OM is the form of the formless awareness. But how is that possible? I have already explained that, as I quote and reference, OM really means the infinite Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as the "three gunas of no guna" or what Ramana Maharshi calls the "three in one unity." In other words OM is the Taiji as well - from real music theory (NOT Western music theory).
Keeping Quiet is the highest Tapas [self-discipline creating heat], the greatest Yoga...And here we have the real confirmation of what I have previously posted on:
This silence is the Light that does not move!So in Advaita nondualism there is a big emphasis on static Being or that which does not move. In fact it is the light that is turned around which does not move. The silence emits the Shakti that is in eternal motion. The silence is the source of the Light!!
So Ramana Maharshi stated that the Sattvic Mind has to be admitted as the tool by which Liberation is achieved - the Silence as Mouna Samadhi. So the light as the mind is turned around and thereby burns itself out via a Self-reflection from the Source that pulls it in.
As I quote the Pythagoreans - the Cosmic Mother Breathes out the Light and feeds off the light!! The Yuan Qi is the universal energy that no one can see because it's the universe SEER that is breathing out light. So this is also called the 5th dimension or the pilot wave of the future that is secretly guiding matter and creating new matter all the time.
Since light does not experience space nor time then when the light is turned around (via the wavelength of its color frequency) then the phase becomes noncommutative as the hidden MASS of light (the spacetime that creates the light). So this hidden mass of light is always from the future which means the mass will always be projecting or radiating light as the Absolute Void and time awareness (Kali-Shakti) is truly eternal.
So I'll repost my previous blogpost on this:
I posted the below excellent quote from Poonjaji. . But what I have done now is triangulated the secret with the Law of Phase Harmony of de Broglie. My footnotes were too overwhelming. So it took me several days but I compiled all the quotes I have researched directly relevant to de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony (and proto-consciousness as the guiding field). So I now have 77 different sources!! O.K. so that means my footnotes are much less now. And as I reread the research I had on de Broglie - I rediscovered a zinger that explains the secret of Poonjaji as well.
First the Poonjaji quote again:
Let this I face the Source and facing the Source is called inquiry, when the I is facing, there is the inquiry. As mirror, in front of the mirror, is reflecting. When you see the mirror? See your face, a reflection. When you keep aside the mirror, where does the reflection go? Back to the face. So this I is inquiring from its own source, which was a reflection in the mind; mind to the senses; senses to the body; body to the senses; senses to the object. This universe is this thing. This is the method of maharshi. Striking at the root of the mind. Everything else, all the methods, ways described by others, people who teach any kind of sadhana, any kind of practice, are WITH the mind, and the result will be mental or like yoga, physical, the result will be physical. This is striking at the root of the mind, instantly.
This reflection of the I ends the inquiry.
Poonjaji on the secret of turning the light around to access the formless awareness Shaktipat energy, the Yuan Qi source of Yuan Shen.
O.K. and now the secret from my de Broglie relevant quotes.
O.K. first an interlude from Ramana Maharshi:
Just as [movie] pictures can be made visible by a reflected light, and only in darkness, so also the world pictures are perceptible only by the light of the Self reflected in the darkness of avidya (ignorance).So relating that back to Poonjaji and
Ramana Maharshi:
People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing.So Ramana Maharshi calls this the paradox of the three in one unity - meaning your use your mind to "kill" your mind - such that the mind is purified into Sattva Light - and this Sattva Light is NOT the Self - but as the spiritual ego - the Sattva Light merges back into the Self.
So the Energy as Formless Awareness is NOT the Light. So now What does Poonjaji mean when he says the mind is reflecting? He says a "mirror in front of a mirror." But the Light is not the mirror - the light reflects off the mirror!
And the answer?
This phenomenon, called undulation, is familiar to everyone who has been watching streams of water on a rainy day. There one can often see standing ripples appearing on the flowing water. These are not standing waves—they are not waves at all, not oscillations in space and time, but only oscillatory patterns in space: they have zero frequency.... The latter occurred in a so-called black-hole laser [32] that uses two horizons, a white-hole and a black-hole horizon (the white-hole horizon is the time reverse of the black-hole horizon). The two horizons act as both the mirrors and the amplifying medium for Hawking radiation trapped inside. However, the dominating part of the radiation belongs to a wave of zero wavenumber, an undulation, that can be excited by any perturbation and the condensate used was highly non-stationary...Hawking radiation is a much more general phenomenon than originally anticipated; it belongs to a wide class of wave processes in moving media.
The mirrors that are reflecting as formless awareness are what de
Broglie called "hollow resonators" as "deformed spacetime" itself or
“With one thought, you can stay focused on the thought. And you can pull Universal Energy into the thought. And you feel the energy in the room. You can feel the energy coming into the room. And as you do that, not only can you feel the energy coming into the room, but you can feel a dimensional shift in that process. Because the thought energy is very different than the physical material world. And if you bring the two together, o.k.? If you bring the two together, a dimension shifts. It shifts, because you are no longer in the same place you were in before. You create something new with the help of the Universe, you create something new.
It’s like when you’re not there at all, then you are in the Emptiness. Not there at all. You know, yeah. So anyway….The Unconditional Love hears you.”
And then as the energy reverses it creates new matter that is negentropic from reverse time - or superluminal momentum from negative frequency. The black hole turns into a white hole and the light is blue-shifted.
At the event horizon time stands still and so waves oscillate with wavelengths that become infinitely short....Ulf Leonhardt is the best researcher on this subject
...the energy-momentum flux will be larger in the blue shifted part than in the red shifted part....In a moving frame, they diverge: the mean internal frequency of the photon will increase; simultaneously the orbital frequency of the photon will decrease due to the relativistic law of the slowing down of clocks. Despite the difference in frequency, at any point in space-time these two oscillations must be in phase....This provides a possible physical origin for the postulated law of the "harmony of the phases" first proposed by de Broglie, which lies at the origin of quantum mechanics. ...In a head-on collision between two photons, the interaction will be essentially between the blue-shifted regions which are converging....This state may then decay back into two photons or into an electron-positron pair.Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark, 1997
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