cool - first I heard this. Yeah he's the same age as me. when he made
this "one of the greatest albums of all time" - that is around the time I
had given up music playing. I made free jazz tapes in the mid-90s but
then moved into a non-western music analysis. It's good music. Thanks
for sharing this.
What I listen to is "Old is Gold" music from India -
the back track singing by the most famous singer of India. I don't even
remember her full name and of course she is hardly known at all in the
U.S. haha. I've listened to that one C.D. probably hundreds of times. I
used to listen to this San Bushmen anthropological recording - it's the
oldest music on the planet. So a musicologist traced the Eland Bull Song
- the oldest song is the oldest spiritual training on Earth - it's the
SAME song but from the two oldest tribes with slightly different
language dialects. Meaning this song existed before human language ever
differentiated into different dialects. The spiritual training is over
70,000 years old most likely. ALL human cultures use the Octave, Perfect
Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4. It's only in the West that this
got changed into logarithmic tuning.
I've studied this issue since the
late 80s when I was doing private music training. So music that is good
like you shared - that is called FRISSON inducing music - it creates
chills internally. This translates as "skin orgasm" - it means the music
activates the vagus nerve to increase dopamine levels. What you want is
to take that further into serotonin levels. That's what the so-called
"Mozart Effect" is - really it's from the slow middle movements of
Baroque. So that increases alpha brain levels and then theta brain
levels. The 7 to 9 beats per second is the most common trance drum beat
around the world - this is our natural ELF brain waves.
Notice that your
friend Jeff Mangum played with an "Elf Power" band. So then we get this
from the Earth's natural Schumann frequency - and so in the spiritual
training - the males do trance dancing all night. So the legs then shake
at 7 to 9 times per second. This creates a standing wave with the
Earth's resonance. The females SING all night long - by doing so they
project their N/om energy into the males. This is an ionized
neurohormone energy.
So the ELF wave actually is also a quantum wave
that is non-local. This was figured out by Dr. Andrija Puharich - the
CIA mind control scientist. Actually Dr. Michael Persinger in Canada
then did corroboration of Puharich's research - more recently. Anyway so
we think of nonwestern music as being simplistic and repetitive but
there is instead an infinite resonance that is called "noncommutative
The math professor Alain Connes calls it, "2, 3, infinity" -
that's it. So there is a very simple yet very radical logic to this that
Westerners don't realize since we are brainwashed by the equal-tempered
logarithmic tuning. So your friend Jeff gets into some microtonal
singing - so that is a more natural style. It's good stuff. thanks
again. I'll listen to more of it. Westerners are more into "lyrics" but
actually the San Bushmen healing music INTENTIONALLY uses gibberish for
have you read the top science journal (Nature) reports on the ESAS. It
states clearly - when the arctic is ice free then the ESAS will blow.
And it doesn't have to a "digital" event. It's already started to go.
for the popcorn - the full moon exists INSIDE our brains - as humans we
are the only primates with the females living in nature as a group,
PRECISELY synchronized to the moon cycle as estrus or menstruation. So
our pineal gland actually has 10 times more magnetic bliss during 3 days
before and after the full moon. It's just because of left brain
dominance (with right-hand technology) that we modernized Westernized
humans are cut off from the truth of reality. For example when a bird
migrates this is proven to be guided by the 5th dimension as a non-local
field that is superluminal (faster than the speed of light and more
complex than any technology that ever could be created). Reality is
relativistic quantum biology - the highest technology of all
technologies. So the 5th dimension exists inside of us just as much as
we exist within it. We can not SEE it but we can LISTEN to it (or
logically infer it). When we lived in the jungle forests then listening
was our primary perception, not vision.
Wow - I studied ear training privately with a former music prof. - when I
was in high school. then I took it at UMASS-Amherst but only got a "C" -
I didn't study for that class at all. haha. My take on the Western
tuning is that it is all out of tune - except for the octave, perfect
fifth and perfect fourth. Certainly the recent studies have proven that
cultures who have never heard Western music still recognize the major
scale as happy and minor as sad and diminished as scary emotions.
So a
good book on this is called "The Haunting Melody" by Theodore Reik, a
Viennese psychologist who hung with Brahms - I read that my first year
of college at Hampshire. So essentially a person will hear a melody and
this melody will repeat as a bridge to the person's subconscious. So
then when the words are remembered this reveals the subconscious
emotions being felt at the moment in the person's life. In terms of
nonwestern alchemy - there is a Daoist meditation called the "small
universe" as 12 harmonic nodes along the mind-body.
This is literally an
infinite spiral, not the closed circle of fifths that is the wrong
empirical data. Sir James Jeans points out in his book, "Science and
Music" that the empirical truth is an infinite spiral. Of course the
"three gunas" of India (their oldest philosophy) and Daoism are both
based on this simple yet profound truth of reality that again Alain
Connes calls, 2, 3 infinity. So the subharmonic of 2/3 as C to F was
rejected by the West and instead "doubled" to 4/3 by Philolaus. I call
this the "Liar of the Lyre." It's quite fascinating that Western math
ORIGINATED from the wrong music theory. So Archytas ONLY uses the
"ratios" as 4/3 and 3/2 NOT as 2/3 or 3/4. This is to transcribe or
transpose the noncommutative phase of Perfect Fifth as F or G at the
same time 2/3 and 3/2 into an equal-tempered logarithmic "containment"
of infinity using symmetric ratios. So when we learn the Pythagorean
Theorem at age 14 or whatever - this originated from 9/8 as the major
2nd CUBED to the Tritone, as the Devil's Interval. I secretly knew the
Pythagorean Theorem was a Lie - I never told anyone.
But then I took
quantum physics my first year of college which relies on noncommutative
phase to explain nonlocality through quantum entanglement. So that is
also the secret of nonwestern alchemy. As my professor, Herbert J.
Bernstein, points out, people learn the WRONG foundation of reality by
taking classical physics first in high school.
Newton got his inverse
square law directly from Archtyas - by stretching a string to 4 times
its length using a weight then you get the octave as a squaring of the
root tonic. But this squaring is not the same as doubling - and that is
what i call the "bait and switch" of the Liar of the Lyre.
literally FLIPPED his lyre around, as professor Richard McKirahan
recently documented - and then Philolaus introduced a mathematical term
for "magnitude" into the music theory. So the 4/3 is from 2/3 as C to F
subharmonic but it's taken from the double octave called the Greater
Perfect System.
So by using the double octave then you can hide the
change of the root tonic from 0 to 6 as 2 for the octave instead of 0 to
8 as 6/8 for the 3/4 origin to create the Logarithmic value of 8/6 PLUS
12/8 as the Perfect Fourth PLUS the Perfect Fifth equals the Octave.
people in the West learn this logarithmic LIE of music tuning without
analyzing the basic logic involved that created it. ONLY Fields Medal
math professor Alain Connes points out that music tuning is based
noncommutative phase. But Connes practices Chopin on his piano at home
and so he does not acknowledge that
Nonwestern music is based on
noncommutative phase as real alchemy training. Instead he's trying to
convert ALL of Western science into a new noncommutative relativistic
quantum physics based on noncommutative geometry. Imagine learning
noncommutative calculus for example as the new truth instead of ALL of
Western math being based on symmetric logic. See math prof Ian Stewart's
book, "Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry" as a good example.
Or my own expose of the Actual Matrix Plan as based on the "music
logarithmic spiral" - I did my master's thesis on this topic.
Also I
was accepted into the University of Wisconsin Madison music composition
degree but the professors were from Princeton computer programming
"serial music." I was going to do a self-designed degree on global blues
music. But I was always on the mall protesting near the music school as
part of the UW-Greens. Then the professor called me in for a private
meeting and he stated my Transcription of a Schoenberg piano sonata into
a string quartet for Orchestration class was COMMUNIST!!
He then stated
I needed to redo all my past assignments (even though I had already
gotten As and Bs) and so in shock I immediately teared up. haha. I had
told the other professor how their avant-garde noise music would never
be popular since it was not based on the natural harmonics. They said it
was just "ahead of their times." haha. So I just obviously dropped out
and then switched my degree to a new "sustainability" option in
International Relations.
A great book on this topic is "The Religion of Technology " by David F.
Noble. He refused to use email. Then his final book was a follow up - he
traced the problem back to Sumeria. "The Myth of the Promised Land" -
fascinating stuff. A related book is "The Alphabet and the Goddess" -
but that dude, a surgeon, still though technology could save us. oops.
anyway ALL human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect
Fourth as complementary opposites: 1:2:3:4. There is a very simple music
secret to reality. C to G overtone is 3:2 while C to F undertone is 2:3
but BOTH are a PErfect Fifth so that F=3=G at the SAME Time - as
nonlocal, non-dual reality (the fifth dimension). If you don't believe
me just look up Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes lecture on
music theory and relativistic quantum physics. This ancient truth was
cut off at the creation of Western civilization. oops. So then
logarithmic math could be created, etc.
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