The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Music theory as the secret of reality is simple yet very radical
A quick way to cut through mental b.s. is just sit in full lotus padmasana - that is also based on music harmonics.
So whether music is a "theory" or philosophy? It is proven to have been the original spirit training - the Eland Bull Dance - from before human language crystallized. This is called "MusiLanguage."
So the "three gunas" of India is from before vedic philosophy - and so it is also the same as Daoism as based on music theory.
Basically if someone says a vowel sound - that naturally has harmonics that resonate as the Octave and Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth.
For example Master Nan, Huai-chin explains how a loud OM sound is heard to emanate spontaneously from the heart - when the jing (kundalini) is being converted into shen. I had this experience from a very strong DMT-based plant root medicine with an MAOI seed - combined with a 4 hour nonstop full lotus meditation during which I was not able to physically move (hardly).
So that is when I realized that what Ramana Maharshi teaches as the source of the I-thought is inherently also based on music harmonics as he uses the left brain as the source of the I-thought to get to open up the right side of the heart.
A good book to study for these secrets is Taoist Yoga: alchemy and Immortality.
But the music theory principles are universal - ALL human cultures use the octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth and not just humans. Science is realizing these harmonics are the secret of reality - again based on this Noncommutative phase secret of nonlocal reality.
So I actually have scientists now regularly reading my blog - and they then publish this same model of reality based on music theory as explaining relativistic quantum physics. So - there's a medical scientists in the Netherlands which his assistant collaborator as an engineer. I have mentioned others also.
But yes there is no substitute for the actual meditation - which needs to be done with the eyes closed, based on visualizing light. The original human culture taught to visualize light at the base of the spine - and that the N/om (life force from fat hormones) turns into electromagnetic force that is sent out of the brain - with the eyes not moving - as a laser healing energy.
So they already did the advanced "neidan" training - including creating the Yang Shen bilocation body, etc.
But yes they had no "theory" but they did rely on what Dr. Bradford Keeney calls "shaking medicine." So the ELF schumann resonance is also the waking dream state or Theta brain wave. Dr. Keeney does not like the term trance and he has written how "ecstasy" got also misused by academia. So in other words - yes there has to be emotional energy with the music. This is why when Prince, the rock musician, died - then cities all over earth did "honor" him with the color purple. So people give great importance to music as an emotional memory imprint.
So we think of time - Dr. Stuart Hameroff has an excellent science explanation of precognition - stating that when Michael Jordan is in "the zone" then Jordan truly is perceiving the future. Again this means his internal brain speed is faster than those around him - so he is able to perceive things before they do. But also - he sees external perception as slowed down. This happens naturally if someone has a "near death" experience like almost a severe accident. So as Wim Hof teaches - the strong Quick Fire reverse tummo breathing is proven scientifically to DOUBLE ADRENALINE - just the same as Bungee jumping for the first time. So that means external time is perceived to slow down because the dopamine receptors are working twice as fast. Now if something is TOO traumatic - then time freezes into the deep dreamless state as a subconsciously stored trauma (PTSD) and this literally will fry out or damage the dopamine receptors. So then PTSD victims have damaged amgydalas and so then they react to stress more easily. This even happens to Westernized babies since doctors tell the mom to have the baby "cry it out." I have corresponded with a clinical psychologist who did the studies testing the stress hormone levels in the blood of babies left to "cry it out." She says it's permanent brain damage. This even made it to a NY Times article but she told me she is very mad at the doctors as they still practice this.
So for example when I was in first grade I then held my breath consciously till I passed out - and I hit my head on the way down - on the two concrete corner walls and then the concrete floor. I woke up to blood streaming out of my skull. But it took me awhile to figure out that I had already been suffering from repressed anger. There is a great book on this called Heroes by professor Michael Lesy - how ordinary people can do extraordinary acts in the spur of the moment. He analyzed the background lives to discover each of these "heroes" actually has strong repressed emotional blockages that then " burst forth." So I had discovered in two or three different Western medical books that it is technically impossible to hold your breath till you pass out since the prefrontal left brain cortex INTENTION is over-ridden by the subconscious anterior gyrus cingulate.... But when I told my book buddy friend this - he said he had discovered a memoir about the first Sherpas - to get the job they HAD to hold their breath till they passed out. So in nonwestern culture - they knew their emotional energy could overpower their intentional left brain focus.
So the brain on its own is weak - this is why the deep breathing is necessary and this then activates the Yuan Qi as the hidden "yang" or fire inside the water. So we think of the I-thought as just being a repetition or a rhythm or a mantra of the left brain - but in reality there is no repetition since the foundation of reality is what science calls "time-frequency uncertainty." This means that time as period inherently has an inverse opposite of frequency that is based on natural harmonics as the "law" of Pythagoras first discovered for the foundation of the WEst. But as I have pointed out - this got covered up in its TRUE alchemical meaning. Even Plato changed the order around of the alchemical elements based on the music harmonics - I go into this in my last book called Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy - it is free online.
OK another way to think of this is as Louis de Broglie discovered - there's actually TWO time "lines" - so the future and past are harmonized at the present. The present is the speed of light which does not experience space nor time. That is our "spiritual ego" as shen that is then TURNED AROUND to resonate with the future. So this turning around of the light is called the "light of no light" but it's also called Silence or think of it as the future canceling out the karma of the past. So our future is secretly guiding us all the time and when we have perceptions these are normally of the past. But if we have a precognitive vision then it is MORE REAL than our senses and perceptions of our normal left brain dominant processing of time. So a precognitive vision is the reversal of the future with the past.
So then de Broglie modeled this as matter being a "group wave" and then the future is the pilot wave - and the two are inextricably linked as what he called his greatest discovery - the Law of Phase Harmony (this is rarely discussed in regards to his work). So most people just discuss de Broglie as stating that all matter as momentum can be understood to actually be a wave or wavelength. So this in itself is paradoxical since momentum is normally imparted to mass as a point. So how can a wave be a point? But light inherently has what used to be called "relativistic mass" - an excellent essay on this is by Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft - called Why Light is Heavy. So essentially all matter is made of light but in fact even though light has no rest mass light does have mass "from the future" or spacetime mass - this is also called now "supermomentum" or it is called "noncommutative phase" as I have noted. So the physicist who predicted the Dark Energy acceleration of the Universe - in India - Sarkar? His name is slipping at the moment - anyway so he says how the mass of light is due to spacetime being noncommutative.
So then frequency is to time as momentum is to wavelength. But the frequency is from the future as a superluminal pilot wave. This is the noncommutative phase that is always-already non-local reality. So at "zero" time there is always-already an infinite frequency from the future as the pilot wave. But even zero and infinity are relative to the speed of light as the "spiritual ego" that turns itself around - and so matter is always being created new from micro black hole -white holes (Gerard 't Hooft also figured this out - as an extension of his "light is heavy" model).
interesting quote from Margaret Mead! Considering her husband Gregory Bateson's dad "coined" the term "genetics" - means she's got a direct connection to the - what was that eugenics book called again "Pedigree of... " oh well. Yes the "techno-feminists" have tried to use civilization as "progressive" (sanitation plus eugenics=progressive!) but the problem is that they are only addressing the symptoms and not reversing the cause - the cause being "ejaculation addiction." So notice the word "Dick" is quite prevalent as a Freudian Pun now - it's quite common to say Re-DICK-ulous or even our McFearSun leader emphasizing our Pre-Dick-a-Mint - or the older techno-feminists saying, "What the DICK-Ins!" - these not so subtle Freudian Slips just emphasize how the Techno-Feminist thinks if she can make her little man just "sleep it off" after he's gotten his little enjoyment done with - then all problems are solved! OOPS!! not so easy!
What gets overlooked is the, as Bateson emphasized, the SchizmoGenesis - or escalatory positive feedback of "double binds" (another term Bateson coined). In other words - we "sophisticates" are unwilling to face the empirical facts the our original human culture required ALL the males to train in "staying power" - there was no masturbation (contrary to the supposed "need" that porn and prostitutes are to supply) and also homosexuality was completely unknown (so how could the original culture be homophobic!!). And yet this empirical truth for 90% of our modern biological "HIS"tory (from 100,000 to 10,000 BCE)..... HAS to be ignored and denied for the TechnoFeminist agenda to continue! As anthropologist Dr. Sherry Ortner points out - civilization is more based on "domesticating" the male!! haha.
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