The US Imperial Military (as big as the rest of the world's militaries
combined) put out a paper about 15 to 20 years ago - arguing a vast
dynamic is now occurring - Nature vs Man vs Machine. The paper went into
Nanobiomachines, and the biodefense weapons shield. Abrupt global
warming science is dependent on "supercomputers" that neither can model
the problem accurately ( a supercomputer can not even model the Amazon
rainforest much less the whole planet) - yet the supercomputers use
Chaos science "iterations" (which means the mathematical logic is
inherently unpredictable. It's not inductive logic - but instead solely
depends on the computer cranking out numbers). Chaos math professor
Steve STrogatz thus declared - in an "Edge" interview - around 2006 -
that science now is inherently "authoritarian" - the machines have taken
oven. But actually science was ALWAYS authoritarian. Cambridge
University calls it the "evolution of technology" (a title of one of
their press books). Growth though happens from within while our
technology develops externally. Technology is against evolution - yet we
would like to see it as a spiritual quest. Professor David F. Noble
wrote a great book on this, "The Religion of Technology" (1996). He was
an MIT historian and also a curator at the Smithsonian (but they shut
down his exhibit since it featured an original Luddite hammer). Yes I
did an expose on the inherent Machine Math focus of Western science -
called the Actual Matrix Plan - in 2001.
yeah - Dakota access pipeline protest worked until the Good Cop of the
Empire was replaced by the Bad Cop of the Empire. That's how the
"interrogation" process works - and even with the Good Cop of the Empire
- there was still "full body" anal probe arrests of the protests
(that's probably why DeCrapio refused to get arrested). So also Dakota
Access still had Cointelpro tactics used against it - including
infiltration and military-style police weaponry and then laws passed
around the country outlawing protesting. I went to the Democratic
National Convention in 1996 in Chicago - there was literally an imperial
army of cops - and that was the "Good Cops" of the Empire (where
Chicago had a CIA-style rendition torture center).
Even if there is a
global "revolution" people still have to EAT. - the "pink" revolutions
of Gene Sharp have been used by the CIA to attack so called "communist"
revolutions like in Venezuela where the poor were brought out of
starvation conditions. The CIA fascists used Gene Sharp tactics to send
the poor back into worse starvation - with sanctions, etc. Sharp insists
he doesn't work for or with the CIA. That's fine - my dad got an
international Ford Foundation grant to attack socialism in Sweden for my
dad's Ph.D. research in the 1960s. My dad most likely had no idea that
all international Ford Foundation grants are actually funneled CIA money
- and the grants were cleared through the "Russia Institute" (CIA
front) at Columbia University (as professor Christopher Simpson
Sherman Skolnick, a lawyer in Chicago, exposed how the CIA
thoroughly infiltrated and controlled the left through front
"foundations." The Left is always desperate for money. The environmental
movement has been dependent on Rockefeller Fund monies (even my own
nonprofit where I worked for 10 years had all its "administrators" paid
by the Rockefellers). The IRS will shut down nonprofits if they "misuse"
their donations for civil disobedience as radical protest - instead of
tax-deductible "educational" lobbying b.s. WHEN Jesse Ventura was
elected INDEPENDENT governor of Minnesota - first thing that happened
was he was "invited" to the basement of the Capitol and he was
surrounded by CIA agents - interrogating him. My dad was also Chief
Deputy Officer of the MN attorney general office - which meant he then
got hired by the local Nuclear Utility to make sure that nuclear
radiation was not "regulated" at a strict emissions standard than the
Federal (military empire) level. Politics is just a front for the US
military empire - there is a SECRET underground FEMA government of
appointed cabinet members, etc.
Dick Cheney organized this with Rumsfeld
- that's why DRUMPF keeps referencing constitutional statue "2" - since
Cheney also argued that gave the President total power control. The US
government was started as a supposed self-sovereign people's revolution -
meaning that each citizen has Self-Evident sovereignty and the
government is a constitutional CHARTERED corporation - it works for
"us." In contrast Europe/Canada still has the government as the
"sovereign" corporation and the people are the subjects of the
government rule - with the "King" issuing the corporate or crown
sovereign charters.
This all goes back to Plato - as the excellent book
by David T. Bazelon points out - "The Paper Economy." In fact the
"power" is based on logarithmic math (with the inverse exponential
function). EVEN OUR MUSIC is mass mind control as it, equal-tempered
tuning, is actually the origin of logarithmic/exponential math - and so
it is used to manipulate our emotions. This is the origins of the Matrix
that no one even notices (we all get brainwashed by the Pythagorean
Mother Nature will fix this problem as she increasingly is
doing. Yes native indigenous peoples are on the front lines to protect
the environment since native indigenous peoples know the secret that
Mother Nature is in control.
It just proves our conundrum is STRUCTURAL. 80% of people in the US have
$500 in savings or less - and most are debt-slaves. So then if you
don't have a cell phone now - how you gonna know if your boss texted you
to make you work whenever the boss wants (that's called the Creative
Economy!). So everyone now FIRST has to FRY their brains on a cell phone
(no? You can't FEEL the microwave pollution frying your brain - or try a
cordless phone - those are even worse!). Second - you've got your
slave-wage job now... but you STILL can't afford housing! This is now
known as the rent to wage gap (instead of the Missile Gap back in our
better Imperial times - now we compete with the former Soviet Union to
see who has the worst homeless crisis).
SO - if you don't own a car HOW
you gonna find a better paying job outside of the inner city slave-wage
belt (fast food, service, data entry, factory or office jobs)? NO - now
40% of US GDP is from Financial Parasites - the FIRE sector -
insurance, or real estate scams - derivatives or Credit Default
Obligations - balloon loans, etc. Yeah Freedom ain't what it used to be.
We've got the Interstate Highways (how to escape a nuclear attack or
nuclear meltdown road system!) We've got MALLS - open prisons where if
you're not SPENDING money then you will be ejected or locked up. That's
FREEDOM - we've got Corn Syrup (synthetic patented toxin) food causing
obesity and diabetes epidemic. OR we've got synthetic heroin - OR we've
got the real CIA drugs. Yep the US Empire has a lot of choices for
Freedom left.
there's a claim about economics being a "science." a good book on this is "Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland" - so essentially the issue is what is infinity - and currency as an infinite signifier mathematically. So the "bias" of science is what math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls the "deep pre-established disharmony." He also calls it "Plato's Computer" - the title of his book but it is not translated out of Italian.
Borzacchini is retired - but he probably still tweets. June 6 was his last tweet. Anyway so we think of math as a "pure" logic but Western math presumes a materialistic definition of infinity - and then "applies" this inherently. The problem is that time gets reduced to an external geometric spatial measurement that is inherently symmetric - and commutative. So this logical problem was not rediscovered until the "time-frequency uncertainty principle" or Fourier Uncertainty that is inherent to quantum physics as it is noncommutative inherently.
So now science is being "reversed" - Alain Connes is trying to develop a "noncommutative geometry" that is a new unified field theory. He gives a lecture on music theory to explain this NEW noncommutative geometry. In fact the music was already known as a NONWestern science - called Neidan in Daoism or Neigong. Eddie Oshins figured this out while he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. He collaborated with math professor Louis Kauffman whom Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson is now studying. I've corresponded with Kauffman, Josephson and Borzacchini. Connes never returned my emails but he recently published a music composition as his math article! haha. So I would not take science too seriously - it CAUSED abrupt global warming and it's not going to fix it.
Oh by the way - Economic Michael E. Hudson - he started out as a music major - and he points out how Archytas and Plato lied about music theory to promote an exponential growth system and logarithmic distribution wealth - as a FAKE "social harmony" due to the "music harmony." So it's a complete mass mind control system - the music of major and minor modes as applied to equal-tempered tuning is the template for Democracy as a logarithmic equation. Plato stated each citizen much be "compromised" for the good of the state (meaning each citizen equals 9/8 music major 2nd ratio that is cubed to the Tritone (the square root of two) as the Devil's Interval (the Tyrant ratio as Plato called it).
The rhythm component is based on the Sun and Moon - so during the
full moon then the pineal gland is naturally 10 times stronger in qi
energy - the pineal gland is called where the cosmic Yuan Qi emanates.
So the source of the Sun is coherent harmonic energy - this is called
"negentropy" in physics - also called the Law of PHase Harmony from
Louis de Broglie (the founder of relativistic quantum physics).
then when immortal breathing or foetus breathing kicks in - then the
centers of the hands and feet PULSATE with qi - or "breathe" with qi -
and also the top of the skull gets soft - the fontanelle opens up like a
baby - and the top of the skull then PULSATES or breathes with qi.
at that stage - this is called Shen-Qi because you visualize the shen
going in one direction while the Qi goes in the other direction. But in
fact the Qi is guiding the Shen. Think of the Qi as a Horse in a River
and the Chariot is the mind as Shen that is being guided through the
water by the Horse - and the water is the materialistic medium - the
jing. So then new jing is created from the Qi which is actually a
cosmic spacetime vortex from the Future - this is called the "virtual
information field" by qigong master Yan Xin or the "Golden Key" as
"superluminal matter" by qigong master Zhang Hongbao.
then the "real" lower dan tien - is directly behind the navel - only
after the yin qi has filled up the intestines area - the mingmen. So
then once the heart opens - this is called the Big Accumulator by
Gurdjieff - and the "secret pinhole" to the Cosmic Prana or Ether by
Ramana Maharshi. It's the RIGHT side of the heart - as the right side
vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart.
Lust starts as a biophoton TRIGGER of the sympathetic nervous system via
the pineal gland - so that the Yuan Qi emanating from the heart is then
"split" to turn into post-heaven jing. The biophoton signal then goes
from the pineal gland to the adrenal gland and then to the prostate -
via the sympathetic nervous system. So it is a PRE-triggered signal that
has to be reversed but the signal starts as a low frequency shen level -
based on the low frequency shen of the lower body. So then unless that
signal is reversed - then the genital duct will be dilated and so there
will be nocturnal ejaculation even during deep dreamless sleep. the best
way to reverse the biophoton signal (a kind of exorcism is needed) is
by STANDING exercise - with the thigh muscles sore and doing Quick Fire
breathing - so then have the power of the largest muscles in the body to
reverse the sympathetic nervous system signal BACK into the
parasympathetic nervous system signal.
As soon as the sympathetic
nervous system signal is triggered by the biophoton shen, then the
prostate immediately starts creating emission as lecithin which is 90%
of the ejaculation. So this is why the Piss will be foamy if there is
not proper sublimation to reverse this signal - since the emission is
still lost lecithin. the lecithin is what Myelinates the neurons of the
brain - so that is why it is called "brain food" - whether from eggs or
soy or celibacy. So the lecithin when ionized then can store up charge -
this is precisely how an Electric Eel stores up the Qi charge.
master John Chang stated he is just like an electric eel. So it requires
this ancient reptilian right side vagus nerve to get myelinated - to
the right side of the heart - to circulate and "restore" the qi as an
ionized lecithin form back into the 2nd brain (after it overflows out of
the brain and down the sinus cavity and down the throat). The
qi/lecithin is then reabsorbed back into the intestines - after it gets
the higher frequency shen charge. The blue light is from the future and
stored up - just as the color Gold relies on absorbing the blue light
from the future - so that is the psychic lunar energy of the third eye
combining with the sun to create gold.
"learning how to learn" as Gregory Bateson called Level III learning - is not the same as self-aware consciousness due to the limitations of time-frequency uncertainty in science (based on left-brain dominance and right-hand external measurement dominance). So we make certain assumptions about reality - like time is an external parameter based on a geometric symmetry. Noncommutative phase has disproven this - as de Broglie showed with the Law of Phase Harmony. So Penrose points out - how consciousness is NOT a computation and so time at the origin of the Universe was not just highly coherent but also highly asymmetrical.
Supposedly due to humans being biological entities would could not perceive nor observe the reverse of the Universe's spacetime entropy expansion. But this again is just a logical presumption by science of modern human left-brain dominance. Certainly the perception of so-called "altered states" (really the predominant culture of say the SAn Bushmen our original ancestors) is not the same as the Western science perception assumption. In the midst of the ecological crisis we need to redefine entropy - and how scientists perceive it.
So there is a
- he left the Matrix. yes our original human culture - - we have innate
abilities. spacetime is malleable. What your area calls dreamtime. The
Crow tribe here taught - the more a person wants material power, the
more they need to meditate. So there is a reciprocity with the Cosmic
Mother as a spacetime synchronicity. Nothing is random nor standardized
nor symmetric.
Everything is complementary opposites and eternal flow as
force. George Lucas actually went to Shaolin - he met qigong master
Haidan (the secret basis of Yoda). Yes movies make it seem fake. People
rarely meet the real deal. I made a bioenergy vid list - but I don't
rewatch it much. People are not convinced as vids can be fake. More
importantly is if a person has a good heart.
The original culture
healers say they don't WASTE their energy on people with bad hearts. So
Neo "wants" to leave the Matrix. He is searching. We are convinced our
mind - our conscious mind - is the truth - but to wake from a dream is
the same as to wake from "being awake." We have to realize being awake
is another type of dreaming.
So certain "shocks" help - like using the
wrong hand to do things - or changing the sleep schedule - or fasting. I
have a training manual. Most people are not interested. Even "leaving"
the Matrix causes too much confusion and shock - like in the movie - his
mind is about to snap and then he wants to go back. But it's too late!
And when we go back "into" the Matrix - then there are now what I call GLITCHES in the Matrix. This is shown in the movie - precognition is
real. Neo knows he is "not the one." And so it is for the rest os us.
Only the "three in one" is the answer - Trinity plus Neo - as
complementary opposites.
when I went into bigu then qigong master Chunyi Lin chose to sit next to me at his Level 3 retreat in 2000 for
that is also when I saw ghosts and I could smell cancer - and I also
did strong healing. So as Master Nan, Huai-chin explains, what typically
happens is a person trains and then starts achieving "spiritual powers"
and then "falls back into worldliness due to heroic over-exuberance."
So that it is precisely what I experienced since I had not done all the
research to understand precisely what I was experiencing. So for example
it's very important to surround the shen with enough qi or else a
spacetime dizziness occurs. This is described in chapter 11 of the book
"Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" - so I did not realize the true
reason why I had experienced that spacetime vortex as the Emptiness,
despite my search for the physiological details of what had happened. I
just didn't think I needed to read ahead that far in the book to really
study the details - I didn't think I could have experienced something
from that far along in the book. So you definitely want to do research -
or hopefully I have done this for people. For example Tibetan monks do
years of scholarly research before doing intensive meditation in a cave.
a good book on the physiological experiences before bigu kicks in is
"Tao and Longevity" - by Master Nan, Huai-chin - that book and Taoist
Yoga (referenced above) are both online for free - as pdfs.
for me - I made the main mistake - I overused my third eye psychic
energy - so now my qi too easily goes up the front of my body, as I
burned out my yuan qi internally. So this means for me then food is a
kind of poison. I constantly take essential oils to counteract the
aerobic bacteria from digesting food as my front left side vagus nerve
is constantly pulling qi up to the brain (along with aerobic bacteria).
So it is crucial to make sure to cycle the energy up the back and DOWN
the front via meditation purification.
So I still
do "free" psychic healing through this wrong circulation of energy but
then I also do forest fasting as a kind of bigu preparation - to go back
into a cosmic Yuan Qi energy state. First I burn off body fat - so when
ketosis kicks in then that is a much more efficient means of getting
energy than from glucosis - as the energy goes straight to the
mitochondria and the energy is straight yin qi as jing - or you could
even say "yang qi" - from the testosterone from the fat - cholesterol.
So in the original human culture - the fat is considered the source of
the N/om (the jing in Daoism).
So as Chunyi Lin
stated in 2015 - he has frequently seen people get fat since they
overuse their third eye after it opens - as psychic energy or yin qi
energy - from their yuan qi energy. So then, as the book Taoist Yoga
explains - the person has to rely on food to restore their yang qi -
from yin qi. But if the third eye is open then also through intense
meditation you can switch to yuan qi energy. Fasting to convert jing to
qi or create jing from shen - this is dangerous but this can be done. So
bigu is dangerous and can occur on different levels. For example solar
gazing - this will take in shen as biophotons and convert it into qi -
and it is also dangerous.
So with bigu - when I
first experienced it - it was just amazing bliss and strong qi that
filled the body but I sustained this only for a couple weeks. During
this time I did strong healing and I experienced telepathy and what I
described above and also when I did healing - it was like an exorcism of
evil. So one person with a liver alcohol blockage was screaming bloody
murder at me. So I didn't understand this at the time - and since I was
in a purified stated then I didn't know how to process all these lower
emotions. Also celibacy is the key to maintaining this energy - so it is
best to avoid worldly things.
I was told for my
advanced training - to recharge my energy - - and also to stay off the internet and not watch t.v.
So you can see there is no freedom escape - as Master Nan, Huai-chin
states, the spiritual and worldly do not mix. So a "modified bigu" diet
as Master Chunyi Lin (and other qigong masters practice) means often one
meal a day or at least no eating after noon. Or maybe a very light
dinner that is early. Then as Master Nan states, the bowels HAVE to be
cleared out to see light - so that needs to be done before evening
meditation. also fasting one day a week.
So this is
my relationship with food - I am on a scavenger diet but ideally I
would be as I originally ate. The rainbow diet as Gabriel Cousens
teaches is very appropriate. He realized that even eating fruit was
blocking his samadhi training. So he said his secret in INdia for him
was to not even eat fruit. Why? Because fruit is fructose and this
activates the left side vagus nerve that sends the qi up the front.
Certainly if you're doing lots of standing active meditation - that will
then sublimate the qi up the back.
So with diet
there are LoTS of factors - age - environment - emotional energy around
you - and weather and temperature. Like in the Himalayas the Tibetan
monks might eat meat to kick start the internal heat before doing bigu
fasting tummo meditation. So - the diet is really a personal choice -
and Chunyi Lin emphasizes that even if food might be pure on a
nutritional level - like organic - the emotional energy could be very
polluting. So he likes very much for people to say some sort of grace
before eating to bless the food.
So also breathing
is the means for qi energy as food. So then yes for real bigu - I never
experienced hunger and my energy kept increasing and I needed less
sleep. I "broke" my fast with a bowl of greens and tofu but the salt
tasted like poison! For the advanced level - as Taoist Yoga book
explains - no salt is allowed. Why? Because the vagus nerve is based on
the potassium building up. Just as an electric eel releases its charge
due to the potassium ratio as built up qi. But as Louis Kervan realized -
deep oxygen will convert sodium into potassium (using nuclear reactions
internally or proton-proton reactions that are quantum based).
is also very key - so in bigu there is literally what I call a "reverse
electrolysis" effect - this is the ambrosia or nectar, etc. So somehow
the Yuan Qi is able to CREATE water that then flows out of the pineal
gland and down the throat. The most famous Breatharian of India - he was
tested scientifically - he also does not drink - and he says his sun
gazing then creates this fluid that he then swallows - and it appears to
be tied to his life force energy also (neurohormones).
as I've mentioned - the lecithin stores the charge and so the mind and
emotional energy then controls the charge via the nervous system. So a
biophoton signal - at the speed of light - will PRE-trigger the nervous
system so that the charge is lost. This is why in old skool Kung fu
movies - it's called VirgiN kungfu and so a girly zine is then thrown at
the qigong master to take away his power. So this just proves that the
internet and t.v. and WEstern culture in general is constantly going
against this training.
Good luck.
what you need to realize is that the "I" that you refer to actually is
part of the Emptiness - so the more you meditate - the less there is
"you" that is storing up the energy and the more of "you" that merges
back into the Emptiness.
So this is a kind of tug
and chase game as it were. The Yuan Qi is spacetime ether or
energy-information itself that is our essence. So you can not really
"store" something that is eternal. Chunyi tells a story of when in
Sedona Arizona - a couple was in the back of the room constantly trying
to take his energy. So he just kept recharging his energy from the Yuan
Qi - via his HEART - as they took his energy. This kept going on and on -
until FINALLY the couple realized their minds were blown and reality
was infinite energy - and so how can they "take" from something that is
always-already there. So they then apologized to Chunyi for trying to
take his energy. Or as he states - he EMBODIES the EMPTINESS and so his
body is just an empty vessel through which the cosmic Yuan Qi flows.
to put it into Western science terms - think of water like a prism. The
collagen is the most common protein in the body and is 90% aligned
vertically - so it has piezoelectric charge from the standing active
exercises. So this then "splits" the water into protons and electrons as
the water gets stored inside the microtubules of the collagen. So as
the water is split - this causes a superconducting non-local proton
charge (that is the Yuan Qi from the yang qi) - while the yin qi is from
the electrons. So the magnetic moment BETWEEN the proton and electron
is the Yuan Qi - this is called reverse time spin or relativistic
quantum spin - it is virtual photon energy from the future. So that is
how new matter is then created - and the process then stores the virtual
photons since the PHONONS as spin energy are not bound by the Pauli
Exclusion Principle. That is the secret of how the proton bonds can then
form to create new matter.
Yes this is a Western projection on the idea of repetition. As
Yogananda stated, reality is "everfresh, evernew." There really is no
repetition due to noncommutative phase as the foundation of reality or
what science also calls "time-frequency uncertainty" or "Fourier
Uncertainty." So westerners are brainwashed at an early age to think of
time as a symmetric geometric wavelength but you can not SEE time. For
example Plato erroneously stated, "Time is the Image of Eternity" - this
is a lie against Pythagoras stating "All is Number AND Harmony." So in
Daoism it is called the highest note that can not be heard. Science has
proven that the highest note we hear externally - when focused on
internally then resonates the WHOLE brain as ultrasound. This ultrasound
resonates the microtubules with 3000 times greater electromagnetic
amplitude than any other frequency. That microtubule resonance is then
quantum coherence since a microtubule is six times bigger than a
tubulin. So what is happening is that there is a superluminal phase
coherence between the two ears. I corresponded with physics professor
Manfred Euler about this - he calls the two ears then a "double slit
experiment" based on acoustic interferometry.
So then what is the "period" or time rhythm of the FUTURE? It's called
eternal logical inference or eternal listening aka "No ONE is
listening." As the Pythagoreans states - "one is NOT a number" or there
is no capstone to the pyramid - rather the Tetrad of 2:3:4 is an eternal
resonance of yin-yang. In India this is the "three gunas." So we
inherently can not visualize the 5th dimension. As Ramana Maharshi
stated - the Self is NOT light. He called it Mouna Samadhi -the highest
level of samadhi - SILENCE samadhi.
So Westerners favor vision over listening but our original forest
culture is based on listening as our primary perception. We can listen
as superluminal phase coherence energy - the Yuan Qi energy.
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