Project ELF did just shut down but the US military recently admitted to "losing" $20 trillion over the past ten years - out of other government programs. In other words we have a vast secret "defense" system that relies on some 800 plus military "garrisons" in OTHER countries - and "special forces" in close to 200 countries (now as we speak doing secret "missions" like assassinations).
Reliable "predictive power" is kind of a joke right like "military intelligence."?
Marx called it rather "primitive accumulation" - like a gang of male chimpanzees - you go out on "border patrol" to raid enemy territory and then you rape and pillage. So that's about the extent of the predictive power. The original human culture was NOT like this but psycho-physiologically more like the Bonobos (our other closest primate cousins).
So another good example is Alliant Techsystems - they were headquartered in Minneapolis. I got arrested there twice - Alliant Techsystems was the main producer of "depleted uranium" weapons in the world - right in the heart of Libtard Snowflake land of the Twin Cities Minnesota!! I guess the Libtard Snowflakes just don't notice little things like two-headed depleted uranium babies! I would post images but I got censored here before for posting such images - the truth is not a popularity contest apparently. haha.
The point being - not that Alliant Tech moved their headquarters OUT of the Twin Cities after we kept protesting - but rather that Depleted Uranium weapons do not follow the laws of national borders.
wrote Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for PBS News Hour in March 2016.“This event is unprecedented in its total release of radioactive contamination into the ocean”
and...Buesseler said, “More than 80% of the radioactivity from the damaged reactors ended up in the Pacific—far more than reached the ocean from Chernobyl.” Buesseler reported that this radiation gusher continues. “It is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks, caused by groundwater flowing through the site and enhanced after storms,” he wrote.
so this is not counting the "routine" radiation emissions creating cancer "alleys" nearby nuclear power plants. Nor the uranium miners having cancer epidemics.Fukushima is the world’s worst reactor disaster by volume of fuel melted and waste in cooling pools. Major reactor meltdowns at Santa Susanna in California (1959), Windscale in England (1957), Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania (1979), and Chernobyl in Ukraine (1986), involved a single reactor fuel inventory. Fukushima’s meltdowns involve three reactors full of melted and mangled fuel rods, and an additional 1,573 waste fuel rods in damaged condition in damaged pools of cooling water. The three masses of melted reactor fuel may never be recovered or containerized.
And then there's abrupt global warming.
with an exponential increase in warming - the prospect of civilization collapse with 400 plus nuclear power plants melting down - this is not some fairy tale.
Yes when you say poor brown people are burning and causing desertification of life - this is a naive view that lacks a true understanding of Western colonialism. For example desertification in the Sahel is so that France can get their peanuts imported. 70% of the chocolate in the US is from literal child slavery so that Cargill, the world's largest private corporation, can make billions in revenue every year. The Amazon is being turned into soybean plantations because Cargill illegally installed soybean elevators right in the Amazon rainforest - this was PROMOTED by the "snowflake libtards" in their corporate-state newspapers. Cargill receives hundreds of millions in corporate welfare to "store" the US imperialism food that is then "dumped" onto the planet. This is why the poor brown people in Mexico had their local corn prices decimated and Somalia farmers that controlled Mogadishu got their markets "dumped" by Cargill at 1/6th the local price.
That is how Western imperialism works - it's kind of tricky - so you might not notice it just looking at poor brown people. For example when the Spanish colonized Latin America - the first thing they did was kick off the poor brown people off their land. Because there is no greater threat to WEstern colonialism than having poor brown people NOT needing "jobs"!! People living self-reliance on their land - relying on humanure composting to grow food for example - these people are the greatest threat because they refuse to be forced into slave-wage jobs. haha.
I have recommended a couple books about this already. There are more of course.
This compelling account of the effect of technology and
development on indigenous peoples throughout the world examines major
issues of intervention: social ...
John H. Bodley, a professor - his book got reissued.
by EL Schusky - 1986 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
perspective of what occurred to the Sahel ecology in the 1960s is ..... folklore of drought for Niger prior to colonization, a famine in 1913, and ..... already in peanuts and cotton and concentrate instead on ...... Progress and Problems." Report to ...
by G Austin - 2010 - Cited by 91 - Related articles
This article reviews how colonial rule and African actions during the colonial ... From Senegal to Cameroon thousands of tonnes of groundnuts and palm oil, .... Tanganyika (mainland Tanzania) or those in the West African Sahel, it would .... depended very much on the progress of African cash crop agriculture (Austin 2009).
by E Anderson-Senegal - Related articles
Jul 10, 2013 - Before Europeans colonized this area of West Africa, the ethnic groups were ... economic policies to resort to the monoculture of peanuts and rice. ... was the desertification of the delicate Sahel soil and a devastating famine in the late ... She observes that, “the very progress of the colonizers is based on the ...
How Africa Underdeveloped Africa?
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is a 1972 book written by Walter Rodney that takes the view that Africa was deliberately exploited and underdeveloped by European colonial regimes. ... [He believes that] every African has a responsibility to understand the [capitalist] system and work for its overthrow."
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973. 5.2 The Strengthening of Technological and Military Aspects of Capitalism. Chapter Six. Colonialism ...
So for example the traditional crop of Bangladesh was
JUTE but the British imposing Western colonialism insisted that
Bangladesh instead grow rice - this has profound ecological
consequences. Similarly the Chinese imposing their Marxist Western
colonialism on Tibet insisted Tibet grow wheat instead of barley.
British colonialism installed "canals" for water in
India - thereby spreading malaria as an epidemic and then insisted that
India's crops be exported as the "free market" - while Britain then
squashed India's textile industry along with Egypt's textile industry -
all in the name of the "free market."
It looks good but I guess I am fixated on the original human culture that hardly anyone knows about. I find it fascinating - essentially modern humans have a deep physiological problem from left-brain dominance. The San Bushmen has strict training required for all males while the females control the land. It's a culture from before human language was even "crystallized" - because the same Eland Bull spiritual training song is found in the two oldest "bands" of the San Bushmen that separated into two variant dialects.
So anyway we get caught up in the problem but the "solution" is very ancient and yet our ancient ancestors had the same "modern" biology was we did (except for some very minor superficial differences). Anyway we all get "hard-wired" with our modern Westernized bias. Dr. Victor Grauer traced how the San Bushmen culture spread worldwide - through their musical clues - in his book "Sounding the Depths." So our original human culture did not have any war nor rape - and lived with ecological sustainability by relying on this spiritual training as the focus. We like to dismiss this as backwards but actually the biology is more advanced technology than any supercomputer -it's only described by relativistic quantum biology in today's scientific terms (and can not be replicated by external technology). This is quite ironic.
No because Mother Nature is more powerful - she's taking revenge better than any human laws could.
When you say "invest" - you mean the reason why the US military killed 200,000 people in the Philippines in the 1890s? We didn't do it to "save" democracy nor did we do it to stop communism. The historical record is quite clear - the US military did that genocidal attack as an "investment" and the concern was that if the US military didn't do it, then Germany would do it. So it was just a race to the "bottom" as an "investment." You might even say that it's Doggie-Style instead of face-to-face female oxytocin love. Modern humans are very much like male chimpanzees on their rape-warmongering routine, in contrast to Bonobos.
Anyway to get back to "investments" - oh nuclear energy.... So as long as you don't care that the uranium miners are dying from cancer....
so nuke power is basically part of military socialism.
It looks good but I guess I am fixated on the original human culture that hardly anyone knows about. I find it fascinating - essentially modern humans have a deep physiological problem from left-brain dominance. The San Bushmen has strict training required for all males while the females control the land. It's a culture from before human language was even "crystallized" - because the same Eland Bull spiritual training song is found in the two oldest "bands" of the San Bushmen that separated into two variant dialects.
So anyway we get caught up in the problem but the "solution" is very ancient and yet our ancient ancestors had the same "modern" biology was we did (except for some very minor superficial differences). Anyway we all get "hard-wired" with our modern Westernized bias. Dr. Victor Grauer traced how the San Bushmen culture spread worldwide - through their musical clues - in his book "Sounding the Depths." So our original human culture did not have any war nor rape - and lived with ecological sustainability by relying on this spiritual training as the focus. We like to dismiss this as backwards but actually the biology is more advanced technology than any supercomputer -it's only described by relativistic quantum biology in today's scientific terms (and can not be replicated by external technology). This is quite ironic.
No because Mother Nature is more powerful - she's taking revenge better than any human laws could.
When you say "invest" - you mean the reason why the US military killed 200,000 people in the Philippines in the 1890s? We didn't do it to "save" democracy nor did we do it to stop communism. The historical record is quite clear - the US military did that genocidal attack as an "investment" and the concern was that if the US military didn't do it, then Germany would do it. So it was just a race to the "bottom" as an "investment." You might even say that it's Doggie-Style instead of face-to-face female oxytocin love. Modern humans are very much like male chimpanzees on their rape-warmongering routine, in contrast to Bonobos.
Anyway to get back to "investments" - oh nuclear energy.... So as long as you don't care that the uranium miners are dying from cancer....
Uranium Miners (1) - NIOSH Study Summary - CDC
The federal government is cleaning up a long legacy of uranium mining within the Navajo Nation — some 27,000 square miles spread across Utah, New Mexico and Arizona that is home to more than 250,000 people. Many Navajo people have died of kidney failure and cancer, conditions linked to uranium contamination.Apr 10, 2016
ok now let's consider the claim of nuclear not being a big carbon or global warming source:so nuke power is basically part of military socialism.
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