So we now have definitive proof that the Shiitake spawn is spreading - this is a big birch log.
Here is a smaller Alder log - a log I inoculated probably a couple weeks later or maybe even a month later than the Birch.
Another Alder - so the Shiitake spawn is definitely feasting in its new forest log home.
a different big Birch log
On some of these smaller Birch the Shiitake mycelium is spreading fast!
The Birch is a softer wood and I inoculated it earlier - so most of the Birch logs have mycelium spreading on the ends, showing the white. About half of the Alder logs now show the white on the ends. Last time I was up there - about 18 days ago - there was only a few Birch logs with white. So it's an amazing difference!!
a third big Birch log.
This Alder just has a touch of white but it's there!
OK so that's the good news. The bad news is that the two birds living close to the water soak tanks - just like the first Flycatcher - they both drowned. One was a Robin and the other was the 2nd Flycatcher nest by my tipi. Fortunately the third Flycatcher nest appears to have a full family of fledglings. So I now have the water soak tanks covered up - to make sure that tragedy stops. I had discovered it last time I was up but was not sure the cause. This time I knew the cause was the too steep sides of the tanks. There's a drainage ditch-creek that still has water in it for the rest of the birds.
dead Robin.
It must have been pretty recent - no flies - no real smell. The water was kind of "brackish" as I called it - even though that is a salty water term. But mainly from organic matter like leaves and needles. I added more fresh water. So then I had this psychedelic dream that I was holding onto these huge Seahorses. Why? The long logs in the water that I called "brackish" but the logs were ALIVE with fungus - so then combined with the dead birds. In my dream I was being helped by the Seahorses to harvest food but I held onto the huge giant seahorse (that I was riding) and I accidentally strangled it or drowned it to death in the ocean. So on the drive up I was admiring these horses grazing. So you put all the above together and you sleep "off grid" for better dreams - and my subconscious created a psychedelic giant Seahorse dream.
OK so now let's check out the Fledgling Baby bird in the nest...
I tried to find this nest again and I truly could NOT find it. But I had just taken the photo this morning and I was careful not to knock the trees around. So I wanted to make sure this is not a Cowbird - since it looks too big to be a Flycatcher Fledgling. But then the Flycatcher "family" was freaking out at me being close to the nest.
So on my next blogpost I'll try to identify that Flycatcher family and also some new plant photos.
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