from NDS
I like how the women keep urging the men to just go
meditate already! The most famous qigong master of
China, Yan Xin, teaches the "Child Longevity
Meditation" -- visualizing the age of six for women and
seven for men. By the way Master Yan Xin gave President
Bush Sr. eight personal qigong treatments at the White
House and the President declared Yan Xin to be the
world's greatest living sage.
But please let me toss out some more words on meditation
technique. Very concretely Nisargadatta (sp?) states
that he thinks "I AM" is preferrable to "Who Am I?" I
know that at the end of his life Nisargadatta kept
emphasizing how important life-force was -- and how he
didn't have any.
If you read Master Nan, Hua-Chi he talks about the
different levels of emptiness/energy -- he is very
specific about this esoteric information and it's very
important I think. Anyway he states that a person can,
for instance, stop all thoughts in their mind and think
they have achieved nondualism. Ramana Maharshi talks
about this very same problem -- a trance.
Another problem Ramana Maharshi talks about is that when
people practice nondualism they think that simply
repeating the thought "Who Am I?" is the practice. He
stresses that a person doesn't use the mind -- but the
consciousness or the energy that is between and behind
the thoughts. Master Nan emphasizes this as well and
states that this "lip-service Zen" was an epidemic
Master Nan states that not only is the Mind pure
consciousness but so is the Body and the universe. So
if a person truly achieves nondualism the body should
be emptied out as well -- even if they are not attached
to the energy. Ramana Maharshi actually experienced
physical death -- and it was several years after his
first feeling of death that lead to samadhi. In
otherwords during his practice the life-force
completely transformed his physical body. This is also
described in detail in a wonderful book: "Opening the
Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard."
"I" prefer "Who Am I" to "I Am" because the "Who" is
like the meaningless sound -- the Zen shout or slap --
that drives the logic of the mind back to its
emptiness/energy source. This helps to move past just a
mental repetition -- a conceptual verbal
self-affirmation. It also helps to focus and keep
moving the ego back to its source until it is
completely emptied out (mind/body/universe).
Master Chunyi Lin's password to his Spring Forest Qigong
"I am in the Universe. The Universe is in my body. The
Universe and I combine together." He teaches that above
all: Use the consciousness to go into the emptiness and
keep it simple. He teaches this mainly by transmission
of energy. He teaches the four elements to practice
are: Mind, Sound, Posture, Breath. He has tapes that
guide anybody through easy but powerful exercises.
Thanks for letting me share some words about practice --
even though I'm just a beginner. drew
from NDS
The below final nondual activist statement of Debray
emphasizes the problem of equalized inverse
proportions as the basis for western measurement
(Metis/Maya). He incorporates nondual meditation -- I
believe -- into this statement. "Zero" in the below
can be read as Kali.
The apocalyptic future of westernized global
techno-civilization as the conclusion of Debray's
"Critique of Political Reason":
"The overall process is dialectical in its logical
principle of the unity of opposites, but it is not
dialectical in terms of temporal progression. The
reassuring model of thesis-antithesis-synthesis is not
applicable to the historical spiral. According to that
model, the local archaic moment would be followed by
a-modern-world negation, the process being completed by
the negation of the negation in the serenely Japanese
form of a society in which the robotization of work is
tempered by ancestor worship. The synthesis is not in
fact homogeneous with the thesis; it is not the
Aufbehund of the first two stages. At bottom,
dialectcial reason contains a guarantee of recuperation,
whereas historical evolutionism contains something
irrecuperable, in the two senses of irremediable and
uncontrollable. Social time gives us vertigo: not that
of (combinatory) iteration or (dialectical) progress,
but of the exponential. On the one hand, we have the
curve of 'the release of religious energies', on the
other that of 'the domestication of natural energies'.
Universalization of subjects = tribalization of
subjects. Re-established at every stage of evolution,
the old equilibrium produces a new disequilibrium. An
equation with inverse but correlative values can see its
values increase to zero. Tension rises until the final
zero is reached. By then the various hostile tribes will
have discovered nuclear fire." (p. 345)
This issue of body energy and mental discrimination is
magnified and clarified under the world's worst military
regime: Burma.
Just to remind people that I did alot of Burmese
activism, working with refugees who had to flee the
country. There has been a fascinating book published on
meditation and politics in Burma and it's on the web at
"Mental Crisis in Burmese Culture."
The basic message of this book is that the dominant
practice in Burma has been Vipassana or insight
meditation. This practice emphasizes mental
discrimination and not energy. But the military generals
have been using slave labor to build meditation centers
and promoting them to the West. There is a big increase
in meditation tourism and the military generals are
using it to justify their regime: "Look see how many
foreigners enjoy our peaceful country." Some have
criticized Vipassana because it makes people complacent.
The elected democratic leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, keynote
speaker for the UN Global Women's Conference, and Nobel
Peace Prize recipient, practices Vipassana meditation
everyday. But her teacher was being promoted and
utilized by the military general so much so that the
teacher has tried to set up a separate practice.
Also the military generals have sought out their own
meditation masters that emphasize "concentration"
instead of "insight." The military generals want to
focus on generating energy as powerful magic -- instead
of focusing on discriminating insight.
Of course these separations are very fuzzy but this type
of meditation struggle is well-documented in other Asian
countries. Dr. Stanley Tambiah has researched the recent
issues of this nature in Thailand and Sri Lanka. Some of
the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka even had powerful guns
stored in their monasteries.
It's worth mentioning that the International Forest
Monastery in Thailand has faced similar problems. Their
teacher Ajahn Cha emphasized mental focus on the heart
-- no posture or body energy focus. Westerners are
readily attracted to this more intellectual approach.
But even though there has been a highly regarded western
monastery in Thailand (well-supported by the local women
and the government) the head of that monastery had to go
to Britain just to practice serious meditation! Why?
Because the local villagers were cutting down so much of
the Forest that the monks had to devote most of all the
energy on doing forest activism -- not meditation.
It is predicted that soon one out of ten people in
Thailand will be HIV positive. There's one monastery
that does focus on body-energy. One westerner with AIDS
flew all this way to Thailand -- close to the Burmese
border -- just to hope to be successfully treated.
Hundreds of Thais learn this body-energy meditation with
the hopes of treating their AIDS. But the monk that
teaches them emphasizes that they can't stay long at the
monastery because it is not a hospital.
from NDS
Hi Everyone: H.W.L. Poonja, stated that there were only
a few Fully Realized people alive. But also only these
people can acknowledge each other. But Ramana teaches
that only the SELF is real and that it takes great
effort to unrealize the unreal.
According to Master Nan, Hua-Chi -- most people get to
where I got -- they begin to achieve one-pointed
concentration but when this happens the body's energy
channels open up. The person experiences direct
knowledge and they achieve basic supernatural powers.
What happens, according to Master Nan, is that people
get attached to those powers and thus lose the focus on
the nondual source.
This is what happened to me, but luckily I did heal my
relative of a serious debilitating condition.
If I had been practicing Self-enquiry at the time then I
think there would have been a better chance I could have
kept the mind directed inward to the Source. Those type
of powers always happen through the Truth.
It's unfortunate that western culture doesn't have a
tradition of training in nondualism. There have been a
few saints who achieved it intuitively but then they had
to create their own descriptions and theology for coming
The question is do we want to focus on the truth or not?
The Tao, the Buddha, God, the Self, the Cosmic Mother
are in all dimensions and are beyond space-time and we
are That (we just don't know it yet).
How to keep progressing? Who is it that is progressing?
The key is to achieve a one-pointed mind and then
no-mind and then to keep going in "internal intention"
or "direct knowledge" -- until the mind-body-universe is
completely returned to the Source that it already is.
Hi -- My critique of Wilber is on the web -- just
search for "Epicenters of Justice" and its under the
second section, "Restoring the Lost Logos."
I can't really summarize the work of Master Nan,
Hui-Chin's two main books, "Working Toward
Enlightenment" and "Realizing Enlightenment." They
are a must read for anyone who wants very specific,
very helpful information. He is an extremely
prominent Buddhist Master, highly regarded, and he
thoroughly critiques almost all spiritual leaders
understanding of enlightenment. He is very specific
and his critique definitely applies to Ken Wilber and
Andrew Cohen. It's a shame that even though Master
Nan is a bestseller in China, he still remains unknown
in the U.S. But then the U.S. doesn't really have
much of a spiritual tradition -- mass genocide,
slavery, imperialism all over the world, etc.
All is One, drew
Drew Hempel
Re: The Matrix per...
Hey Jerry: Maybe you're asleep -- on the West coast I presume! I
think it's a new moon tonight. I can honestly state that my
pituitary gland is sending forth a fairly strong magnetic bliss and
my torso is warm from the energy. My third eye seems to be
permanently open to a minor degree since I completed an intensive
four month training just about two years ago now. It was only
because my teacher kept sending energy to me. He continues to send
energy all over the world and the universe. But let me clear, I'm
still very much a beginner in terms of practice.
Nonduality? Probably from a past life I would think but of course it
seems anything outside the One is debatable....rebirth/reincarnation,
consciousness, etc. My favorite practice books are: Upanishads
(Isherwood), Tao Te Ching (Blakney), Cultivating the Energy of Life
(trans. Wong), "How to know God" Pantanjali Sutra (Isherwood) and
finally "In the Dark Places of Wisdom" (Peter Kingsley, 1999).
My teacher, Master Chunyi Lin, will be doing cancer research at the
Mayo Clinic soon. Using qigong to test the effects on the immune
system. I wonder how many subscribers live in Minnesota?
Thanks again for the comments thus far. I will say that I'm pleased
by the variety of reactions. Also I've already sent earlier versions
of my research to Erik Davis of Techgnosis. I don't think he
subscribes to former MIT History Professor David F. Noble's book "The
Religion of Technology." Noble is currently Professor at York
University in Toronto and he is often a guest Professor in the U.S.
Essentially as far as "conspiracism" dismissals -- I'm simply
reporting straight from the think tanks themselves. If anyone does a
google search under my name they'll find an earlier posting that
gives direct quotes from these books, testifying not only to
their "mad scientist" plans for the Matrix, but also their support by
very powerful policy institutions (UN, CIA, Princeton's Institute for
Advanced Studies, Theosophists). Again I want to emphasize that they
do use the term "The Matrix" as the name for this plan published in
1975 and they describe it to be exactly as was portrayed in the movie!
I, too, wanted to dismiss these plans as simply some wacky professors
but then I discovered that their main source was Dr. Puharich. Dr.
Reiser states that he and Puharich constantly corresponded throughout
the writing of the book "Cosmic Humanism and World Unity" and that
Reiser's plan for the Matrix is closest to Dr. Puharich's plan. I
discovered this connection a couple months ago. Because Puharich has
been well-documented to have been a CIA funded, high level mind
control scientist who created essentially a new policy movement, I
felt obligated to get the word out on this information. As far as
that documentation I can only recommend the Fortean researchers Clive
Prince and Lynn Picknett's book "The Stargate Conspiracy." Their
book is very well balanced and why so? Charles Fort was maybe the
best, most well-known nondualist philosopher in U.S. history!! Is he
on this site? He should be!! Read his nondual classic "The Book of
the Damned." The other source on Puharich is Dr. Jacques Vallee
book, "Messengers of Deception: UFO Contactees and Cults" (1974).
Vallee is an astrophysicist and computer scientist who designed an
early version of the internet. He is the most respected UFOlogist
and has since retired from the field because of the high levels of
government disinformation and the level to which people have been
duped by that disinformation. His last finding was a document
clearly stating there was a high level cover-up of UFO government
Also I still haven't contacted Vallee, Prince and Picknett! I did
mail information to Picknett but she lives in London and I have got
no response yet.
Frankly I don't expect people to believe my submission "The Actual
Plan for the Matrix." But I felt obligated to send the information
out and I appreciate your comments. In my history of activism this
happens to me all the time. Just recently one of my bosses
said "Yeah we should do what Drew had said." Unfortunately what I
said had been stated three years ago and it was too late now! At
that time noone took me seriously so what did I do? I just continued
on in my research (and my meditation).
Now I honestly believe that people should live as simply as possibly,
while at the same time pursuing theory and practice of nondualism.
Also my message is based on the foundation of the self-luminous
delight of nondualism.
Good night, drew
12 July 2013
meticulous research of Prince and Picknett's underground classic The
Stargate Conspiracy behooves the continued promotion of the "ancient
alien" meme on CIA-cable. Of course the brainwashed masses don't want
to consider they've been seriously duped by racist lies set up as a
convenient scapegoat against the noise of class warfare by the
corporate-state military elite. The esoteric realms as sinister forces
are no longer taken seriously since Freemasonry is no long fashionable
among the masses and yet the technospiritual agenda detailed in the
Stargate Conspiracy is brilliantly conveyed as not just a New Age e.t.
cult but rather a global NWO reliance on transhumanism. Indeed the main
subject of this book, Dr. Andrija Puharich, was a collaborator, a
consulting author, for Professor Oliver L. Reiser's book "Cosmic
Humanism and World Unity" - published by a series edited for a
Theosophist-controlled UN-associated corporate-state think tank
promoting radiation-based eugenics as the unfortunate yet necessary
means of the "spiritual evolution" of humans on Earth. Literally a new
Matrix is to be established with the human brain as the neuron for a
global brain, first envisioned by H.G. Wells while he was consulting the
British Freemasonic elite that then created the Council on Foreign
Relations. The Stargate Conspiracy was attacked when the book website
was first launched - with the hits from the headquarter location for the
CIA. Why? Because the book reveals the same reason why Dan Eden of was approached by James Hurtak regarding Dan Eden's
research into Project HAARP, tied into this ionospheric radiation-based
eugenics to be overseen and unified by an "extraterrestrial" presence -
really a cover for the space wars of the U.S. military corporate-state
elite. Professor David F. Noble was also hip to this secret Stargate
Conspiracy - his book "The Religion of Technology" traces the cause back
to the NeoPlatonic philosophy of the 9th Century Benedictine monk, John
Scotus Erigena, and how this promotion of a NeoPlatonic elitism created
the basis for Freemasonic modern science and its apocalyptic agenda as
Congratulations to Prince and Picknett for revealing these secrets behind the materialist fake rationalism of the elite -- the strange sinister secrets as the basis for mass ritual sacrifice are then turned into a new global religious movement - a kind of New Age space brothers mentality - something broad enough to incorporate all the other monotheistic religions as they all have this same Freemasonic origin traced by math professor Abraham Seidenberg to around 3,000 BCE with the original Pythagorean Theorem from ritual sacrifice altar geometry for the Brahmin priests. Before that the "symbolic revolution" of 10,000 BCE - the time that Prince and Picknett reveal as being the origin for this theosophist religion - Dr. Jacques Cauvin calls it the symbolic revolution -- a religion attempt to contain the formless, the Wild, the unknown, by using geometric anthropocentric symbols.
Congratulations to Prince and Picknett for revealing these secrets behind the materialist fake rationalism of the elite -- the strange sinister secrets as the basis for mass ritual sacrifice are then turned into a new global religious movement - a kind of New Age space brothers mentality - something broad enough to incorporate all the other monotheistic religions as they all have this same Freemasonic origin traced by math professor Abraham Seidenberg to around 3,000 BCE with the original Pythagorean Theorem from ritual sacrifice altar geometry for the Brahmin priests. Before that the "symbolic revolution" of 10,000 BCE - the time that Prince and Picknett reveal as being the origin for this theosophist religion - Dr. Jacques Cauvin calls it the symbolic revolution -- a religion attempt to contain the formless, the Wild, the unknown, by using geometric anthropocentric symbols.
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