Anyway you can also have completely different molecules that smell the same because they have the same quantum frequency, which is also measured based on light wavelength as it is processed. This is my understanding. So I could look up links - the research is still being corroborated as most scientists still try to dismiss quantum physics as biology. So then the phase being non-local means that if you smell something of a certain frequency then for your brain to perceive it there HAS to be a "resonance" via the 5th dimension that is faster than the speed of light - as "noncommutative phase" in quantum physics. So the resonance is due the frequency "locking" via complementary opposites with the neuron receptor in the brain - or even possibly via the microtubules which are a higher frequency (smaller wavelength). So what gets really interesting then is you get synethesia due to resonance as harmonics.
So for example if you keep resonating the same frequency like a laser this will cause a very strong amplification of the subharmonics. Like a feedback as a positive feedback. But in neuroscience there is the phrase, "Neurons that fire together wire together." So you then create a lower threshold to trigger the neuron because you have more of them wired together working at a stronger amplitude. So then what happens is that all matter is actually made of light and quantum biology has proven that we all communicate via biophotons - that are constantly leaving our eyes when the eyes are open. When we close our eyes and meditate by visualizing light - this is called "turning the light around" so that a self-amplifying laser energy of coherent biophotons then will amplify and reset the stored holographic information in our "soul" - the 5th dimension.
So this way we can heal matter via the future - as reversed light of virtual photons. The photons get their energy from spacetime itself as the ether - called "Yuan qi" or original qi - also called N/om or kundalini, etc. So this means that the right side of the brain relies on visualization but also relies on LISTENING that is phase coherent with the left side of the brain. So the two ears will be activated at the microsecond wavelength which has an inverse frequency of ultrasound. The highest pitch we hear externally, when then LISTENED to internally actually then resonates the whole brain as ultrasound. This in turn, as ultrasound, is the strongest amplification of the microtubules of the neurons, with 3000 times greater electromagnetic amplification than any other frequency.
So then the microtubules are 6 times larger than the tubulins - so this amplification is actually being caused by the tubulins resonating in phase from the 5th dimension as quantum entanglement. I have corresponded directly with the Japanese scientist who runs a Nanoengineering lab in Japan - actually he's from India. So he believes this enables a direct resonance with the source of reality to create an AI nano-engineering as a self-amplifying feedback. He calls it "musiceuticals." Anyway we do this naturally - as I also corresponded with a German physicist who studies how the ears are really a quantum "double slit" experiment. In other words - the phase coherence is like an interferometer. OK so the right ear then activates the right side vagus nerve which is then resonated by the ultrasound. This was first discovered in science by Dr. Andrija Puharich, the CIA mind control scientist - he was working on microchip implants and also hearing aids. So then when the vagus nerve on the right side is activated - this resonates the neurotransmitters - serotonin and acetcylcholine. So the serotonin is the bliss that is also activated by blue light (hence the blue screen effect).
So then the ultrasound causes a nonlinear positive feedback as a strong subharmonic amplification - as ELF subharmonics. This is the secret of the OM sound that emanates from the heart via the right side vagus nerve connecting the life force neurohormones - as kundalini. And so Puharich realized that the ELF subharmonics, which, as Tesla discovered, are also the Earth's natural harmonics and our brain's natural Alpha-Theta brain waves - as the Schumann Resonance - then also - these ELF waves - they are also a superluminal phase from the future - as phase coherence, what Puharich called "Psi-Plasma." So it's based on the magnetic moment as the relativistic quantum spin from the future. So the virtual photons are resonating the energy-information from the future that is stored in the 5th dimension as a holographic white hole-black hole. So Puharich realized this explained spiritual and supernatural abilities. Also Astrophysics professor Paul S. Wesson made this same realization completely on his own - from studying Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony (this was around 2015 - in the last year or so of his life).
So then with a mind-body transformation via this ELF resonance or OM energy - then a person is able to smell Non-locally via the 5th dimension. I had this experience in 2000 when I did my intensive qigong training. So there was one man in the front of a big room - and I could not believe that anyone could stay in the same room with him - as he emitted a stench of death, of rotting flesh. But no one else seemed to notice! I had been fasting for 8 days while meditating the whole time at age 29 and so my qi energy was very very strong. I was resonating with the Cosmic Mother. The qigong master Chunyi Lin then said that qigong masters can smell cancer, as rotting flesh. So I never told him I could smell this - he just knew I could smell it. So he shared that info. So then in full lotus meditation the qigong master healed this man and his rotting flesh smell went away. I told this story before. I felt much better but then back in my room during the break - at this Christian retreat center with 1950s cabins - I heard this lady and man "getting down" and suddenly the rotting flesh smell came back! They were in the room next door and all I could think was HOW could that lady STAND to be in the same room with him!! But she had been attracted to the Qi energy - since the qi energy activates the right side vagus nerve then it is naturally blissful and orgasmic as love energy. So neither of them had any idea that when he ejaculated he lost the healing qi and so his cancer came back.
yes anything in writing is hypocrisy, that's why Hypatia's writings were all destroyed. Socrates had the same faulty logic from the Iron Age. "If you think a man is insane and he has a sword then lie to him in order to get his sword." The Plato promoted this as the Big Lie, picked up by the University of Chicago Platonic political philosopher followed by the NeoFascist NeoCons: Leo Strauss. The problem with that logic is that it's the sword that is insane as much as the man. So I call this the Liar of the Lyre.
yes anything in writing is hypocrisy, that's why Hypatia's writings were all destroyed. Socrates had the same faulty logic from the Iron Age. "If you think a man is insane and he has a sword then lie to him in order to get his sword." The Plato promoted this as the Big Lie, picked up by the University of Chicago Platonic political philosopher followed by the NeoFascist NeoCons: Leo Strauss. The problem with that logic is that it's the sword that is insane as much as the man. So I call this the Liar of the Lyre.
Socrates taught: "Know Thyself" but this can only be done in silence via the Logos (not via logic using language). So the logical inference of Socrates is actually a silent resonance of complementary opposites. from Oxford - he did his Ph.D. on Pythagorean Philosophy which was published by Oxford in 1996 - so he points out how both Plato and Aristotle lied about Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy. So what everyone "thinks" is Pythagorean philosophy is actually not the real Pythagorean philosophy but the fake lies spread by the founders of the Greek Miracle. So to restore the Logos then requires what Kingsley reveals as "incubation" - five years of silence in meditation. That was the Orthodox Pythagorean training.
In that training then Time is revealed to be Ion as the Eons - and Ion is actually the cerebrospinal fluid that is sublimated up into the brain. This is revealed in only a few books - I cite the sources in my book "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" or it is also in my book - blogbook "ConspiraChi" So we need to replace Hypocrisy with ConSpiraChi. This is done only through a silent resonance of complementary opposites or yin-yang energy.
So it was Kingsley who pointed out how the ancients wanted to be buried with gold so they could go to heaven. But Plato switched the elements around of alchemy when he also erroneously changed the music harmonics around of the Logos. That is how the logic was created of the Greek Miracle - as the Liar of the Lyre. So today's Pre-Dick-a-Mint (as GEE calls it) is a structural one. There is no escape to some Shangri La or Xanadu or even better - Zion. That which remains is always-already what I call the "female formless awareness" - or what the Pre-Socratics called Apeiron - the Emptiness as Harmonia, the Cosmic Mother as Apopis (the Egyptian root word for Apocalypse).
We lost the true value of gold when the Greek Miracle was launched and so money became valued based on the 10-based number system using symmetric logarithmic "logic" as you refer to. The Alchemy of DeNile is deep, as Freud points out, the desire to hoard money is from anal fixation, which originates from, in young boys, the need to stop being the victims of pederasty, as the Greeks practiced. In other words - it smells like money but it's better to practice Humanure Composting as real money rather than to engineer vast aqueducts due to shitting in clean water. The Supply and Demand model is Incorrect (as I titled my paper for my University "environmental economics" course) because that model is based on the wrong logarithmic logic from the Greek Miracle.
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