The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Mass (spacetime) box that reflects light from the future and the Observer's Velocity: Revisiting Professor Steven M. Taylor on relativistic mass of light from de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony
So then Professor Taylor considers the paradox of the "box of light" - this is the SAME paradox that Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft tackles in his co-author article called "Light is Heavy."
So "relative frequency" of the photon is another way of stating the superluminal momentum from the future that manifests as a harmonic "beat" of light emitted by a particle. The "pilot wave" or "guiding wave" is the noncommutative phase or "orthogonal" relativistic-velocity vector.
So then we can think of mass as, in terms of the de Broglie equation (frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength) - the mass is then the time multiplied by the momentum - to get the phase velocity that is superluminal.
So this is the "proper" way of restating what I did above - the frequency is to time is equal to the momentum of the wavelength (the box).
So this gets back to de Broglie's concept of the "internal frequency" of a particle then being the relativistic frequency that is emitted as a spacetime shift of energy but the SOURCE of that energy is the "pilot wave" that is orthogonal (as the 5th dimension) and so is guiding the particle from the future. Since it is "orthogonal" it is then the "Ghost Field" - and does not rely on energy as traditional defined via amplitude mass. Instead the energy is just momentum from the future (that is NOT conserved - the noncommutative phase energy or a new "causative" energy (as PRofessor Basil J. Hiley calls it).
So as the Forward to de Broglie's book points out
the issue here is what is the source of matter - of a SINGLE particle!! Whereas the Copenhagen Model assumes we can not know and instead must rely on statistics of a mathematical information wave that has no connection to physical reality.
But we now know that using "weak measurements" then Yakir Aharonov has now empirically proven that the electron is indeed guided by a real fundamental force that is superluminal.
So then we observe light from the past whereas the average energy of light (Planck's Constant) is actually from the Future as the relativistic mass of light. This, in terms of music, then, as Fred Alan Wolf describes, means that the light emitted from the energy changes of matter, is then a subharmonic beat from the future (of the 5th dimension). This is the Law of Phase Harmony - that Manfred Euler also expertly describes through music analysis.
In meditation we find the SAME analog that a "box" of light is then a "mirror" (reflecting light) of formless awareness (spacetime itself) that is facing itself - and therefore creating light as the Absolute Void. The formless awareness is then always in the future whereas the time we experience through the spiritual ego is in the past. But we can "turn that light" around to empty out our ego and then resonate back with its source.
So then as I quote from the Canadian professor - on relativity then even Zero and Infinity are RELATIVE to the speed of light (the Observer's spiritual ego) but this relativity also includes, besides the "rest frame" of zero/infinity the superluminal phase momentum from the future.
So the reason is can not be SEEN as the 5th dimension is due to defining time as a symmetric visual geometric measurement! This is the secret irony of the definition of spin as noncommutative phase from the future! The spin is from the music theory secret of the "1" as the light - with zero/infinity as the light turned around - and so 2 is the light turned around but 3 is then the subharmonic as F (2/3) and G overtone harmonic (3/2) as the SAME time as noncommutative phase (or 1/2 spin). This 1/2 spin is then the 720 degrees of the radians that has to be converted from time-frequency uncertainty in terms of statistics - just as Planck was inspired by equal-tempered music tuning (logarithms) to derive his Planck's Constant. So the "average" energy of light then HIDES this second time from the future - as Dr. Juliana Mortenson revealed (among others).
Just as water is a macroquantum molecule - so too did water get converted using logarithms, via Simon Stevin in the 1600s.
So "prior to its emission" means before it can be observed by science - but it still exists in the future as the pilot wave (the virtual photon) - that can be LISTENED TO or "inferred" logically via the noncommutative phase secret of reality that is non-local and non-dual.
So mass-energy is conserved but noncommutative phase as superluminal momentum is NOT conserved but rather instead stored up in the body as "yuan qi" energy or Phonon energy - the Fundamental Force (as I called it in 1996).
This are called "longitudinal emissions" by Professor Steven M. Taylor - consider that acoustic waves are also as superluminal phonons considered to be longitudinal - just as Tesla also argued was the secret of the Ether!
So Professor Steven M. Taylor states we can avoid the paradoxes of relativity in relation to quantum physics by realizing that the relativity is due to the Observer's Velocity - not the matter Source's Velocity.
So how we describe this is meditation is that the spiritual "master" is from the higher frequency of the Emptiness itself (the spacetime observer rest frame relative to the speed of light constant). So what we call the Yuan Shen is actually the speed of light being turned around back into the Emptiness - also called the "light of no light" - the yuan shen. The Emptiness is then the "gold" that is embodied by the spiritual master - the Yuan Qi energy as the Yuan Jing (stored) and emitted as the Yuan Qi.
So this is described in Dr. Stuart Hameroff's paper on the paradox of Free Will and being in the "zone" as precognition. So with more meditation then the internal frequency is increased relative to spacetime with the speed of light constant. So then it appears that external time slows down while the internal energy frequency increases. But the speed of light remains constant - and this enables precognitive visions to manifest as direct resonance with the guiding wave or pilot wave (the Emptiness) from the future (the momentum).
So that manifests as the Ghost Field - emitting light as the Yuan Shen as the past from the Yuan Qi guilding field - and this light is the "past" relative to the spiritual master observer but it is the Future to the person being healed!!
So what PRofessor Steven M. Taylor is stating here is that even though the change is eternal - the ratio of change is eternally the same! Hence the Zen paradoxes about eternal motion and eternal Being that does not change.
As I recently posted then the Golden Yang Shen is constantly new Yuan Jing matter being created from the Future as the red light yin qi bockages of the past are turned to golden light by the blue light yang qi energy of the future being absorbed! That is the "dynamic" of the alchemical Emptiness of the spiritual healer inside their body. So that means illness and health are constantly being transformed via this Emptiness "ratio" as it were of light (shen) and qi (spacetime energy) and matter (jing).
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