I studied from Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com and he did the 49 day cave meditation - non-stop full lotus with no sleep - at Mount Qingcheng. Another Daoist master at Mount Qingcheng is http://qigongmaster.com who also does the yearly cave meditation - Master Zhang. Chunyi Lin stated for advanced level of qigong there can be no thoughts about sex. He said that in 2000 or 2001 but now he is more "Americanized" aka Westernized. And obviously that is why the training has to be done in secret since you have to think about sex if you talk about it. haha. So there are certain cultural norms that are expected but not easily found in modern Westernized times.
So my point is that if you study the traditional Daoist training - you'll find that indeed celibacy is required to keep building up the energy and of course this is denied in the WEst who just want a fake "light" style training to meet with their Westernized lifestyle. Even China now is Westernized for the most part.
So it's up to you if you want do to the real training or not - like I said - just study the book "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" for the details. I also have the links of my own research. Master Nan, Huai-chin is another great traditional source. Also spelled Master Nan, Huai-jin.
that 2012 book has 725 scholarly footnotes. haha. But it does not go into the "solution" so much as my more recent research. Essentially Western math is wrong. This became obvious when "time-frequency uncertainty" was discovered in quantum physics - and how it can not be unified with relativity. Scientists of course debate this ad naseum - which is first: math or physics? Actually it's a left-brain (math) and right-hand dominance (physics) dynamic. Life on EArth as ecology is right-brain dominant with left-handed amino acids for life. So we are, as Noam Chomsky stated once, essentially experiencing a cycling of the elements on Earth. So with ecology you have wood and earth and water as dominant. Now it's metal and fire - silica. So actually water is the "pivot point" because water is now proven to be a "macro-quantum" molecule. This is what Dr. Gerald Pollack, when on that global warming panel with Gee McFearSun - Pollack emphasized that we don't even understand cloud formation well enough in science. So a "4th" state of water has been discovered - that Pollack focuses on. It is when water is just out of freezing and is melting. So this can also happen from pressure - as Victor Schauberger also discovered by studing trout in streams. So water ends up creating virtual photon energy as negentropy - from the future. This is done inside our bodies via the collagen, the most common protein, creating a standing resonance with the Schumann field (the Earth's electromagnetic field that goes horizontal as the same as alpha brain waves or theta brain waves).
So the thing about quantum biology is we can document that it is real but we can not "reproduce" it as a technology. that is why it is not better known since most people want "off the shelf" gadgets to prove that science is real - instead of just basic research. But it is now proven that Life depends on the 5th dimension as quantum nonlocality - that means it is superluminal information-energy from the future that is secretly guiding reality. This is how birds navigate - and it is also our original human culture via the deep body, the pineal gland and heart and the small intestines (the 2nd brain). So then all of matter is from light but the energy of light is from the 5th dimension as spacetime or mass. So this is actually also called "noncommutative phase" math as Fields Medal mathematician Alain Connes has discovered. So Connes is trying to completely redo science based on noncommutative phase logic (which originates from music theory). He has a lecture on youtube on music theory and the unified field. But the problem is then science has been wrong up till now, creating the ecological crisis. Of course we can't "go back." Mother Nature is in charge - and just as shrooms and trees communicate via biophotons so too do humans have biophotons shooting out of their eyes - this is now proven by quantum biology.
Did you see the doc, "An Unreasonable Man" about how the corporate-state "good cop" imperialist Democrats "kick the dog" all the time? Sanders=Drumpf. Yes I personally confronted Al gore about his anti-environmental views (despite him authoring his book) - you read my description of that right? I said to him, "Everyone knows the CIA is complicit in the drug trade." Time to get real about the US Empire being the most evil force on the planet. Well it goes back to Plato and Westernization starting around 8,000 BCE with wheat monocultural farming and lime-ash limestone waterproof from deforestation. You know that white skin is from wheat monoculture right? Just as potato eating in the Andes created white skin - from lack of vitamin D in the diet. haha. So the white people were the first ecological refugees that had to FLEE into Europe around 8000 BCE - this is well documented by archaeology. Why? too much deforestation caused drought in WEstern Asia when wheat monculture developed with bull plow farming as raping the land. Did you know that the etymological origin of God means BULL just as Brahman also means Bull? We've all been taken for a big ride and now the end is coming.
The West is based on math as objective "symmetry." So math professor Ian Stewart wrote a book called "Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry." Problem is that Western math caused the ecological crisis! So Plato argued that symmetry is obvious since we have two sets of eyes, two feet, two hands, etc. But in Nonwestern cultures this is not true. For example in Daoist alchemy the left eye for males is yang shen (spirit) and yin qi and the right eye is yang qi and yin shen. And that goes for all of reality and it is from the original human culture. So the San Bushmen culture everything is based on complementary opposites - so the males sleep on the right hand side of the fire and the females sleep on the left hand side of the fire. Also - this will cause a HUGE scandal - but guess what? In the original human culture they had NO IDEA what homosexuality was nor did the males masturbate. On the contrary the male dancing was to create female N/om as a fire in the belly that rises up the spine and turned into electromagnetic force shot out of the eyes via the pineal gland. So the original human culture does a one month training of JUST males once a year - called Tshoma - and they fast and trance dance the whole time. Then during the full moon the females SING all night - this transmits their female N/om energy (electrochemical) into the males. the males then dancing turn that female energy into electromagnetic energy that is then SHOT back into the females to heal the females of ghost pollution. A male only really becomes a "master" of this healing at around 40 years old but they have to transcend death to do this - meaning their heart stops but the N/om energy keeps powering their bodies. This is due to the right side vagus nerve that connects the reproductive neurohormones then into neurotransmitters on the right side of the heart. Only now are we realizing that coherent biophotons are what power the body but that was the original spirit training. So for example san Bushmen do not eat a bird the day they kill it. Why? Because they know the bird will tell the other birds that humans are eating the birds. So they wait for the spirit of the bird to leave the area - after death. So that is actually way more advanced then we have. YOu can watch Andrew Zimmern's experience with the original human culture - I posted an excerpt from his book. He's the tv cable travel chef. It's on youtube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFToDoxYX0 So I posted the quote in the comments of that vid - so a musicologist traced the Eland Bull Dance as being the SAME song - that is the original female spirit training at their first menstruation -so it's the SAME song from before human language split in the first 2 dialects. Meaning this training is from before human language really crystallized. It's called Musilanguage.
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