Most scientists don't even know about this - you have to study relativistic quantum physics. SAIC regularly reads my blog - they are the CIA contractor for paranormal research. So yes the Light Body is real and so are male and female energies. But as Kepler realized - as did the ancient Indians, etc. - the "sacred geometry" collapses because irrational ratios are not real. So Pythagoras actually only used natural numbers - because Time is not geometry. So in tantra - Time is Kala while Kali is the Cosmic Mother that both creates and destroys reality.
So for example my friend did a very strong double dose of dmt-based plant root medicine. So he saw my body full of light. Then he kept saying, "I'm trying to see the SOURCE of the light" and I told him: THAT'S the point - you can NOT see the source of the light. So this is called "Mouna Samadhi" or silence samadhi. We can LISTEN or infer the source of the light. In science this is called "phase" or phonon energy - as the 5th dimension that can not be seen.
Science is based on "time-frequency uncertainty" as it tries to contain infinity into a symmetric geometry. But BEFORE the wave function "collapses" as it were - there is Always-Already a non-local field that is pure time. De Broglie realized this first - he called it the Law of Phase Harmony. He was dismissed as first but now he is being rediscovered. He was critiquing relativity yet Einstein is the one who got de Broglie's Ph.D. thesis passed.
So the answer is very simple yet very radical. Noncommutative phase science admits that the Pythagorean theorem is a lie. You can watch Alain Connes - the Fields Math professor - his lecture on music theory is on youtube. He is the ONLY one who realizes that music theory is empirically based on the truth of noncommutative phase logic. I realized this intuitively while in high school studying classical music privately. So that is why I rejected the Pythagorean theorem in school (secretly of course). Then I took quantum physics my first year of college. My professor Herbert Bernstein is having his nonlocal entanglement satellite signal technology tested by NASA. In other words entangled light that is superluminal - faster than the speed of light. China already tested this but Professor Bernstein says his concept relies on noncommutative phase - or also called 720 degree spin. So all of that is the "end" of science in effect yet the ancients knew this already via nonwestern music theory.
It is very simple as C is to G as 3/2 while C is to F subharmonic as 2/3. So F=3=G at the SAME time. This got covered up by Plato and Archytas in order to create the Greek Miracle. So then the New Age scene promotes the irrational geometry as some kind of Techno-spirituality. Here's the deal - if you want to know if someone is a real spiritual master then just see how long they can sit in full lotus padmasana IN EASE. It should be for as long as they want. This type of teacher is very rare - meaning their third eye is fully open. I have met some of these people - like Chunyi Lin of he did the 49 day full lotus cave meditation at Mt. Qingcheng - NO SLEEP for 49 days along with no food and very little water and in full lotus the WHOLE time. Another one is Robert Peng. I have a Bioenergy playlist that features similar spiritual healers.
So for example for males the right hand is yin while the upper body is yang and the left hand is yang while the lower body is yin. So all of reality works based on complementary opposites like that. So if you have your left hand facing your lower body that is yang facing yin. While the right hand palm faces the upper body - that is yin facing yang. You JUST turned your body into a harmonic free energy resonator. This is called "moving of yin and yang" exercise - you can look it up on youtube. I'm just giving you the secret PRINCIPLES of why it works. study the book "TAoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" for all the details - it is free online.
are the moderators "paid"? I'm not interested in being one. I just wonder how they are "picked" - I'm sure it's in some fine print technical link somewhere. But looking at your new collapsing of previous subforums. Yes after posting for what - ? 15 years on this site - and doing my own research of course - I have discovered that the "three gunas" - the oldest philosophy of India - are equivalent to yin-yang-Emptiness of Daoism - and in turn these are from music theory going back to the original human culture, the San Bushmen. So what I've discovered transcends the supposed sub-forums while also going beyond them.
People tend to get too close-minded due to categorizations like Leftist or rightist or Buddhist or Daoist (taoist) or Hindu or Vedic. Modern biological humans are from 70,000 years ago and so we neglect the 90% of the ice berg below the water - to our own disadvantage. The truth is quite simple yet also very radical.
I have SAIC regularly reading my blog - that contractor for the CIA on paranormal research. Also a lot of professors read my blog and I have corresponded with a lot of quantum physicists, etc. So I'm not trying to brag - I'm just saying that this website was more like a "peanut gallery" for me. There really is no excuse for not just doing the meditation or qigong training (standing or sitting exercises). The website to me seems to be controlled by a certain group of people ACROSS the spectrum of ideologies, a group that are essentially addicted to left brain conceptual reality. This is, of course, hard-wired to the medium of writing itself.
So to just collapse the sub-forums may not solve any organization problems - I composed a music piece called "Eclectic Soup" and then my next music composition was a Fugue called "Troll Dance" - that was in 1991. You can have that reality or you can choose to look deeper at a simpler more radical reality.
thanks! Yes after the 3rd eye opens then the jing frequency can be felt through the voice. So the female voice transmits the jing or what the original human culture calls the kundalini - the N/om (snake energy). So the females sing all night and transmit this energy into the males who dance all night to turn it into yang qi that is then sent BACK into the females! The N/om is considered to be originally female so the males have to do the special one month a year training separate from the females - the Tshoma - and since modern males don't do this - we suffer from "kundabuffer" - Gurdjieff's term. This is the root cause of our modern crisis.
How about - Daoist discussion and then "Postmodern Hodge-Podge of all other esoteric traditions" section.
Or wait - I forgot - we're supposed to be now claiming that Western esoteric views are equivalent as Daoist ones!
haha. Of course Westerners "want" to think this as it is much more convenient - as a Westerner - to not want to change as much. And who wants to admit that Western civilization has been wrong all along?
So we have here a dualistic logical paradox. We want a syntactical merger without wanting to recognize an inherent difference.
This can happen although a destructive process will be inevitable along the way.
In other words Western "spiritual materialism" - based on the Golden Ratio, Freemasonry, etc. - is going the opposite direction as the traditional nonwestern spiritual training based on ecology. The Western Greek Miracle is based on a materialistic "containment of infinity" using geometry. Oops. That leads you into a discussion about how the West is creating the worst ecological crisis in Earth's history of life. I did my master's thesis on this but even that was not radical enough - it was too Western since I erroneously equated logistic equations with the Taiji. haha.
And we've had this discussion before on this website - debate even. But guess what? Words really don't change what is hard-wired into Western culture. And the world is being Westernized - not the other way around. In fact Daoism in China has become just another late capitalist commodity fetish - with the Daoist priests demanding credit cards. haha.
Sure there's some exceptions but for example qigong master Yan Xin is in hiding - whether by personal choice or by force of the Regime - it's a mix I'm sure. David Palmer has done an excellent analysis of this dynamic in his book "Qigong Fever."
So essentially the qigong master craze of the 1980s acted as a "vanishing mediator" to enable China to Westernize! (ironically). In other words it created a catalyst to increase the brain power but once the qigong got too powerful as a mass movement, then the regime put the big crack down on qigong - it had served its purpose. Now it was to be relegated to a simple, less powerful "home improvement" model for consumerism. So you know how to best Feng Shui your car and house by purchasing mirrors and jade or whatever. No more long cave meditation full lotus no sleep bigu fasting for advanced students. haha.
The real question is who are you when in deep dreamless sleep! Are we "biological machines" that just "turn on" in the morning? Where does our thinking brain go? We try to ignore this question as being silly or naive or some kind of primitive regression back to infancy. In other words our modern ecological crisis arises from the wrong foundation about how we define infinity - where we come from - what is the "closest" we can get to each other - etc. Abrupt Global Warming - the "ecological crisis" is "causing the collapse of the Big Subject" - or something like that as Zizek stated. Even he can not handle it. haha. People want some "leftist philosopher" to same them like Zizek or Chris Hedges or that dude who writes the long winded books - whatever.
Yeah we do not value meditation because originally LISTENING was our dominant perception when we lived in the forest. Now on the savannah - spreading grass with our cows - for the past 10,000 years - around the world as "ecological imperialism" - we define reality solely through external vision via left brain dominance and right hand technology. This is transforming left-handed amino acids of carbon-based life with right brain shamanic dominance into the opposite as destroyed right-handed molecules (silicon-metal desertification with soy nanobiomotors as microchip implants)....
WE can LISTEN to it but we can never see it. Light originates from it and light creates matter from the 5th dimension. Erwin Schroedinger figured this out in the 1930s - publishing his book, "What is Life?" - that ecology originates from NEGENTROPY - self-coherent harmonized phase energy that is the 5th dimension - and this reverse time from the future creating new matter - is also what powers the Sun. This was known by the Ancients but Western science tried to suppress and ignore the truth of the Cosmic Mother source of Mother Nature.
So now Western science is returning to that source. That is the message of Abrupt Global Warming. We destroyed ecology but it will return after we are long gone because the 5th dimension is eternal harmonization that creates life itself. The Universe is actually alive.
Time is funny that way. Sir Roger Penrose points out that time was highly coherent yet highly asymmetric at the start of the universe - before the Big Bang. Penrose then points out that this means the accelerating Universe with space accelerating faster than the speed of light and time slowing down is actually flowing "back" into BEFORE the Big Bang that created the Universe (i.e. the 5th dimension). So this also means that the Universe is a holograph and the future as it exists in 4D spacetime has already happened in deep space (that is actually time slowed down as our future past). So - if this is hard to believe - just study Dr. Jack Sarfatti. I got a response from him a couple times via email. He is a quantum physicist. His book - he wrote a COMIC book - explaining all of this!!
and yep precognition is real just read psychologist Dr. Christina Donnell's book "Transcendent Dreaming."
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