Occurred : 5/2/2019 23:00 (Entered as : 05/02/19 23)
Reported: 5/6/2019 10:04:29 PM 22:04
Posted: 5/9/2019
Location: Fertile, MN
Shape: Triangle
Duration:8 minutes
Driving through the craft!!!
was traveling south on highway 102 on my way to Fertile, Minnesota. As
soon as I came the intersection to turn to highway 41. I seen a object
in the distance in the middle the highway about seven miles from me.
The object had two bright orb style lights that were very large. As I
approached the object the top of it started changing colors kind of like
a jellyfish.
I then started to get very close to the object
and realized the light did not make any reflection so irridescent. Then
preceded to drive under the object at about 30 mph. As I passed under
it I could see the outline of mass of the craft. This was a very large
ufo that did not make any noise which was very strange too me. After i
passed it on the highway it disapeared. The next few day was extremely
ill and could not hold any food down. These resulted in me loosing 12
Occurred : 5/28/2019 22:50 (Entered as : 5-28-19 22:50)
Reported: 5/28/2019 8:43:41 PM 20:43
Posted: 6/7/2019
Location: Fertile, MN
Shape: Triangle
Duration:8 minutes
my way home from work on a clear night In the end of March. The road I
travel is straight , s curve, then straight again for about 8 miles
before another s curve then straight four about for miles to town. I
had just went around the first s curve and was getting into the straight
part of the road, when I noticed tail lights in front of me. Thinking
nothing of it I watch as they went around the s curve about seven miles
ahead of me. As soon as the tail lights were out of sight two bright
lights “ clicked” on in the sky about where the turn was. I remember
thinking that’s weird I don’t remember seeing a plane. It was odd
enough I kept an eye on it as I was driving. After about a mile or so I
thought ‘ why isn’t it blinking like a plane’? My next thought was
maybe it was a helicopter with spot lights. After about four- five
miles of watching this thing I began to get creeped out because it
wasn’t moving. At about two miles I realized I wasn’t looking at a
helicopter, but a U.F.O. .
The object looked like a pair of
glasses in the way that it was two orbs connected and overlapped by a
bar of light. The whole thing I could see was uniform in color. The
tips of the wings were about to the far sides of the ditches with orbs
being roughly the size of the lanes on the roads. If I had to guess how
think it was I would say 12-15 feet across the orbs. The object was
about 300-400 hundred feet above the road. At this point I was freaking
out and grabbed a weapon (unsure what effect it might have had) from my
back seat. Now less then a mile away and having to drive under It not
though it, it started to pulse a very light pink color just on the iner
sides of the orbs. Now I was about to go under i looked up a saw no
real “parts” just a black void behind the white orbs and bar. I was able
the see it had a triangle shape to it.
A couple of observations I
made were that it didn’t reflect light off the ground or my truck and
it didn’t seem to make any noise as I was gong under it. Now under it I
opened my sunroof and the object was gone! After that I went home had a
beer n went to bed.
The next morning I woke up feeling a bit
sick so drove into work early. On my way to work I received a text from
my wife. This is extra weird. She was apologizing for the rough sleep
due to her dreams. No kidding. Her message was along the lines of “ I
was dreaming we were in a camper driving and aliens were fighting in
the sky around us! I had to pull over and read the message again. Now
not wanting to put any ideas in her head about what I saw I told her I
seen something weird last night. At work I made it a half hour and was
sicker the shit so had to leave. Once my wife came home from work I
asked her to describe what she saw in her dream. What she described was
two triangle shaped crafts the had dislodged their orbs to fight each
other. ((obscenity removed))
Occurred : 7/4/2019 22:05 (Entered as : 07/04/2019 22:05)
Reported: 7/8/2019 7:47:42 AM 07:47
Posted: 7/12/2019
Location: West Chester, OH
Shape: Triangle
Duration:5 minutes
Triangular aircraft with green and red lights
after 10pm on July 4th, 2019, I observed an unusual object in the south
by southwest sky at about a 40-50 degree elevation from West Chester,
It caught my attention because the usual object first
appeared to be perfectly still and did not show any characteristics
associated with a helicopter. Later, it moved south at what appeared
to be an extraordinarily high rate of speed. When it accelerated, I
believe I heard a faint, very low frequency rumbling. Otherwise, there
was no sound associated with the object.
The object featured
three lights in a triangular pattern. When I looked at the object
through binoculars, I could clearly see that one of the lights was a
steady red and two were alternating between green and red. The
alternation occurred on a regular basis changing roughly once per
second. There was no evidence of landing lights on the aircraft, and
through the binoculars I could make out what appeared to be a triangle.
this was on the Fourth of July. But this clearly was not any kind of
firework. I also found it odd that if this was a research aircraft of
some type, that it would be flying on a night when so many people would
be looking up towards the sky. 10pm is a typical time for fireworks
displays in this area.
My son and wife also saw the same object. My son also observed it through the binoculars.
YES it definitely makes a low frequency rumbling noise or humming....
Occurred : 7/10/2019 01:15 (Entered as : 07/10/19 1:15)
Reported: 7/12/2019 6:54:37 PM 18:54
Posted: 7/25/2019
Location: Penna Turnpike I-476 S Lehigh Tunnel, PA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:2-3 minutes
shaped silent aircraft with two white lights and red light underneath
seen on Penna Turnpike I-476 S right after Lehigh Tunnel
shaped aircraft with two crisp white lights, one blinking (left) and
one solid (right) positioned at the “rear” of the craft relative to its
trajectory, with a dim red circle in the middle of the bottom of the
aircraft seen on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on I-476 South immediately
after exiting the Lehigh Tunnel near Mahoning Valley.
I was
driving home from Wilkes-Barre to the Philadelphia area late at night,
with the sighting occurring at approximately 1:15 am on Wednesday
morning. Immediately after exiting the Lehigh Tunnel, roughly
in-between the Jim Thorpe/Mahoning Valley and Allentwon exists, I
noticed two white lights to my right. They appeared to be about 30 ft
apart, and the left one was blinking about every other second while the
right light was solid. I was engrossed in a podcast at the time I first
noticed the lights, and thought oh it’s just some plane.
after about 10 seconds past the tunnel exit, when the glare from the
lights of the tunnel exit were fading away, I looked back at the object
in confusion. Why is this plane flying so low? It was right at the
tree line, less than 200 ft from the ground. Why does this aircraft
seem to be flying slow enough for me to nearly keep up with it? Why is
there only one blinking white light and while the other one was
remaining solid? As I was able to see the object more and more clearly,
I noticed the two lights appeared to be at the rear corners of a
silhouette of an equilateral triangle, with the tip of the triangle
(again relative to the aircraft’s trajectory) having no light emanating
from it. It was bizarrely black. Like the blackest black I’ve ever
seen. It literally blended in with the night sky almost too well for me
to make out a shape. And then I noticed in the middle of the bottom of
the aircraft, there was this dim glowing dark red/orange circle (it
reminded me of the glow from the last ember of a dying campfire), that
looked like it had some kind of hatch over it. At this point the craft
began moving over the highway and to the left, still shockingly low in
the sky, and it was beginning to slow down. Still barley in front of me
at the same height, I noticed a bright light shooting up vertically
from what seemed like a random spot in the forest next to the highway.
The craft appeared to be heading for this light, as it had slowed down
and then halted one it reached it. As I passed by, trying to go slowly
as acceptably possible on the highway, still seeing it hovering over the
light, I lost it in my rear view mirrors after a few seconds. It
hadn’t dawned on me until a minute or two after the sighting that I
thought to myself, why the heck didn’t that thing make any noise? At
its altitude, if it was any kind of traditional aircraft, it should have
been VERY loud especially considering how close I was to it. From
start to finish of viewing the aircraft, it was as silent as if there
was nothing there at all.
I consider myself an amateur astronomer
as I frequently take my telescopes out at night in my suburban
Philadelphia backyard or elsewhere for viewing the night sky. Only 30
minutes (or less depending on the time and day) from the Philadelphia
International Airport, I have seen every type of passenger aircraft that
frequent the airport flying to and from it, at all sorts of heights and
perspectives, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this. (I
actually have seen a similar bizarrely noiseless totally black V shaped
aircraft flying at low altitude a couple years ago in my backyard, but
that is not what this report is about.) I would do anything to get in
touch with the one or two other cars on the turnpike near me at the time
of the sighting for verification that I’m not nuts. If you guys
received any calls or anything regarding an aircraft of similar
description that same night, I would really appreciate knowing.
yes after my close encounter (cud have hit it with a rock!) in summer 1997 - right after watching the X-files with my relative - I researched UFOs in earnest. The "ultraterrestrial hypothesis" was put forward by John Keel - I saw him speak in person at the 1997 or 1998 INFO conference (International Fortean Organization) in Bethesda Maryland. So my friend who invited me to that conference did a write up for Business Week, where he was a copy editor. So Keel wrote his first book about his travels in India - called Jadoo - also in Egypt. But he started out doing military disinformation as a radio personality - kind of like Orson Welles. And then Keel became famous for his Mothman book, turned into a movie.
Personally though, based on my research, I am a strong believer in the secret US military angle. There are several reasons why - the US military has been documented to be promoting the E.T. invasion story as disinformation. A few good books on this are Greg Bishop, Project Beta and Mark Pilkington, "Mirage Men" (made into a documentary also) - and also Nick Redfern's book on Roswell - his first one.
The problem with what one professor in my graduate studies program called, "Spooky-Looky Land" - is that these same writers exposing the military promotion of ET disinfo ALSO are promoting the John Keel ultraterrestrial model. And this model does include the "Tulpa" or "yang Shen" possibility of a physical psycho-kinetic manifestation. Then you get into time travel - as if this is future technology coming back in time as a psycho-kinetic manifestation. In paranormal research there is a term for this when basically ALL the psychic abilities merge together from an unproven source - I think it's called Super-PK or something.
Anyway Charles Fort was a critic of mainstream science - he literally spent all day in the NYC library, reading science journals, looking for anomalous empirical evidence that made the current "theories" or models of the day seem absurd. So the X-Files were also influenced by Fort but also I had not idea that the X-files did feature the infamous equilateral black triangle craft that I saw right after the show ended, that episode in summer 1997.
So a local journalist gave me a file of news clippings she had saved as her mom has been part of a mass sighting, like you were - but in the 1970s. Then she informed me that we lived in a "military flight test corridor." It's very possible you live in such an area. The National UFO Reporting center is a great source, as I linked, and sure enough my area routinely has sightings of the black triangle craft. Of course the US military insisted they were not the source of this craft when the NATO Belgium jets could not keep up with the black triangle.
But those who have come out of the "deep black budget" research state the US military does have craft that are decades ahead of what we know in the public realm. This is not surprising considering the trillions of dollars "lost" to black budget spending ($20 trillion in the past ten years alone). And as I noted - another person saw the insignia for the Space Innovation Center on the bottom of the craft.
Unfortunately the hypothesis of ET invasion, albeit a popular one promoted in the CIA controlled mass media, is much less likely considering that mainstream science has only found evidence for bacteria in space, while the news of our ecological crisis here on Earth has barely made the headlines. We are fixated on Space as a mythological means of saving life on Earth as a psychological projection to be in deep DeNile about our own irresponsibility here.
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