The inferior virtue - if you study Pregadio - is actually for the
immortal body training. So with Superior Virtue you get faster results
but with inferior virtue you are working against the mundane ways of the
world - after enlightenment is already achieved.
So the time is bidirectional intention and can not be separated.
As I have mentioned - a dude was dying from cancer and I could smell
his rotting flesh - since I had fasted for 7 days while meditating the
whole time at age 29. So then Chunyi Lin healed him while Chunyi was in
full lotus and so the rotting flesh death smell went away. But then we
took a break and the dude had brought his female who then sucked off his
energy. The energy was from the Emptiness and sent as a Shen healing
but since the dude ejaculated - I could hear them through the thin walls
- then I could also smell his rotting flesh death smell come back. So
in that case the Superior virtue healing of the Emptiness was changed
back into yin jing and the rotting flesh cancer death came back. I was
shocked that the lady could even be in the same room with him but of
course as WEsterners they were totally oblivious as to what was going
So as the book Taoist Yoga explains - the left eye is Yang Shen but it
is also Yin Qi. and the Right eye is Yin shen but is also Yang Qi.
So then you have to rotate the eyes to make the Yuan Qi and the yuan qi
emanates out of the third eye pineal gland. But the Yuan Qi is created
via the right side of the heart.
So the right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart via
the right eye as the yang qi. So that is the descending down of the yang
qi but it has to be purified by the Emptiness via the yin qi and Yang
Shen - which is actually from the virtual photons of the Future.
So a Yang shen healing is to create multiple shen bodies - but you are
doing so at different slices of Emptiness spacetime. Since the spiritual
master is turning the light around of their Shen - then for them they
experience it all happening at the SAME time due to light not
experiencing time nor space. But the Emptiness is spacetime directly and
so even "zero and infinity" are relative to spacetime itself.
Yes so the Red Dragon is male but has the yin internally as water and
for alchemy - the yang spirit which is our external spacetime
experience with the eyes open - this must be reversed - so that the yin
qi of the red dragon (that powers the spirit) is then descended into
Earth - and so the yin qi then feeds the yang qi of the water.
then the Red Dragon then becomes the female Green Dragon as wisdom
energy of the Yuan Qi of the universe - after it has been sublimated up
via the white tiger (which is the yang qi from the black tiger). Then
the third eye and heart purify this energy so that the green dragon now
has substance due to the red dragon blending with the white tiger - as
their copulation in the third eye.
So yes that is
the reversal you speak of. But when the energy leaves the body, as John
Chang points out, then it is as the yin qi without substance. So the
Yang Shen relies on absorbing blue light of the yin qi energy - and this
means that the yin qi blockages of the red light (the red dragon) and
then being purified via the green light. So then just as in relativistic
quantum physics - once the blue light (from the virtual photons of the
future) are absorbed this then creates Golden Light via the green and
red light.
So then the Golden immortal body is the
yang shen created from virtual photons of the future that are then
absorbed back into the body and stored as PHONONS - or Yuan Qi ether
energy. Phonons can not be seen but can be listened to - and so this is
the paradox of the 5th dimension as the Emptiness. In science Phonons
are not limited by the Pauli Exclusion Principle - but Photons ARE
limited. So the PHonons are a kind of antigravity pressure - and this is
what enables levitation also.
So this is why the
Golden immortal Yang Shen body always has to return back to the Yuan Qi
source as infinite time-frequency energy or phonon energy of the 5th
dimension that is in eternal motion but can not be seen. So science
calls this "noncommutative phase" logic - is it the logic of the Taiji
as explained by music theory. So the Void inherently has infinite
yin-yang energy to it, embedded within it - for eternal creation of
matter from spacetime itself - just as a black hole turns into a white
strange - I don't get the "past" - as qigong master Chunyi Lin said,
"the past is dead." So also he says the hardest person to forgive is
yourself. Some people say "let's make great memories." As if the only
purpose of the present is to have a nice past? Totally boggles the mind.
Others say they have regrets - as if someone could predict what their
present would have been if they had only done something different in the
past? Again this makes no sense since we could have a brain aneurysm
any second - and suddenly our past and present would vanish. The future
is eternal though - it will keep going even if we are not around. Yes
there is eternal joy in the future. Strangely sometimes we can
experience the future before it happens! Precognitive visions - these
are even more "rich" in perceptions - more vivid - scintillating is the
word. Yes the future is scintillating. So as the qigong master Chunyi
Lin says - the EArth, Sun and Moon will always be here.
So sure in the
ancient past the Moon was a lot closer and so our days on earth were
much shorter - and life was very different from now. Life is gonna keep
changing - and maybe even vanish. It is kind of like what people
consider to be "sentient" - versus say a mushroom mycelium communicating
with a tree via biophotons. So or bird migration or our sense of smell.
Quantum biology has now proven that our "present" is actually
Superluminal - FASTER than the speed of light! So the future is always
secretly guiding us a pure joy - from the heart. This is what we
experience beyond even deep dreamless sleep.
Deep dreamless sleep is
pure bliss - so we need that pure bliss every night. Joy is going beyond
the Sun - via the heart - so it is a harmonization from the future,
called "negentropy" of the fifth dimension. Erwin Schroedinger wrote a
book about this in the 1930s called "What Is Life?" He realized that the
origin of our life is from the same Negentropy as what creates the Sun.
So we have to live in what I call the Cosmic Rainbow Vortex of the
future. A qigong master Zhang Hongbao - he called it the "Golden Key" of
"superluminal yin matter" - from the future. He got involved in
politics though and so fled China and he declared a Democratic Chinese
underground government - in the U.S. then He had a mysterious car
accident while he looked for a new qigong center location - most
consider him to have been killed by Commie Spies. So best to stay out of
When we die then we will all experience this Joy of the Heart
- a good book on this is the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." So when I
found my dad's dead blue body suddenly I experienced the same JOY that
he was experiencing - I was surprised as the amazing love joy of the
heart that I felt. But the night before he had a heart blockage of a
broken heart - and I had never experienced that blockage from someone
before either. So both surprised me. But I was happy for him that he got
to experience that great joy at death.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
says that a person needs to capture that Joy right at death - when the
spirit merges back into the Absolute Void. But most don't go into that
Brightest Light because our spirit has emotional blockages stored into
the light - from the 5th dimension - the yin qi blockages of red light.
So we need to visualize more blue light from a Joyful future. The blue
light literally increases our serotonin joy levels to then increase the
oxytocin love. For example a person could get blue light treatment -
coherent quantum blue light - and then it increases the serotonin
levels. This is why Krishna is blue and also Hathor - the holy Cow
Goddess of Egypt - she is blue.
Science says that energy-information is not lost but just
transformed. So in science this is considered a random lost with a 180
degree shift in spacetime into a white hole. But science is an "external
measurement" system inherently limited by "time-frequency uncertainty"
or Fourier Uncertainty. Meditation instead is the "highest technology of
all technologies" (qigong master Yan Xin) because instead of
time-frequency uncertainty there is the Law of Phase Harmony in control
(Louis de Broglie's most famous discovery - most important discovery I
mean, as he stated).
So yes there is a LITERAL spacetime vortex. This is described in chapter 11 of the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality.
I had this happen to me and I stopped my meditation and turned to a
quest to discover the true meaning - unfortunately I did not read the
book in detail - and that answer eluded me for 10 years!!
essentially when the Shen spirit leaves the body it HAS to be "covered"
by Yuan Qi (a spacetime bubble). Even qigong master Chunyi Lin said
that one time he did too much healing and so he experienced this same
dizziness and so he had to have his advanced students teach Level 3
while he recharged his qi through meditation.
So I
call this the difference between General Relativity and Special
Relativity - again using science as an analogy. So with special
relativity you maintain a constant speed without acceleration - I think
that's the basics of it. So this is the same as the spiritual ego
maintaining Samadhi as Pranja or Wisdom awareness as is required in
Mahayana Buddhism.
So for example Poonjaji
described creating multiple Yang Shen bodies - bilocation - read his
memoir, "Nothing Ever Happened." He appeared at his birthday parties -
multiple of his bodies - since his different students wanted him at
their birthday parties.
But Poonjaji was not
consciously aware that he did this! He found out later. So in Mahayana
Buddhism they require that the yogi remains consciously aware via the
spiritual ego - so there has to be a constant "upgrading" of the light -
like a strobe light - the light has to be turned around. This is called
the Quantum Zeno Effect in western science. So you can then prevent the
"collapse" of the wavefunction back into a linear spacetime direction
with gravity. Instead you maintain the 5th dimension as nonlocal
awareness being merged with the Light as spiritual awareness.
So for example if you have a
precognitive vision - this is a dream that is MORE REAL than being
awake. But you still have to go "out of samadhi" back into left-brain
dominant consciousness to then analyze what it means - in relation to
your "current" time frame. Maybe you will do this - or maybe not. Or
there is the example of the most famous Buddhist master of Thailand -
Phra Acharn Mun. So in his free biography - it is described how his
meditation buddy was levitating. But as soon as he realized he was
meditation (his left brain consciousness becoming dominant) then his
body fell back down. So he had to train to maintain his samadhi as
awareness in right-brain dominance - by turning the light around. So
like a strobe light - he recharged the light as a coherent frequency
resonance - and so he was awareness as Wisdom prajna that he was
But as Master Nan, Huai-chin points out
- these spiritual abilities are all still tricks while the Emptiness
remains the only eternal awareness - as Ramana Maharshi also points out.
So the end of the Taoist Yoga book states that the Yang Shen then
dissolves or dissipates back into the formless awareness - the cosmic
Yuan Qi. So it is the Emptiness itself that DECIDES when a Yang Shen
will appear or not.
So the more a person meditates then the more their body EMBODIES the Emptiness - or as qigong master Chunyi Lin
has stated - his body is just an Empty Vessel for the Qi energy. This is the difference
between Siddhis and Shakti as India yogis recognize. Or the difference
between psychic energy (yin qi) and spiritual healing (Yuan Qi).
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