Ellen DeGeneres — $87.5 million She has the salary to prove it, too – Ellen brings home a whopping $87.5 million per year.Nov 28, 2018
yes I did "Miss" Ellen's entire scope! I claimed she donated a WEEKS worth of her salary. Actually it was only a HALF-day's worth of her salary. $238,356 is her daily salary. So Ellen makes a whopping $29K an hour for an 8 hour day! Oh yes she really does care about Mother Nature!! Basically she slapped Great Greta in the face and said: I own you bitch! Get down on your knees and worship this!
I have been arrested 8 times protesting against ecocidal genocidal Western imperialism. I also worked for half a dozen social justice/environmental nonprofits. Also I got a master's degree in radical ecology and sustainability philosophy from University of Minnesota where I was hired as an op/ed writer. Yes the Trouble is definitely just my personal problem! Oh but ELLEN she's NOT in trouble at all!
Oxfam said the wealth of more than 2,200 billionaires across the globe had increased by $900bn in 2018 – or $2.5bn a day. The 12% increase in the wealth of the very richest contrasted with a fall of 11% in the wealth of the poorest half of the world's population.Jan 21, 2019 World's 26 richest people own as much as poorest 50%, says ... https://www.theguardian.com › business › jan › world-26-richest-people-ow... Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year https://www.oxfam.org › pressroom › pressreleases › richest-1-percent-bag... Jan 22, 2018 - “Oxfam has spoken to women across the world whose lives are blighted by inequality. ... Oxfam estimates a global tax of 1.5 percent on billionaires' wealth could pay for every child to go to school.Ellen is Richer than you think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5KmdJtmNwc So why are you trying to blame me when I've spent my life working on ecological justice? Maybe cuz you're mass-mind controlled by the corporate-state media?
Oh I'm sorry Ellen is a "Porsche Girl" - my bad! She's obviously not troubled. Anyone who is a "Porsche Girl" is obviously a big supporter of Greta!
What about all the young females that Ellen has locked up into slave labor so Ellen can profit? Are those young females "troubled"?
Ellen DeGeneres launches a lifestyle brand | Fortune https://fortune.com › 2015/06/30 › ellen-degeneres-lifestyle-brand Jun 30, 2015 - The talk show host's new site, EDbyEllen.com sells clothing, housewares and accessories. Missing: sweatshops | Must include: sweatshops Ellen DeGeneres Is Bringing Her Personal Style to WalMart - Datalounge
https://www.datalounge.com › thread › 21850245-ellen-degeneres-is-bringin... Aug 16, 2018 - It just got a little bit easier to mimic Ellen DeGeneres' dance moves. ... This isn't DeGeneres' first foray into the branding game. ... Does she need a recommendation for a good sweatshop to manufacture her clothing line?
Gap Kids Ad Campaign with Ellen DeGeneres Recently launched in 25 markets"
Yeah I personally protested a GAP store to protest young female slave labor. Ellen? She PROMOTES IT! So Yeah I think Ellen is definitely troubled.
David Harvey is an academic. what policies has he changed? yes I debated the University of Minnesota student senate about the history of "free markets" - and I cited Noam Chomsky's book "Year 501: the Conquest continues" - https://www.workersrights.org/ is what we got our University to finally join. And the University administration tried to use tricks against us - including deleting my whole email account after I exposed the General Counsel running the University, "joking," in our final meeting, "I hope the professors on this committee are tenured." So over 300 corporations get lots of tax subsidies to run the University of Minnesota to crank out corporate junk science.
ELLEN is super-rich ($450 million) since she relies on Corporate WELFARE as 100% tax deductible advertising. She should hand all that over. Sure she funded Dian Fossey's gorilla habitat (11 acres adjacent to Volcano National Park) in Africa. But overall - our situation is MUCH MUCH worse than people realize. http://arctic-news.blogspot.com by Professor Carmen Solana (posting as Sam Carana) gives the details - stating that we have about five years until abrupt global warming wipes out civilization. Chris Hedges does not go deep enough - he turns to Hannah Arendt for his "deep philosophy" - and to Noam Chomsky as well. But as Noam points out it's the indigenous nonwestern cultures that are on the "front line" against abrupt global warming.
And in fact it is ONLY our original human culture - the San Bushmen - from before 70,000 BCE that knew how to live sustainably, without war, without rape, requiring ALL the males to train in spiritual healing and the females controlled the land. But my guess is you know absolutely "next to" NOTHING about the first 90% of your ancestral history? haha. That's how mass mind controlled we are! You are looking at the 10% of the ice berg above the surface that is clearly the problem and Chris Hedges focuses on that problem. But the real issue is why are we on this Titanic in the first place? the bottom 90% of the iceberg (the San Bushmen culture) is not a problem at all - it's just doing its own thing. The original human culture, the San Bushmen, understood this. We all get brainwashed by Platonic philosophy when we learn the Pythagorean Theorem!
I suppose you accept the Pythagorean Theorem as correct? Most people do as it's required to do any typical construction. haha. So ELLEN throws some Chump Change to Greta - why? It is like W.C. Fields - scam kid, "get out of here." Ellen has a lifestyle that is clearly destroying the planet. She profits off of the misery of thousands of young females. How can Ellen look at herself in the mirror? Because she does not care.
Strangely the "Ellen Foundation" had their tax-exempt status REVOKED by the IRS - This organization's exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years [2015, 16, 17]. Further investigation and due diligence are warranted." https://www.guidestar.org/profile/45-2682435 and Ellen's new "wildlife fund" does not have its 990 form available but it only started in 2018. https://gorillafund.org/dian-fossey-gorilla-fund-breaks-ground-on-a-new-campus-for-gorilla-conservation-in-partnership-with-the-ellen-fund/ So that was a $4.5 million donation about. So that is 1% of her net worth.
Since Ellen is profiting off the misery of young females - she can do better than that. The overall trajectory is to try to co-opt Greta into a sold-out commodity fetish. So that Greta can be held up by the elite as their shield for how the elite are saving the planet. It's a bunch of B.S.
I think Greta knows we're doomed but she will never admit it. Paul hardly ever focuses on Occam's Razor in regards to abrupt global warming since Paul had a falling out with Gee McFearSun. So essentially since Global Dimming Effect is covering up about HALF of global warming (meaning more renewables will cause more warming) and since the East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane bomb is ALREADY going off (and will double global warming), therefore we are locked into temperatures above 104 Fahrenheit (whereby photosynthesis is no longer viable). And in the mean time the nuclear power plants will melt down as civilization collapses (along with nuclear weapons and depleted uranium weapons being unleashed). The West argues that Western math is the inherent universal truth of reality but of course ignores the above "complications." haha.
I realized we were doomed by 1996 but I kept it myself. So to finish my master's degree then I did intensive nonwestern meditation through the African Studies Department via http://springforestqigong.com Chunyi Lin is a spiritual yoga master who did 49 days in full lotus meditation in a cave in Mt. Qingcheng (no sleep and no food the whole 49 days). Another good example is http://qigongmaster.com also at Mt. Qingcheng. So that spiritual training is from our original human culture - and my youtube channel gives my links for my uploads, etc. I have all my research free online. Basically in terms of environmental activism - it's "too little too late." Physics professor Albert Bartlett gave the SAME lecture in person over 1000 times during his life: people don't understand the exponential function. It's the inverse of the logarithmic function which itself originates from the WRONG music theory!! My background is in intensive music training. Economic Michael E. Hudson started out in music and so he also understands this secret lie about music as the origins of exponential math.
Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes is the only academic who realized that the secret of music theory is what he calls noncommutative phase logic and it enables a unified field theory (combining relativity and quantum physics). So the ancients already knew this - but the noncommutative phase logic was covered up by Plato. Even Zizek (leftist guru) promotes Platonic math (without realizing this lie). So our mass mind control is actually quite deep. Even Chomsky does not realize this noncommutative phase logic secret. haha. So I know for a FACT that ghosts are real - due to my spiritual training in 1999 - and also paranormal powers are real. The CIA classifies this stuff - like when Olivier Costa de Beauregard, a top physicist, argued that paranormal powers are inherently real. We are all taught that such thinking is New Age "woo woo" by mainstream scientists who do not know science well enough! Quite ironic. haha. So yes I'm on the five year plan.
Paul desperately wants science to save us but Paul is not willing to realize that science CAUSED abrupt global warming (so science is not going to save us). So I appreciate Paul in as much as he keeps people updated on the increasing problems of abrupt global warming - the minutiae of the data that he likes to talk about. So Noam just gave a new talk on the "existential threat" of global warming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZksPnrPeTRw&list=PLaea6JH-hhGmvcCZOKgK9bOfiRbKRcQTT&index=4 He also hopes there will be some radical revolution of humanity. I corresponded with Noam back in 2001. I spent a couple years just reading Noam Chomsky - studying his work. I spent another couple years just studying Slavoj Zizek.
I believe that Dr. Helen Caldicott is correct - her book titled, "Missile Envy" - and she wanted to update it with another book focused on the psychophysiology of why males are the problem. She then said she's not going to write that book since what's the point. Evil is very much real and "hard-wired" in our world - for example Drumpf is evil and he is a psychic black hole sucking off people's energy. Females lust after Drumpf since he is sucking off their energy and the females don't realize their energy is being sucked off. He activates the low frequency spirit energy as a psychic black hole - so the sex center is activated and he sucks it off for his own ejaculation addiction. So modern humans are essentially the same as chimpanzees as rapist war-mongering culture. the San Bushmen culture was more like the Bonobos.
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